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Bandits' Quarrel


"Oh, thank God," she said when she heard the man sitting next to her speak English. As she turned to look at him, she cocked her head to the side. "Oh, cool eyes," she said as she looked at him. "Anyway, I don't MIND pizza, but I really don't like pizza. Eh was goin' to pick eh plate at random..." she stopped in the midst of her sentence. Dammit, her Ignist accent came out again. She cleared her throat before continuing, "Ahem... I was GOING to pick a plate at random and I happened to pick something I don't really like." A smirked appeared at the corner of her lip, "You got something there..." she pointed at his mouth, "It looks like a smudge of some sort." She was lying, but she loved teasing, even at strangers. The bartender stood patiently as the two English speaking customers conversed, "Volete che torni più tardi?" Phi're thought the bartender was asking for toppings for her pizza, "No, no, no.. no pizza please." She responded cluelessly while using her peripheral to see what the stranger will do with his 'smudge.'

Graysen Malaki

Graysen was pleasantly surprised that she liked his eyes, most people were weirded out by them. He thought it was cute that she was correcting her own accent, personally he loved her accent. He grinned slightly at the girl's words about something on his face, he knew it wasn't true, he had just showered. Decideing to play along, his brows scrunched in confusion "Where is it?" he asked innocently as he wiped the corner of his lip with his thumb. The bartender asked if she needed him to come back and she responded to completely different question, he found it funny since he understood both languages. "Dacci un attimo, per favore." he said to the bartender politely. Nodding, he went around the counter to wipe down some nearby tables, there's only a couple over people in the place, but they were at the tables. "Did I get it?" he asked with a smirk, pointing a finger to his lips.

Phi're was grinning as she saw, from the corner of her eye, him wiping at the edge of his mouth. She turned when he asked if he got it, "Hmm... nope." She giggled with her hand over her mouth. Suddenly, she noticed something particular. He was grinning himself. Did he know she was pulling his leg? Well, let's see how long he'll keep pretending to not know he doesn't has a smudge. She gave him intrigued look then said, "Do you mind ordering me anything that isn't in the junk food category?" She tried 'helping' him by pretending to wipe her chin, so that he can mimic her. She laughed to herself in amusement.

Graysen pretended to think for a moment before snapping his fingers dramatically "If i order you something that's actually good, you have to help me with the smudge. Deal?" he asked with an arch of a brow. He held out his broad hand to shake on agreement, he wondered how long she was going to play along with the joke. All he knew was that he was amused with their banter, it had been awhile since he had an interesting conversation like this one.

Phi're laughed at his request, "You're going to have to buy meh teh meal if ye want teh smudge off ye." She crossed her arms across her chest and smiled. She didn't notice her accent slipping as she spoke. She was having too much fun with this stranger. Speaking of strangers, she didn't know his name. "I'm Phi're," she rolled the 'r' in her name to emphasize it's exoticness. She eyed him knowingly. This guy ain't no dummy... she concluded. She liked how he played along with her silliness too. Smart and fun. Hard to find that two in one deal.

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Graysen smirked at her response, "It's a good thing I was planning on doing that." There were many other restaurants nearby that were better than the dinky place they were sitting in currently. He made a mental note of her accent, which she stopped holding back. She offered her name, which was definitely unique, which he liked. "My name isn't as beautiful as yours, but it's Graysen." He gave her a charming smile before standing up from the bar. He looked at Phi're "Let's find you a better place for food." He wasn't sure what she wanted to eat, but they should be able to find a place that offered what she liked.

