Surrounded By Ice [SIGN UP SHEET]

Sen Pai

I'm back, baby.

It was the year 2572, the world has become an icy territory of despair. Snow covered the Earth, food was scarce, and war raged all over the world. People needed food, and would stop at nothing to get it.

This role play is about the Earth in a dystopian future, reverting back to another Ice Age. Many species that we used to know have become extinct, only to be replaced with more hazardous creatures. A few have survived, but only by evolution. There is only one exception: Humans. Mankind has physically stayed the same, using technology to keep themselves alive through the forever winter. This is a sci-fi role play, no magical creatures here. All characters will be human, although you are allowed a normal to semi-normal pet.

There is very little civilization left, only a few stores are still open. Money doesn't matter any more, only food does. The new creatures are much stronger than the humans, no matter how skilled your character is, they will still struggle to defeat them.


  • -Keep it PG-13although violence is A okay

  • -Swearing is allowed, but try not to take advantage of it

  • -No controlling what other characters say, unless it's not an actual character owned by someone

  • -BE ACTIVE.Please, please, please. We're not asking you to post every minute of every hour, but we are asking you to dedicate some of your time to this role play, please, please, please

  • -If you're saying something out of character use parenthesis: (.....)

  • We'd appreciate it if you'd let us know in parenthesis if you have to go, so others are aware

  • -I think it's better if you type in a paragraph, rather than using actions in asterisks *...*

  • -Oh,you can type as much as you please in one post, but you can write one sentence if you wish. Quality, not quantity, right?

  • -Be literate! A few mistakes are okay, but I will not stand something that looks like an insane T-Rex wrote it

  • -Follow all the other basic RpNation rules

  • -Put "Jigglypuff" somewhere in your character's skeleton if you have read the rules

Character Skeleton

At least 3 lines minimum! I want detailed profiles.

Full Name:

Age: (please be realistic)


Personality: (remember to include flaws, they're still human)

Background History: (I expect this to be good)

Appearance: (picture is recommended)


Don't be afraid to ask me questions!~


My Character Skeleton

At least 3 lines minimum! I want detailed profiles.

Full Name: El Lim

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Personality: El is a serious and hard to impress kind of woman. She has a very cruel humour, and tends to be cold to other people, even if she doesn't mean it. El is secretly a hopeless romantic, and a closet otaku. Mean at first glance, El takes some time to warm up to people, but will treat them fairly once she trusts them enough. It's very difficult to anger El, but once you do, it's like a volcano erupting, massive destruction. El isn't one for emotional moments, but will succumb into one once in awhile if she bottles up her

emotions for too long.

Background History: El was born into the icy despair and fell in love with the coldness. Unlike others who loved the warmth, El embraced the snow, learning more and more about it. Growing up in the dark and gloomy world, El had to learn to defend herself at an early age, the new creatures were as dangerous as can be. One day, when El was about 11 years old, her parents went out to hunt for food. Usually the hunts take about a week or so, coming back with small animals that just satisfy the family's hunger. El waited for weeks for her parents to come back with the food, but, they never appeared. El was a smart child, she knew that they were either dead or lost. This world didn't offer much positivity. Gearing up, El took her gun and head out to hunt for herself, leaving a note just in care her parents come back. One time, while hunting, El came across a small wolf pup crying in the middle of the snowy woods. El spotted blood nearby and went to investigate it. It was a trail of blood, El realized the wolf pup's parents had been hunted. Not having the heart to kill the pup, El knew what it was like losing their parents. And so, El took the wolf in and raised it, naming her "Nala". El taught Nala to help her hunt, and with both technology and nature working together, El and Nala thrived together. They are still together at this very moment.

Appearance:(picture is recommended) El has short white hair and pale skin, since the sun rarely appeared, compliment her icy blue eyes. El wears all black, considering black attracts more heat, and wears heavy layers to stay warm. A large black snow jacket is worn over body armour and black snow boots are laced up to keep the snow out. With thick black gloves, El carries around a large Heckler & Koch MP5/40A3 to defend herself from any dangerous things.


Other: Has a soft spot for cute things

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(This is the first sheet I've posted on this site!)

Character Skeleton

Full Name: David Layfor

Age: 24

Gender: Male


David is a curious person with an optimistic perspective on life; he always wants to learn more about the world with an adventurous personality. Not easily won over, David can be stubborn when someone is trying to persuade him, but he will usually heed the word of reason and apologize for his rash behavior. He questions the intentions of others more often than most, sometimes recklessly. He will not stand idly by if a friend is in danger, and he is willing to make sacrifices to help them. However, he will not forgive a friend’s betrayal; even if they had the best intentions. The death of any friend has a lasting impact on him; perhaps that is why he does not make very many of them in fear that he will lose them too. David will not make the first strike against a friend, but for a clearly defined enemy; he will attack with absolute certainty. He will also do the same in the pursuit of justice, to a limited extent.

