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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world


As the Intergalactic Cruise ship made its way through the atmosphere, everyone visited happily, strangers conversed and enjoyed each others company. Everything ran smooth, no one suspected that anything could go wrong. However, this was short lived. Heading back to Earth, the ships engine failed less than halfway through, causing the ship to descend toward an unknown planet. The ship began breaking apart, unknown to the passengers that the pilot was trying to save himself, slowing his descent, by dropping as many hulls as he could. The primary parts scattered down a beach and through the trees, blood decorating the metal plates that used to hold the ship together, that now lie in pieces across the new planet. How many people survived? First goal, regroup. Second goal, stay alive. Large beasts begin invading the survivors, attacking from the forest. The beasts look like wolves, or a wild cat, exceptionally large, sharp teeth, putrid smell, claws that dig into the planets earth as if it were warm butter. Their eyes glow an eerie crimson color, looking almost like demons rather than animals, but alas they are simply animals indigenous to this planet. Are you better off with the cover of the forest even if that is where they come from? Or is it better for you if you landed on the beach? Can you survive?

(Characters must be human)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/sdf_1_by_emanshiu-d7p4gkh.jpg.af40dbff89974ecbc835d5639de48529.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91466" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/sdf_1_by_emanshiu-d7p4gkh.jpg.af40dbff89974ecbc835d5639de48529.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/8e3085b8b218af8b674e0ce997db1170.jpg.e185d9277aec5fb11c6c4f57ade3ea54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91467" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/8e3085b8b218af8b674e0ce997db1170.jpg.e185d9277aec5fb11c6c4f57ade3ea54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/speed_predator_by_tekuatl.jpg.e8f2fe5c15ff6652b446358820435552.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91468" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/speed_predator_by_tekuatl.jpg.e8f2fe5c15ff6652b446358820435552.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kota groaned, his eyes slowly fluttering open. Everything is blurry, but he soon focuses in on his surroundings. "How long have I been unconsious?" He mutters to himself. He tries to stand, but winces in pain and falls to the ground. He looks at his side, only to see a gash from the metal of the ship. "Crap." He says before grabbing a nearby peice of wood and using it as a makeshift cane. He also rips off part of his shirt and wraps it around the wound. He stands up. "Now... where the heck am I?" He says, using his cane to walk into the forest. @Mina
Everything was painful, like a dull throbbing ache throughout her entire body. She opened her eyes slowly, her vision blurred, her head aching. What had happened? Last she remembered, she was walking from her room toward the showers, when she suddenly fell backward as the ship jerked. That was when she blacked out. "I must have hit my head." She said as she lifted her hand and touched her head. Though the pain wasn't coming from there directly, it was more intense in her other arm. The sound of water sliding against a beach, waves caressing the sand, hit her conscious mind, causing her to frown before lifting her head to look past her feet. "What the?" She said before going to move her left arm. She released a scream which echoed out, turning to look at what was hurting so bad. A metal shard was jammed into her bicep, though it wasn't really bleeding. The sun was setting, that much was clear as the surroundings seemed to dim a bit, the colors losing their brightness, even the reflection off of the debris and metal around her was dimmed. "Great." She said before pushing herself to a sitting position and looking down at herself. Her pants were torn, but other than her arm, she looked like she was okay. Her head felt like it was spinning, but she could manage.

Gritting her teeth, she moved to grab the piece of metal in her arm before releasing it. Before that, she had to find something to wrap her arm with a lot of pressure, she could use her sweat shirt but that would leave her cold. With a deep breath, she stood, closing her eyes to catch her balance before opening her blue hues once more and beginning to search across the beach for something, anything that she could use to patch her wound.


Low growls would be heard from the forest around him, though it didn't sound close. The forest growing more and more dark as the time continued passing as he made his way through. Smoke rose from seemingly all directions as wreckage left broken trees and branches, fires and bodies scattered around. For now, he was alone, possibly soon however, there would be more he could find, alive and moving in the forest... hopefully it was human though.
"What the heck is that growling noise?" Kota says, a little scared. He shakes it off saying, "It doesn't sound too close." He reassures himself as he keeps walking. @Mina
Kira's eyes searched desperately, though there wasn't much left aside from pieces of metal and glass. Her right leg was sore, so she had a limp but that didn't slow her. At least it didn't until she heard growls. What ever it was, it was big, and though it sounded like it was a little ways away, it still was pretty loud. "Just my luck." She said with a sigh, seeing smoke rising from within the forest. But that was where the growling was coming from, so for now, she headed North up the beach. It was in the direction of the smoke, save for it being west as well, she could possibly get to a safer spot for the night and find other survivors on her way. The piece of metal would have to stay in her arm until something appeared that she could use. So she walked along, picking up a large piece of metal to use for a weapon if needed, her left arm limp at her side as she made her way.