Phi're chuckled and shook her head, "Woah, woah, woah, cowboy. Slow down there." She brushed her bangs behind her ear, "As spontaneous as I may seem, I'm not too eh comfortable riding along with strangers. Sorry teh disappoint ye, partner." Phi pretended to have a southern southern accent as she spoke, a bit of her Ignist accent slipped in along with it. Her skin warmed up at how rash was Graysen's decision to ask her out even though they were already out. She hated traveling. As tempting as it was going around aimlessly with a handsome devil, she simply liked being comfortable. Anyway, it wasn't too wise getting close to a smart, funny guy. He's probably too good for her and won't accept her culture or her current occupation. What guy in the long run would want to live in Ignis besides an Ignist? That was her home town and she couldn't imagine any other place being her home. What guy would like a girlfriend who's a thief? Poor guy... she thought. I'm leading him on, but in reality, I'm just a tease. Maybe I should leave... she looked at the exit of the restaurant. Maybe we could at least have a one night stand... she returned her thoughtful gaze at Graysen. I wonder what he's thinking...

Graysen let out a small chuckle as he sat back down at the bar, "What, afraid of me or something?" he asked her jokingly. He could see why a girl, who he had just met, would decline his offer, but he was still disappointed she did. So far she had shown she was beautiful, had a sexy accent, and was funny. But a small voice in his head whispered 'It doesn't matter, you kill people for a living.'. He tried to ignore the voice, but it was true. Even if they were to go on a date and it went well, she would never stay with him after learning what he did for a living. It was probably the reason why he wasn't friends with anyone who was normal, they could be hurt by others just for knowing him. He was already uneasy about his mother being by herself, but she insists that she can take care of herself and that she was a 'big girl' as she would sarcastically say. Even so, he was even more disappointed when he saw her looking towards the exit, maybe she wasn't interested in him like he thought. Turning back to his drink he brought it to his lips before taking a sip, "Ya know, if you need to go, my feelings won't get hurt." he said sarcastically as he held his hand over his heart dramatically.
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Phi're half laughed when he asked if she was scared of him... No, but you should be scared of me. She awkwardly tried to brush her hair behind her pointy ears, "No, its not like that." She looked away for a moment and spotted her drink. She forgot it was there. She took a sip out of it; she needed liquid courage. "Hey, look..." she started off, "I know eh'll beh impossible fer us teh beh..." she was annoyed by her accent, but continued on, "teh beh together or teh ever meet again." She wrote down her hotel room number and address on a napkin. Well, might as well... she thought decisively. She flipped the napkin over, so she could give it to him right before she leaves. "Bartender," she waved him over and signaled him for the check. The awkward silence was killing her, but it was a necessary evil. Once her debt was paid, she walked over to Graysen, handed him the napkin, then whispered in his ear, "Brin' meh dessert tehnight." With that said, she kissed him on the cheek and left. I hope that left an impression... she thought nervously. It wasn't everyday she invited a stranger to her room, but she felt this was also a necessary evil. If ye can't date 'em, bang 'em... that was her brother's good ol' saying. She couldn't believe she was actually going to follow his advice now.


Donathan woke up nude with his legs sprawled on a water bed. Water bed? he looked to his right and found a pale blue mermaid sleeping at his side. Oh, that happened... he thought disappointingly. He knocked on his head annoyingly... Alex needs teh get outta meh head already. Don sat up and saw the blue woman had her leg on his. He let out a sigh. Why did he wish so badly it was Alexandra's leg on him instead of her's. This seriously needed to stop, Like the expert he was, he sneakily removed his leg from underneath the mermaid's and put on his clothes and left. He went straight to his room without hooting or hollering at any women, which was rare. It was as if his labido has left him or was it only aching for Alex. Why Alex? Of all women, Alexandra Smith. The most hard-to-get female on this freaking planet. He decided he didn't want to stay anymore in Venice and move on with his mission. He texted Grayson, 'We're getting the map tonight. I don't want to stay at this stinky place any longer.' He went to his room and changed into his inflammable combat clothes. He stared at the clock, waiting for night to come and give them cover.
Graysen continued sipping at his drink as he stared forward in thought. Out the corner of his eyes, he could see Phi're awkwardly sitting next to him as she paid for her bill. 'Oh yeah, you definitely blew it Graysen.' he thought forlornly. At least he had a drink in his hand, but glancing down at the glass he noticed it was almost empty. Right as he was about to wave the bartender over for another drink, or three, Phi're slid a napkin into his hand and whispered about something about a dessert, but he was to distracted by the kiss she left on his check. After she left the restaurant he dared himself to look down at the napkin, which had her hotel address and room number. 'Or maybe not.' A smile crept up on his face, but it was quickly replaced with a deep frown as he realized what she wanted. Unlike the typical male, Graysen wasn't into one night stands. Then again, he couldn't date either and he enjoyed talking to Phi're in the short time that they did. Folding the napkin up, he tucked it into his suit pocket before looking up at the bartender, who had been standing in front of him. "Bello uomo, era caldo ." he said with a thumbs up. Graysen nodded at his comment before lifting up his glass. The bartender nodded and quickly made him another drink and set it in front of him. At that exact moment his phone vibrated, pulling out his phone he saw it was from his partner. "Alright then..." he muttered to himself, maybe he'd stop by Phi're's room before they headed out tonight.