Background History

He was born into a harsh world, but he managed to maintain a level head with optimistic kindness; the harsh reality did not really occur to him until he was a young teenager, when one of his best friends was killed. He did not take this loss well; he would eventually accept this as a fact of life. His focus was on engineering and building, and he was fascinated with the small contraptions that his father brought from ruined cities. Since he lived in what could be considered a small town, he was able to learn a quite a few skills from other residents there before he became a young adult. He decided to sign up with his best friend to help guard a caravan made up of a few vehicles that was headed to another settlement that was relatively close. The convoy made it there safely, so he and his friend; Jonathon decided to make the return trip with only one other vehicle. In the middle of the trip; they lost contact with the other vehicle before discovering that they were ambushed. Further inspection only yielded more questions than answers, and the men who were supposed to be manning it were gone. Jonathon decided to take the second vehicle and follow behind. At the end of the trip, David discovered that Jonathon’s vehicle had mysteriously disappeared. He immediately ventured beyond his hometown’s limits and looked for his lost friend, to no avail. After his friend’s disappearance, he decided to take up more escort jobs for a few years; it kept him fed and he made many connections. After making some preparations, David has ventured out into the icy wasteland by himself again to discover more places, maybe even finding the fate of his lost friend.


(I don’t really know where to find pictures, and I don’t really watch anime so that can be ruled out.) He has inviting dark brown eyes that could only indicate that he is kind-hearted; he also has short brown hair that rarely seems to grow too long. His skin is somewhat pale- but it seems to have more color to it than what seems to be considered normal in this ice-stricken wasteland; at least for one of Slavic descent anyway. He has an average build, and does not exceed 5’11 in height.

His clothing consists of a fairly light white coat that is worn over a thin, but effective ballistic vest; under the vest is a black shirt which is well worn. He will usually sport a pair of grey pants that are layered over another pair of black pants. On his feet is a pair of brown snow boots with a pair of thick socks. Most of his outer clothing has insulation that assists in keeping him warm and alive. He has a pair of black aviator goggles; which are modern in comparison to iconic ones used in the Second World War. On his wrist is a black analog watch that has a few indicators on it, including temperature and a built-in timer. He carries a backpack that is both grey and white; on his waist is a utility belt with a holster attached, where he keeps his MP-443 ‘Grach’. He has a grapple hook and an ice pick that is always within reach on his belt, where he also keeps a compass handy. He also has an AK-74M with a sling, it has seen extensive use but most of its internal parts have been recently replaced.

Other: The only thing I think of putting here is Jigglypuff, but oh well.

Full Name: Serena Malcore

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Serena is, above all, independent and straightforward, and believes that appearance should not define your personality. She is extremely practical, down to Earth, and incredibly level-headed. If anything, to a situation that many would respond to with infatuation, she would instead respond to with nervousness. Even though she displays a seemingly fearless demeanor, the only thing that really gets her to the point of being scared, actually terrified, would be confined spaces. And as to worsen her claustrophobic tendencies, she also has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and can be rendered the most paranoid wreck imaginable when something of her own is out of place.

Apart from this, though, she tends to have a very calm persona, is very hard-working, and happens to be as stubborn as they come. She is also seemingly oblivious when it comes to her own emotions, especially that of love. All and all, she is a fairly quiet person who does not really speak unless something needs to be said. In fact, if something does need to be said, she will usually be the first person to lay it straight. She has the natural inability to not be able to sugarcoat things (a direct link to her practical qualities). But she cares deeply about Edward and finds that he is the only one who has every been able to make her laugh. She trusts him with all her heart and respects him to the highest degree possible. There is no person in the world Serena would rather spend her life with. Except....well.....she doesn't exactly realize she looks at him that way. She is very ignorant to such feelings and has yet to develop an understanding of them. Yet no matter what, he's like the bread to her butter, as it will be described in his personality.

Background History: This is just a placeholder, I'll fill it out ASAP.



Other: She has a very slight Russian accent.