Though it didn't seem close, it would get closer. The good thing about these beasts were, they didn't travel in packs, they were beasts that prefered to feast and fight alone, though in the case of food, they would group, though they didn't get along the best. A scream would sound from behind his location, as one survivor found herself being torn to shreds by one of these beasts. The scream continued for quite a while before silence suddenly swept through the trees.
"What... was that?" Kota says, before going to investigate the scream. "Not sure if this is a good idea, but it sounds like someone needs help." He thought to himself as he walked in the direction of the scream. @Mina
Kira heard a scream causing her to look toward the forest. She shivered, not wanting to go in and see what happened once the silence fell. She was in no condition to protect herself, or anyone else. If she needed to, she could manage to run away, possibly wound whatever it was that stalked this planet, but other than that, she wouldn't last two seconds against something as large as what was out there. So she continued walking up the beach, remaining close to the water without going in.


In fact this was a terrible idea. As he got closer he would hear animals fighting, before a yelp sounded with more growling. The sound of bones crunching between jaws would echo out, and in the distance, shadowed figures would be fighting over the carcass of a young woman. Though this would be hard to see since the sun continued to sink down over the horizon. In no more than a half hour, the forest and beach would be completely encased in darkness.
Aeris coughed and sputtered as he breathed feeling cold and wet. Why water of all the places he thought to himself looking at the shore which was not too far inland maybe about twenty feet. Though what he saw looked awful, "Is that?" He asked before beginning to swim towards the shore making sure he didn't get any of this water in his mouth since it could have strange properties and his reader was on the ship.... or was on the ship that is. Now it may be a bit different since the current situation but maybe he could find something he could use in it. Or at least something to make something out of at the very least.
Kira blinked with a frown as she head splashing from a little ways out, though it was up the shore a bit. Within the water she could see what looked like a person swimming toward the shore, though it was hard to make out. Her vision still was a bit blurred, and every time she tried to focus harder, it seemed to blur more. Quickening her pace, she walked further up shore, stepping over rocks, though she still wasn't moving really fast. It was then she saw the shore, debris scattered across the soft sand, blood smeared up and down the metal pieces, and what looked like three bodies laid lifeless upon the sand. She was still a bit too far to see very clearly though, so she continued walking.

Aeris felt his foot hit the ground but it wasn't earth but rather underwater ground. He stood up and felt his upper body leave the water and it along with the ret of him was completely soaked. He saw the rubble and something else... androids, no androids didn't bleed. He trudged through the water onto the shore and got to one of the bodies quickly a large shard of metal in the ground nearby. "Hey... Hey! are you still here?" He asked the body though it was futile as he shook them. He closed his eyes and took a moment for the person below him before patting them down to search for something useful.

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Kira stopped walking as she saw the man reach the shore, before he ran up. She could faintly hear him asking if they were still alive. As he started patting them down, she began walking again, just as another growl rang out, though this one seemed a little closer. She quickened her pace toward the man. "Hey! We need to find somewhere to go, there is something out there, and whatever it is, it is headed this way." She said, moving to grab her arm that still had the piece of metal in it. It ached so bad it made it hard to breath, and now she could get some material from one of the people that had died, that way she could wrap her arm. She quickly made her way over to another body, seeing a piece of his shirt torn, and while it was dirty, it didn't look like there was any blood on it. After dropping the piece of metal she planned on using for a weapon, she grabbed the shirt and began tearing off the torn piece.

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Aeris looked at the girl and inspected her closely noting she had grabbed her arm. "Hang on a second... I just need to find a-" He said as he looked at what she was doing. His mind went slightly blank before he realized what she was trying and decided he would probably need to finish his scavenging up quickly. He moved over to a small bit of debris and dug through it before getting to a rather smashed up communications device. He put it in his pants pocket deciding it might come in handy later. "My name's Aeris... I know this may be an inappropriate time to introduce myself but now's better than never right?" He said before messing within the rubble and getting a panel of metal that had fractured off into a decent shape for a blade though awkward in form.