Alexandra ran continuously for three hours, her half demon heritage gave her a boost in stamina compared to humans. She was sure she was deaf from the music blaring into her ears, she was attempting to distract herself from her very loud thoughts. Unfortunately, it didn't work and she had been thinking about what happened in her room ever since it happened. She needed to stay away from him, it seemed that all Donathan did for her was cause trouble. She will admit that she did feel something with the kiss, but it was just a kiss. She wouldn't allow herself to have feelings for such a player, all Donathan did was hit on women and have sex with them, she didn't need that in her life. Was he even capable of having those kinds of feelings for anyone. 'What does it matter to you?' a voice in her head sneered at her. She nodded at the voice in her head's words, 'Yeah, he doesn't mean shit to me.' she thought stubbornly to herself. Alexandra must have been in such deep thought that she didn't notice the person standing still in her path. It was too late to move as she collided with the girl. They smacked heads, stepping back she rubbed her head "God fucking damn it." she muttered angrily to herself, she really needed to pay atte. Looking up she saw it was Phi "I'm so sorry Phi, are you okay?" she sounded like a distressed parent, she would've laughed at herself if she didn't feel guilty about running into Phi.
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Phi're looked just as exasperated as Alex when she ran into her, "Oh, hey.. heh." She kept looking past her shoulder nervously. It was as if she wasn't even ran in to in the first place. She was in too much of a panicky mood to notice how hard Alex ran into her. I got to get out of here quick... she placed her hand behind Alexandra's back and led her away, "Leeeeeeeet's talk over here." She kept looking behind herself in a paranoid-like manner. "Le-let's just hea-head back teh tah hotel, eyy?" she said as she kept leading Alex away from the restaurant she was in and ignoring her Ignist accent sneaking up on her again.
Alexandra's face scrunched up in confusion as Phi pushed her towards the hotel. As she wondered if the blow to her head messed with Phi since she was stuttering and her accent was coming through. As they approached the hotel doors Alexandra turned from Phi's pushing to face her. "Are you okay, you seem on edge?" concern etched on her face, Phi seemed more distressed than Alexandra did. Looking at Phi now she started to notice something. In all of her time traveling and working in her line of work she had only met two people who were demonic elves, and that was Phi and Donathan. In her mind she had an image of Donathan and Phi next to each other, and started comparing the two. That's when the realization hit her, hard. Was she related to Donathan, was this some sort of scheme the two of them came up with to steal the money from this job? All the these questions floated in her head, but she asked none out loud. If they did plan this, she had the advantage of discovering them, and she wasn't about to tell Phi she knew. She felt a sinking feeling in the pit of stomach, 'I hope I'm just jumping to conclusions.' she thought hopefully, Alexandra had actually liked Phi and was hoping to be friends, but of course something like this would happen to her.