Full Name: Edward J. Renovan

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Personality: While Serena is the calmer of the two, he's just downright fiery. Edward has a temper hotter then most people you will EVER encounter. Even the slightest remark can set him off in a blaze of rage fueled fury. He can get annoyed very easily (but finds himself holding never ending patience with Serena. He may come off as harsh, arrogant, narcissistic, and even just outright mean, but I assure you he is actually a very kind and compassionate person much like his companion. There are a seldom few he allows this side of him to extend towards. If you happen to be one of those lucky people, you're most likely a young child or somebody he loves. Still, he has trust issues to the utmost extent and is suspicious of any person he encounters. Around woman, he can become very awkward (or if he's drunk, very flirty), and is only fairly collected with Serena. Now, speaking of her, I had mentioned she was the bread to his butter. Well, that couldn't be more true. They are almost complete opposites, but it is their different traits that work so well together. When he gets angry, she calms him down. When she has a paranoia attack, he comforts her. They are at each others side 24/7. Now, unlike Serena, he is fully aware of his emotions towards her. He used to see himself as more of an older brother, but when you're alone with a girl in an endless blizzard for a few years.....well, it could only be expected for something else to grow despite his better judgement. You can only imagine the anxiety dripping in the air during certain occasions. Because though he recognizes feelings, he is pretty damned terrible at expressing them.

Background History: This is just a placeholder, I'll fill it out ASAP.


((Ja, ja, I know this is a picture of Russia. I'm just using it as a basis, no copyright intended)

Other: He, like Serena, has a Russian accent. Except that his is extremely heavy and as obvious as the light of day.

Russian's are sexy and awesome, their accents equally so.
Oh, and he's a bit of an alcoholic. Just thought I should mention that.


Wait....shit....hold on.......that's not right.


F*ck nuggets, that's not right either.



Hell no! That is NOT correct.

Wait! I got it!




I'm sorry. I just.....I just.....I just can't......

Is it Jigglypuff?

Full Name: Nixie Sera Vontain

Age: (please be realistic) 20

Gender: Female

Personality: Nixie Sera is a sweet human being, despite her raising, and takes in all life as a blessing. She is always there to help someone the way her father had helped her, even if it isn't the way they think they need help. Her persona is rather mellow and calm, unless she is hunting, as she barely raises her voice. She is patient and she is kind. Nixie Sera has flaws however she tends to speak her mind a little too much and only gives a person one chance to prove themselves. The young girl also gets competitive, without the trash talk, and will find herself wanting to succeed more for her own glory, although she doesn't bask in it, than her people. This quiet young adult is constantly at war with all the loud voices in her head that want to come out and yet none of them make it to the top. The best quality about Nixie is that she stands by her decisions and won't hop sides. She is either in or out, to her there is no halfway mark.

Background History: Nixie Sera, she likes her full name, was named by her mother. A few weeks later her mother passed away from a form of frostbite after falling through ice on a hunt. That left Nixie Sera in the custodial care of her father Elijah. Elijah was a strong man, one of the best hunters around, he could tackle two beasts with just the help of one or two other hunters. He was a great dad and one to be extremely proud of, people would just stare at the snow white baby in awe because of who her father was. As Nixie grew up she realized early on that she was being treated more harshly than any princess. About the time she could walk her father began teaching her how to survive and all sorts of little life lessons. Nixie was never allowed to play unless he was gone on a hunt or sleeping. As soon as she was able to hunt her father took her out with him and he praised her on the good job she had done and patted her head. Kissing her forehead he told her there was nothing more he could do for her because she knew how to survive. In this world that was all she needed. To survive. The weeks he had rationed her while other children only went a few days, the endless amount of walking, the drills and hand to combat, and the training with the weapons. It had all be done out of love, and Nixie had just thought he really hated her.

Appearance: (picture is recommended)NIxie Sera stands at about five feet and two inches tall. She look under weight but is nothing but pure muscle. Her skin complexion is ghostly, due to all the layers they have to wear, and she has piercing blue eyes that seem even more beautiful then the sky above. Her brown hair hangs in waves down past her shoulders and seems 'fairy tale' thick.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/NIxie.jpg.f957f07a541895de5571b6ec77e5602d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/NIxie.jpg.f957f07a541895de5571b6ec77e5602d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Other: jigglypuff



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KrisiStar said:
Full Name: Nixie Sera Vontain
Age: (please be realistic) 20

Gender: Female

Personality: Nixie Sera is a sweet human being, despite her raising, and takes in all life as a blessing. She is always there to help someone the way her father had helped her, even if it isn't the way they think they need help. Her persona is rather mellow and calm, unless she is hunting, as she barely raises her voice. She is patient and she is kind. Nixie Sera has flaws however she tends to speak her mind a little too much and only gives a person one chance to prove themselves. The young girl also gets competitive, without the trash talk, and will find herself wanting to succeed more for her own glory, although she doesn't bask in it, than her people. This quiet young adult is constantly at war with all the loud voices in her head that want to come out and yet none of them make it to the top. The best quality about Nixie is that she stands by her decisions and won't hop sides. She is either in or out, to her there is no halfway mark.