Kira turned to look at the male with a small smile as he introduced himself. "Not the best time, but you are right. My name is Kira. Nice to meet you, though the circumstances kind of suck." She said before nodding and taking the piece of material she had torn off to place it between her teeth. She breathed deep as she turned away, grabbing the piece of shrapnel that was lodged in her arm, and yanking it out hard. As she did this, she bit down so hard she felt like she might break her teeth while tearing the piece of material, a muffled scream coming from her as blood began pouring down her arm. She moved fast though, throwing the metal to the side, she grabbed one end of the shirt with her hand while her teeth held the other. Wrapping it around her arm several times, and keeping it tight before she began tying it off. She was breathing heavily, tears streamed down her face, though she wasn't crying, it was simply from the pain. She had loads of adrenaline pumping through her veins making the pain subside faster than normal. After finishing she stood and turned to the male, just as there was a howl at the edge of the woods, maybe four hundred yards off. "Shit."

Aeris looked at her a pang of worry striking into him. He lifted the metal piece and held it as he would a blade, "Come over here quickly.... I trust whatever the hell that is that it isn't friendly" He said moving closer to her as he looked at her the scent of blood still thick in the air from the shrapnel on the ground and her arm. His eyes looked about the debris observing it though the area was difficult to see through and he felt more and more insecure about their situation. His hand held the sharp metal maybe just a little too tightly but he didn't really care, "I wish I had more time.... then I could make something better to fight with but for now" He said slightly stressed. "By the way Kira, What did you do on the ship?" He asked deciding to start casual conversation at the current time while still thinking on his feet about what to do.

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Jason slowly moved a little. His whole body felt a dull pain. He tried to open his eyes, but to his suprise, he was laying down on a buck of sand. Eventually his hearing came back, but it wasn't fully working. In the distance he could hear the crashing of water. A beach? He thought to himself. After he got some feeling in his ligaments Jason tried to lift himself up off of the ground, but a sharp pain in his side caused him to fall back down to the ground. "Damn," he softly growled. He then rolled over to his back, and noticed the large gash on the side of his body. After examining it he faught through the pain and was up on his feet, but he stumbled around.
Himari woke up on the beach around a bunch of ship pieces and scraps from the area she was in on the ship, she stood up and took a few deep breathes while tightening her crop top dress piece so it wouldn't fall off because she didn't have a bra or anything which would be awkward for anyone that wasn't raised like her, she saw a rip in her skirt slightly the length of her middle finger. She looked around for any other survivors "hello?!" She called out scoping the area from all she could see from the smoke.

Kira moved toward Aeris after she grabbed the piece of metal she had from before. Her arm still wouldn't be much good since it was still in severe pain, but at least now it wouldn't worsen her wound from the metal moving around in it. Her blue eyes searched the area before she tugged at his shirt. "Hey, over there. We could hide under that piece of metal. It probably smells my blood, whatever it is, but I have a feeling it is huge." She said in a whisper. "If it decides to move past here, you will have more time to come up with a weapon, and maybe we can dig a hole up further on the beach, and place the slab over it to hide us for the night. I am not sure how much longer we can go on, it is almost completely dark." She said as she turned to look back at the woods. It fell silent and she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, as if something were watching them. That was when the growl sounded, and she inhaled quickly, just as the glow of red eyes came clear, focused directly on them.

@Eagershadow3 @ayumukatsuchia

The two survivors that came to, wouldn't be too far away from each other, though the sun was almost completely down, causing there to be more darkness than light, shadows consuming the area. The sound of howling and growls would be heard in the distance, as the beasts began becoming more active, a feeding frenzy sending them wild.
Himari looked out to where the noise came from and shot backwards Into what was the remainder of the ship, she squeezed her busts into place so it wouldn't get in the way of her if she had to run. She stayed back into the darkness and layed on the ground waiting to see how this would play out or what would happen.
Aeris looked at the slab before looking back on the eyes. "You go for the slab... i'll catch up." He whispered smiling at her a plan conceived in his mind. He saw she had a makeshift weapon as well and decided he would try something with the shrapnel. He moved slowly grabbing the bloody shrapnel and threw it off to the right of the glowing eyes in hopes to distract it for a moment. "I'm not quite sure you'd enjoy being stuck in a hole with an engineer though" He whispered with a snicker before continuing to stare into the red eyes waiting for them to move as he also waited for her to get into cover so he could do what his parents taught him as right. He had to pay attention to her and to the creature or they might end up being eaten as a side meal... though the bodies here just might. He took the blade of metal in his hand and sliced off the arm of one body letting some blood flow from it in hopes that scent would take over. Before moving in front of Kira again in a somewhat protective way.