Phi're wasn't sure she wanted to tell her new partner that she was planning to have sex tonight with a stranger. She fidgeted to come up with something, then a lightbulb flashed on her head. "Psyche!" She said playfully, "You thought we were being chased, weren't you?" She said with a big grin. She mentally let out a sigh and applauded herself. Thank got for her creative prankster ideas. She cleared her throat, "AHEM... sooo, I'm going to pretty-up tonight. If you happen to hear anything SEXUAL in my room, just ignore it." Well, so much for TMI. At least, she relaxed her nerves from yelling 'Psyche' in Alex's face. She wiggled her fingers, saying goodbye to Alex. "Toodleloo, got some prettying to do!"
Alexandra raised an eyebrow, but didn't question her rambling. It was obvious she was planning to have sex with someone tonight, but she wasn't sure why Phi was acting embarrassed. Sex was a normal thing, unless you were Donathan who had too much of it. Now she wasn't sure that her theory of her and Donathan would prove to be true. Alexandra didn't exactly want to be in the room next door to hear her partner's 'activites'. She always getting bored of sitting around with nothing to do, she had already been here for almost a week now. Their first step for the job was to collect the map from Polo's grave, and that wouldn't be much of a challenge for one person. "Actually, I'm just gonna collect the map tonight. It should be pretty easy and uneventful, but keep your phone on just in case." Alexandra said it casually, but made sure no passing by could hear her, humans tended to be nosy.

Phi're nodded when Alex said she would get the map without her. How hard could that be? she thought in agreement with her partner. She held up her phone, "Got it." She waved at Alex and hurried to her bedroom. Upon opening her door, she found the mess she left. She scrambled through her hump of clothes looking for a 'sexy' attire for tonight. She pulled one of her formal dresses that was semi under the bed. "Hmm..." she tossed the white dress back onto the floor. "Oh!" She held out her burgundy dress with yellow lining. "Hmmm... nah," she placed it back in the pile she created on her bed. She wanted to show off her skin. That dress didn't show a sufficient amount of skin. Phi spent hours trying to figure out what to wear. Night was already here and she was wearing her bathing suit for no apparent reason other than not knowing what else to wear. An Ignist would know she was wearing a swimsuit, but most likely no one else would know. She stared at the clothing pile she made on her bed. She completely emptied out her luggage and was out of ideas. "Crap! I forgot to order food," she bit her lip as she picked up her hotel room's phone. She sighed frustratedly when someone answered her in Itallian, "Pasta. I wante pasta pleaseh." She tried to speak her version of Italian. It seemed the person understood. She hung up the phone and hoped she could eat before Graysen arrives.

Graysen glanced out one of the windows to see the sun setting, he hadn't realized he'd been in the restaurant that long. He had a few drinks, but barely felt a buzz. Drinking was Graysen's favorite past time, it was probably for the best he had such a high tolerance or he would be drunk all the time. Throwing money on the counter, he nodded to the bartender before walking back to his hotel. Thankfully, it wasn't a long walk so he had enough time to shower and change into different clothes. He wasn't sure why though, Phi're wanted a one night stand and he wasn't into that. Plus his partner wanted to start moving tonight even though he just arrived to the country. He checked on his phone and was pleasantly surprised that her hotel was right across the street. 'I'll just drop in for a minute.' he tired to convince himself as he walked over to her hotel. Something about her just made him want to see her again. As he was walking there, he spotted a little booth selling chocolate delights and flowers, it was as if the universe was telling him to go. He quickly bought the items and made his way to her hotel. It took him a bit to find her room, he was never the best with directions unless he had a GPS. Standing before her door, he knocked lightly.

Alexandra nodded to Phi before returning to her own room. Since she had enough time before it was dark outside, she took a long shower, savoring the warm water on her pale skin. It was too bad not even five minutes into the shower Donathan's face popped into her mind. She immediately smacked the shower wall in frustration. What did she need to do to get him out of her thoughts. Maybe if she hit him it would satisfy her and stopped the insistent thoughts of him. She nodded her head at the idea. It was settled, she would probably fight him the next time he was in her sights. Smirking at her plan, she stepped out of the shower and changed into her black, sleek combat suit. Going over her research on Polo one last time before heading out. Pulling the curtains back, she saw it was dark outside finally. Stepping out of her room and into the hallway, she glanced over and saw a tall handsome man standing in front of Phi's room. 'He must be the guy.' That's when she realized he was the first person she ran into today. She hurriedly made her way past him and outside the hotel. Using the any back alleys, she made her way to the nearby church.