Background History: Nixie Sera, she likes her full name, was named by her mother. A few weeks later her mother passed away from a form of frostbite after falling through ice on a hunt. That left Nixie Sera in the custodial care of her father Elijah. Elijah was a strong man, one of the best hunters around, he could tackle two beasts with just the help of one or two other hunters. He was a great dad and one to be extremely proud of, people would just stare at the snow white baby in awe because of who her father was. As Nixie grew up she realized early on that she was being treated more harshly than any princess. About the time she could walk her father began teaching her how to survive and all sorts of little life lessons. Nixie was never allowed to play unless he was gone on a hunt or sleeping. As soon as she was able to hunt her father took her out with him and he praised her on the good job she had done and patted her head. Kissing her forehead he told her there was nothing more he could do for her because she knew how to survive. In this world that was all she needed. To survive. The weeks he had rationed her while other children only went a few days, the endless amount of walking, the drills and hand to combat, and the training with the weapons. It had all be done out of love, and Nixie had just thought he really hated her.

Appearance: (picture is recommended)NIxie Sera stands at about five feet and two inches tall. She look under weight but is nothing but pure muscle. Her skin complexion is ghostly, due to all the layers they have to wear, and she has piercing blue eyes that seem even more beautiful then the sky above. Her brown hair hangs in waves down past her shoulders and seems 'fairy tale' thick.

View attachment 18969 Other: jigglypuff
Accepted~ :D
Character Skeleton

At least 3 lines minimum! I want detailed profiles.

Full Name: Tom Berginham Johnson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: He will help you but only if you helped him first. He is mostly a do it yourself guy and doesn't like it when others help him but more the whiling to repay them. He is always a step ahead or so he thinks. He also has the biggest head there is.

Background History: When he was a boy he was abused for no reason. When he was 10 he ran away form his home in Texas. He then got to his grandparents house and lived a happy life there. One day they moved to Canada only being 11 he didn't understand why. He moved there because the police were catching up to him and the grandparents didn't want him to go back to his abusive parents. In Canada he meet a eagle and name her Heart she is still around with him everyday. Heart also helped the day his grandparents died and he found out they really weren't his grandparents. He then ran away before the orphanage could come and get him. He then learned how to survive in the cold there.


Of him:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375149768.222048.jpg.898489d6c81af102a2ab8e00fabdb599.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4021" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375149768.222048.jpg.898489d6c81af102a2ab8e00fabdb599.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Of his eagle:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375149839.823024.jpg.9ecd29ce8dcb7b76874c57b0ffb25477.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4022" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375149839.823024.jpg.9ecd29ce8dcb7b76874c57b0ffb25477.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hunnyhelp accepted hun!~ Take good care of that eagle! Or else it'll freeze to death!~ I laughed at the biggest head there is part. lol love him~
I do to...I do to... Maybe at least one more person and then I'll make the thread and we'll start. :)

Full Name: Alexander Winters. (He prefers to go by Alex.)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Personality: Alexander is a straightforward person and will not beat around the bush with trivial matters. He sees the world for what it is and doesn't delude himself with optimism. He is a serious person and is always on alert, never taking the chance of being caught of guard. He has a dry sense of humor, but there's nothing to laugh about these days. He keeps his problems to himself, bottling up his emotions and trying to move past them as fast as possible. He prefers to travel alone, claiming that never good ever happens in a group. He is actually a kind person, but he's subtler when he shows that side of him, instead of waving his good intentions in your face. He can't stand it when someone doesn't take proper themselves. He doesn't let people get to close to him, as a result of emotional trauma.

Background History: Alexander was abandoned at the age of five and left to fend for himself. He held no grudges against his parents for what they did, times were hard and having a child meant less food. However, he still wished that he had been given a chance to stay. The cruel outside world was no place for a child, yet he was there and all alone.

Alexander grew up fending for his life, until he eventually found peace. He didn't like to go into towns that often, preferring the freezing outdoors he grew up in. He became an extremely skilled hunter, developing the instincts of a predator after years in the wilderness.