Jason turned in the direction of the howling. Whatever it was it didn't sound to friemdly, so he took off his flannel and wrapped it around his body, to put pressure on his wound. With that done he could at least walk a little faster. He noticed a body laying on the ground, so he decided to investigate. After checking to see if the man was alive Jason took the heavy coat off of him, and the continued to scavenge the surrounding area. After finding a long stick and a sharp peice of metal he made a makeshift spear that was held together from a ripped of piece of the heavy coat.

Kira blinked as the male told her to run. She didn't feel right just hiding while he protected them, but then again, right now, she would be more of a burden than a help. So she complied, though not before he got in front of her. She frowned a bit, not used to that type of thing. As he threw the metal, it seemed to work, the beast growled and darted for the metal, sniffing it and licking at the blood before the male sliced through the arm of a carcass. Kira felt the bile rise into her throat though she didn't waste anymore time, she turned and booked it to the slab of metal, dropping down and crawling beneath it. She grit her teeth as she had to move her arm, the muscles sliced in half causing excruciating pain to slam into her, but she managed to stay quiet and get fully beneath it, turning to watch the male as he faced the creature that now made its way to the severed arm, large teeth bared. Its body was huge, the size of a grizzly bear, a long tail whipped back and forth as it walked, claws digging into the sand, and drool dripping from its maw.

@Eagershadow3 @ayumukatsuchia

The growling was far off, but it was clear that whatever it was, was big and mean. A woman ran out of the trees from down the beach, screaming, blood dripping from her fingertips just before a beast the size of a bear lunged out from the forest, its claws dug into the woman's back and she fell flat onto the sand. She released a scream, albeit short, as the beasts mouth wrapped around her head and its teeth sank into her skull... the woman's body going limp.
Jason watch in horror as the creature tore apart that poor lady. His first reaction was to drop to the ground and be as quiet as possible. He slowly started to crawl backwards, but he kept his eyes on the beast at all time, just in case it noticed him. Eventually he crawled under a large slab of metal. Hopefully the beast hadn't noticed him, but he never noticed the other person hiding.

(Either @Mina or @ayumukatsuchia it's what you decide).
Aeris looked at the creature studying it for a moment carefully as he did. He backed up slowly his feet making barely any noise on the sand as he stared at the beast. He felt himself have some fear though it looked almost like a big cat of sorts. He wasn't about to figure out what it was though since he didn't quite want to. He made sure the creature was satisfied on the corpse hoping those looked more appetizing than him and his friend. He continued to move slowly backwards following after Kira in a hopes to keep them both somewhat secure. He got close to the slab where she was and went down crawling in quickly to hide with her though he had to make sure he was at the opening somewhat so that he could be a meat shield if need be. "Alright it should enjoy an easy meal rather than two tricky ones right?" He whispered to her the metal piece he had was now in an offensive position out towards the creature.

Kira watched him, feeling like her heart was about to stop beating within her chest, before he got down and made his way in. She hadn't even realized she was holding her breath, but she was, and she exhaled as she looked at him, panting softly. "I didn't do anything really, on the ship." She whispered, barely audible, but since they were side by side, he would be able to hear her. She kept her eyes off of the body across the way, though the sound of bones snapping as the beast chewed on the corpse, echoed through her ears, growing louder. She decided to talk, if not a little, to get her mind off of what was going on. "I was on my way to a new planet, wherever it took me next. I didn't even look at the ticket when I bought it." She said quietly.


(@Eagershadow3 @ayumukatsuchia I will let you guys rp together, but my goal is that we all meet up here soon. Let your imagination take over for the creepy beast thing ;) )
Aeris smiled and looked at her a bit more carefully before lowering his metal blade. "Well this wasn't exactly our original destination" He said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the device from before. He began to use what wires and chips he could to try and create a makeshift shock wire. "The good news is that we found each other before that thing found us" He said as he continued to work his hands moving carefully and diligently. He put the rigged device at the entrance of the slab area so if the creature moved over here it would have to touch it and maybe electricity worked well on these things. "So... I don't mean to pry by any means but. Might I ask why you didn't look at the ticket?" He asked looking at her curiously.


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