Suteki Cafe (Actual RP)


Aki of Hearts ♡

Hello! Welcome to the Suteki Cafe. When my wife and I first created this, we wanted this to be a place where teenagers and young adults could just hang out and be themselves. We wanted this the place where couples went on dates. That dream is finally starting and we couldn't be more happy. Please come and visit us here, at the Suteki Cafe!

- Allen and Lily Namikito

Suteki Cafe Staff

Owners (Allen and Lily) - NPC's

Chef/Cook (Max 2) - Lawrence Roderich and Takahashi Shirou

Waiter/Waitress (Max 5) - Katherine Homes, Josiah Machtig, Alejandro Gines, Alexander Rose

Hostess (Max 1) - Estelle Gavin


Have fun!

No godmodding

No bunnying

Romance is allowed and encouraged!

This is a social/romance roleplay so don't go crazy with plot twists.

If you are wondering why I posted this in Fantasy/Supernatural. This is more Anime inspired than real life. So you can do things that are possible in Anime but not exactly possible in real life.

Create a character here! ->

((Note. Allen and Lily aren't at the Cafe much due to other projects and entrusted the leadership to Takahashi since he is the oldest member of the staff.))
Estelle whistled cheerfully as she approached the cafe, her trusty backpack over her shoulder. There was a new bandage across her nose from a blow of her dad's fist, but she already had the story that her cat attacked her face again.

She walked inside and pulled her uniform out of her backpack. She changed, then walked back out.
Katherine walked into the café with a large smile on her lips, a skip to her steps and a hum passing her lips. She was as happy as ever! She walked inside, slamming the door open and closed as she called out. "IM HERE!" She began to laugh softly, her hands in the pockets of her shorts, her bag hung upon her shoulder as she walked over to the back room.

A couple minutes the red haired girl walked out in her uniform. Of course, she was an idiot so she didn't notice Estelle. When she walked out she paused, her red eyes wide as she took a step back. "A-ahaha...Hi Estelle..." She muttered, waving slightly as she inched back. Yeah, the girl scared her to death. She dressed her up! She frowned slightly before she ran.
Josiah was cleaning the tables when Estelle arrived.

"Good morning Estelle." Josiah called. "It's going to be busy today since it's Saturday. Do you think you can replace the old menus with the new ones? They're in the back storage."
"Mornin'!" Estelle called back as she watched Red run. She glanced at Josiah and nodded.

"Are they already laminated or do I need to do it?" she asked, tying off her apron. Estelle's dress was a good two inches shorter than the other girls, which was odd, since she did nothing to alter it.
"Yes they are already, I did it this morning. They just need to be placed. I was going to do it but then I started to clean the tables and forgot." Josiah replied. "Morning Katherine!"

He finished the table and moved on to the counter.
Estelle nodded and went to the back. She rubbed her nose and cringed.

"Damn, I might have to go to the doctor for this." she grumbled, sifting through the menus as she walked back out. She placed them neatly at the Greeting Station and grabbed the broom.

"Did you already sweep too?" she asked. "You have to leave some work for the rest of us."

She smiled and started to sweep.
Katherine, now hiding behind a table was glaring at Estelle, a pout on her lips. She stopped, glancing over to Josiah as she grinned, waving. "Heya!" She called back, standing up happily as she relaxed. She went back to fixing the front of her uniform, her face scrunched up in concentration. "Where are the others?" She asked, finishing as she grinned with pride, acting as if doing up the bow was a big accomplishment "Ha!" With that she pulled the two white ribbons from her wrist, pulling her hair back up into its usual style as she set her hands on her waist. "Completed!"
"I got here kinda early." Josiah replied, smiling. "We don't open until an hour. The others will be here soon."

He finished the counter and went to go clean the bathrooms.

"No, I haven't swept yet. Thanks!" He called to Estelle.
Alex opened the door to the café and walked in with a slight limp. "Good morning..." His clothes were covered in dust and a little bit ripped. Never again would he walk passed that dog again. "I'll go get changed."
Estelle nodded and continued sweeping, her eyes glinting up at Katherine.

"Kathyyy..." she chimed mischievously. "I was online, and I found the cutest nurse cosplay for you..."