When Phi're heard the knock on the door, she thought it was the room service with the pasta she ordered. She opened the door with only her arm sticking out as if reaching to grab something. She felt a container and took it without completely opening the door. "Wait what?" she looked at the box of chocolates confusingly. "Hey, I didn't order this," she stuck her arm out again with the box of chocolates, "Meh likeedo chocolateedo, buteh I.. ah ordere pasta." She said in her made up Italian to whomever was behind the door.



Donathan was bored out of his mind. To pass time, he prank called women who gave him their number, then he sat in various positions at various locations within his hotel room. For example, he sat in the tub, he sat with his back on the floor and his legs on the wall, he sat with his feet in the sink, and ect. After he finished sitting everywhere he could possibly imagine, he scavenged through his luggage and found a yo-yo. He yo-yo'ed until he saw it was sufficiently dark to get the damn map. He pulled out his phone and texted Gray immediately, 'Yo, let's go.' He stepped out of his room stretching like he just woke up. He typed in his GPS the church's name of where Polo's grave is supposed to be. He walked and only looked at his phone. He didn't want to be reminded that he was lacking a labido or that his labido apparently wasn't working for any girl, but Alex.

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Graysen raised a brow as the door opened slight, a slender tanned arm stuck out and grabbed the box of chocolate. He chucked lightly at her stereotypical Italian accent she was using, "Do you like flowers too?" he said with a laugh. She should really use some kind of translation device in country where she doesn't speak the primary language. Although, this entire scene was hilarious to him. He could feel his phone slightly vibrate in his jacket pocket, but he brushed it off. He would leave in a couple minutes.

Phi're retracted her arm quickly at the sound of Graysen's voice. "Graysen," she said almost breathlessly. She let out a gasp as she looked behind herself... What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? Her heart was racing. Her skin was heating up. She twirled her finger around one of her curls nervously. She bit her lip then said, "Uh, eh, one moment." She left the door slightly opened as she grabbed all the clothes on the bed and threw it into the closet, making a series of loud thudding and crashing noises. She placed the chocolates on the nightstand by the bed then quickly opened the door afterwards. She crossed her legs shyly while she stood and tapped on the floor repeatedly with the pad of her foot, "Hi." She looked at the flowers and smiled, "I like flowers." Phi was beginning to wish she had her brother's smoothness. She was completely clueless as to how to start this kind of scenario she put herself in. Her finger remained to nervously twirl within her curls. If Ignist could sweat, she would be sweating now. She felt like her body was close to combustion. It would be inevitable for Graysen to notice the drastic difference in their temperatures. Can a non-Ignist handle her body? She looked at Graysen cautiously with her large sapphire red eyes.

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Donathan was in a dark alleyway, leaning against the church, San Lorenzo. His partner was taking his sweet time to arrive. Don was getting impatient, 'Apparently, this job ain't good enough for you. I'll be sure to let the boss know.' He texted Graysen spitefully. He used his parkour skills at jump at the sides of the buildings to the top of the church. He walked around the roof looking around for an inconspicuous entrance. Thehs god damned buildin' ehs pretteh huge.... he said as he crouched on the roof. He spotted a few windows around the dome of the church. Perfect... he thought as he jumped onto the dome and let himself in through the window unlatched window. Not much security here if any at all. He looked at his phone again and decided to text Graysen one last time, 'If I find this map and you're not here, consider your contract terminated.' Don scoffed in disbelief. He'll make sure he gets his boss to reassign him a competent partner if this guy didn't work out. Hopefully, a sexy female one like Alex, but better. Eh can't believe thehs guy... he put his phone in his pocket. Not ehven eh fuckin' reply...
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Graysen held his a fist to his lips to hold back his laughter at the crashing sounds emitting from Phi're's room. Eventually she opened the door to reveal herself, she was wearing some kind desert clothes again. Either way she still looked beautiful in the foreign clothing, they were actually pretty cool. Handing her the flowers he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, he didn't really do this kind of stuff. "You look beautiful. What kind of clothes are those, just out of curiosity?" Maybe it would give him an idea of where she was from. Feeling the constant vibrating in his pocket, he begrudgingly pulled it out and checked it. His partner was starting to really annoy him with his impatient attitude, usually Graysen would be like that but it wasn't as if they had to get the map tonight. With a slight groan he gripped his phone and looked back up at Phi're with an apologetic face, "I'm so sorry, my... Co worker won't leave me alone about an assignment. I gotta go." Leaning slightly forward, he planted a peck on her cheek before rushing off to the church. 'Sorry, didn't realize you urgently needed my help to retrieve a map from a dead guy.' Graysen realized the text was a bit too much but he quickly changed his mind at his partner's next text. He scoffed at the weak threat as he made it to the church grounds in under five minutes. As if he were able to "terminate his contract", he worked for their employer not him. Surveying the area, he saw a dome part of the building. Since it was night time and it was a church, he walked to the dome doors and picked the lock with ease. Carefully closing the door behind him, finally meeting his partner for the first time.