On a especially cold day, he found a young girl abandoned in the snow. She was frail and near death. Alexander gave the child food and shelter, planning to send her on her way when she recovered. He told himself that he would only let her stay for a few days at the most. Days soon turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. Before he knew it, he developed a father-daughter bond with the girl and he became emotionally attached.

He named the girl Mariah and he taught her everything he knew. She took after him and became a good hunter. She also had his healthy appetite, capable of eating a whole animal by herself, but somehow staying thin. Alexander was really happy with the girl and the two were inseperable. After years of being abandoned, it turned out that he wasn't okay with what his parents did, but he simply convinced himself that it was alright. Taking in a girl that was in the same predicament gave him a family again and ridded him of the emotional scar. The happiest day of his life was when Mariah had called him 'Dad.'.

He decided to take Mariah into town for the first time and show her the world. Everything seemed to be going great. It turned out the two shared the same birthday and the adventure was like a combined birthday present. Mariah had made him a bracelet out of beads, with their picture inside a little heart shape. Everything seemed to be going well, until they took a break to rest.

When Alexander turned around, Mariah was gone and he couldn't find her anywhere. He ran through the snow, desperate to find her. However, when he did, the situation was not good. She had run off to help a little wolf cub, but had been caught by a group of hunters.

He had forgot his gun at home, so he charged in and grabbed her. Many bullets were fired at the two and a few had caught him in the side. They hid out in a small cave, waiting for the hunters to leave. His heart stopped when he saw the blood soaking through Mariah's clothes. He tried desperately to save her, but the wound was too severe and she died in his arms.

Filled with rage and sadness, Alexander murdered each hunter violently and without mercy. When the last one was killed, he fell to the red stained snow, tears pouring from his eyes. He was tempted to slit his throat and just end it all. He came close, but was stopped by the feeling of something tugging on his coat.

When he looked down, he saw the earlier wolf cub biting his coat, as if telling him not to do it. He thew the knife to the ground and broke down, the cub attempting to console him. He eventually left to get out of the cold and took the cub with him.

The experience hardened him and he became closed off to the world, only leaving his house in the woods to hunt.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.b7f5cf514638420fafdbfb4de9bc0ecf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4710" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.b7f5cf514638420fafdbfb4de9bc0ecf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wolf Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.c24988e365ce032f98a962ecea7af2c5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4714" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.c24988e365ce032f98a962ecea7af2c5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: He always wears the bracelet Mariah made for him



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Full Name: Kahn Maximus Alversayn

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Personality: (remember to include flaws, they're still human)

Background History: Kahn was born in an extremely small town. That town had very little management or medicine. This led to a lot of terrible things happening with Kahn. During his teens, that was when Kahn was at peak physical condition. He did a lot of acrobatics and free-running. But after that, sickness took over. It was a deadly virus known as Karacinus, or Ice Cancer. Tiny freezing cells went into the patient's body and made their organs freeze up over time. There was no known cure for this virus, and the situation looked grim. Kahn's parents stood by him every step of the way. They had one choice. They called a man named Dr. Uran, who specialized in life support and performance enhancement. Kahn's parents pleaded the Doctor to do something for Kahn. Uran finally brought them the solution. It was a life support suit, built to do the following things:

1(Most Important). Nullify the Ice Cancer that was killing Kahn

2. Withstand the cold and keep Kahn warm

3. Make his body operate at maximum physical condition, so he is able to move and do his acrobatics

4. Keep him hydrated and his hunger sated.

5. Give him a HUD that allowed him to zoom in and study things and find out where he is.

Those five things were perfect for Kahn. Except on drawback was that if there was major damage to the suit, like it being punctured greatly, Kahn would begin to die. Although the suit was pretty much made of self-repairing nanites, it was still a risk. He recognized the risk, and let the Doctor perform the operation. First there was lots of needles, those needles kept the suit to Kahn's body with an extremely dense and hard bond. Secondly, there was the helmet. The bulk of the Ice Cancer cells were in his head. Thirdly, the leg/feet part of the suit, so he could move. And finally, the chest and arm pieces, for peak physical condition and cardiovascular efficiency. But the suit all around stopped the illness. And that made Kahn able to do the things he wanted. Later, with his new suit, he left to survive on his own.

Appearance: Under the suit, you'll find a muscular body, brown hair, and brown eyes. Also a sick-ridden face. The suit is the main thing you will be seeing.

(Without the things sticking out of his back)

Other: Kahn has no weapons, but the suit's nanites can basically withstand anything except for a nuclear bomb. He can survive the fallout, not the explosion.

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