Out of nowhere, she pulled out a camera, eyes still glinting. She snapped a bunch of pictures of Katherine in her uniform and squealed, "OOH! You are so CUTE! These are going online!"

She glanced at Alex with a sympathetic expression.

" you need a bandaid? I've got some." she suggested.
"Hey Alex. What happened to you? Are you alright?" Josiah chuckled. "You look like you just saw a wolf or something."

He held his breath as he cleaned the toilet. It was a nasty job but someone had to do it and Josiah was the only who didn't hate it. He tolerated it but didn't like it.
Alejandro walked out of the elevator of his building and wlaked the two blocks to the cafe "Goodmorning everyone" he said as he went to the back to change into his butler uniform
Kathy paused, a sickly look coming to her features when Estelle said her name. "E-Estelle..." She whimpered. Oh no, she was so dead. It took her a moment to register but she paused when the woman said nurses outfit! "N-nurse?" She asked, taking a few steps back, a full blown blush on her cheeks. "Estelle! Stop taking pictures..." She demanded as she folded her arms on her torso. "Why is it always me in cosplay! Put Alex or Josiah!" She paused, turning to them both as she pouted. "Josiah! Alex! Save me!" She whined before she bolted away from the greeter, instantly pulling herself behind Alex.
"Hey Alejandro! Looking sharp as always." Josiah greeted as he came out of the bathroom. He put away the cleaning tools and sat down on one of the chairs.

"Wonder where Takahashi is. I hope he didn't get caught in traffic or something."
"I'm fine, don't worry about it. Yeah, something like that..." That dog might as well have been a wolf. It was huge! "I'm gonna go get changed in the back."

Alex removed his damaged clothing, in favor of the nice and clean uniform. After dressing in his café attire, Alex tied his long blue hair into a ponytail. It was a wonder how he never dropped any of it into the food. He went back to the front of the restaurant and released a small yawn. Not much sleep last night after playing at the bar down the street. 
A blush crept onto Alex's face as Kathy got behind him. "Why me!?" Seriously, why would he be put in cosplay? The closest thing that he'd ever get to that was his uniform.
Estelle sighed and pouted.

"Come on, I need someone to model for my pictures."

Her eyes drifted over to Josiah, but only for a moment. She put the broom back, and stretched her arms.

"Come on, Katherine, I already have such a lovely collection of photos!"
"Knock it off Estelle. You're scaring the poor girl." Josiah called, smiling. "Why don't you get ready for any customers."

He stretched and yawned. Josiah had woken up pretty early and was still a little sleepy.
Estelle smirked and said, "Oh, come on, I was only teasing her. Right Kathy?"

She walked to the Greeter's Station and watched the door. She waved Josiah over.
Josiah walked over and smiled at her.

"You're gonna scare that girl out of her job one of these days." He teased. "But in all seriousness. Don't do that alright?"
Katherine tilted her head, her fingers buried in Alex's uniform as she peered around him at her co-worker. "C-collection!?" She exclaimed before she began to blush furiously. "...Can't I claim this as harassment or something?" She whispered. Regardless, she was still for a few seconds. Eventually she paused before reaching her arms up to hug Alex. "Hi Alex!" Yeah, she was an idiot only to greet him now. "How are you?" Again, a idiot. She turned to Estelle. "I want to get paid if I have to do cosplay!" She demanded before turned back to Alex.
Estelle continued grinned and she smoothed down her bandage.

"No, she knows I wouldn't do anything she'd REALLY hate." she shrugged innocently. "I was wondering if after work you'd wanna go skating with me. Katherine and Alex and everybody can come too, if they want."
"I thought you couldn't skate." Josiah said. "I'd love to go, I just have to stop at my apartment before I go though."

He smoothed out his outfit then did the same for Estelle.
"That's the beauty of it! You're gonna teach me!" she said as if she was such a genius. "Imagine it, both of us under the moonlight, skating gracefully in the park as we hold hands!"

She was off in her fantasy world.

"Oooh, it would be so much fun!" she gushed. She shook her head and snapped out of it. Her face went red and she laughed sheepishly. "I did it again, didn't I?"

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