Before Phi're could answer his question, she heard several vibrations coming from Graysen's pocket. Well... She began to think... This guy is busy. She looked knowingly at his pocket as he begrudgingly took out his phone to see what all the fuss was about. When he gave an apologetic look, she was expecting the worse. Each word that left his lips stung her. He sealed the pain with a cool kiss on her cheek. She wasn't expecting this. Once he was out of sight, she slammed her fist against the wall. First and last time... she thought angrily. She was such a fool to follow her brother's advice. Now, she felt embarrassed and infuriated. She threw the flowers on her bed and dragged the mess in her closet back on to her bed. She spotted her casual outfit for missions and changed. She texted Alexandra letting her know that shit hit the fan and she's ready to burn the church down to find the damn grave with the map. She walked out of her room and to the church in a huff while stuffing chocolates in her face. She was starving.


Donathan was looking at his watch, leaning against the wall, and tapping his foot while waiting for his partner. He heard some pick locking action at the door. He assumed it was Graysen because what other person would pick lock a church at this hour. He crossed his arms upon seeing Graysen, "About time, ye bastard." He stood up straight and walked up to his partner in crime, "Thehs fuckin' place es huge, eh." He started off saying in a casual manner, "Earn ye pay, eyy, and look at that side of teh fuckin' church. I'll look for teh fuckin' grave tehs way, eh." He didn't care to properly introduce himself. He wasn't in the mood to be nice. He's a damn bandit. Nice shoudn't be in his vocabulary anyway. "Fuckin' tired of thehs place," he muttered under his breath as he thought of Alex.
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Alexandra watched the church in the dark alleyway. She could see someone climbing on the roof and gaining access to the church through the dome's unlocked window. 'There's someone else trying to get that map.' she thought as she watched the dark clothed figure move. There would be no other logical reason for breaking into a church. Right as she was about to move toward the church another figure ran up to the dome doors and picked the lock. Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion as she got a look of his face, and saw it was the guy from outside Phi's room. At that exact moment, Phi texted saying her plans were off and she was coming to the church now. After a couple minutes she saw Phi approaching in an angry manner. "Are those chocolates?" she muttered to herself, it looked as if she was stuffing chocolates into her mouth. They looked like the ones she saw from a small both on her jog.

Graysen waved off his words as he approached him. He just wanted to get this job over with, he had a feeling he wasn't going to get along with this guy. His partner negated to mention his name, thankfully he had asked his employer about his partner. His name was Donathan Mirrors, he was well known among in the demonic underground community. He had a reputation of going through girls so fast, not even he knew the number of girls he has slept with. 'I can see that his reputation as disrespectful is true.' he thought in annoyance as he spat out order rudely. Walking over to the side of the church he was "assigned". As he searched the endless empty rooms and hallways, he thought about what Phi're was doing. She probably hated him for how sudden and quick he left, and he didn't blame her. He wondered if he would ever see the fiery female elf again.
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