Surrounded By Ice [SIGN UP SHEET]

(I'm gonna be out for a few hours, so it will be awhile until I can get my post in.)
Full Name: Charles Magnum

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Personality: Charles has a very short temper, which can and will get the best of him, if it shows up. Charles has somewhat of a filter. He is also very unexpectable when it comes to speaking. He is trained on how to use a weapon, and take a weapon from another person. He will do whats needed to make sure he and the people he cares about survive. He's also very compassionate, He care's for everyone unless they have ill intentions.

Background History:”hehe you wanna know my life story. you wanna know about the life of a fighter.” He sits back in his chair. “I’m surprised. No one ever wants to hear about our life, well my life anyway. Sit back, relax its going to be a long story.” the screen begins to fade. “I was born, twenty five years ago last week. I was born too Daniel and Felicia Magnum. My mother was a repairman and my father was a fighter. My mother would work day’s and my father worked nights. But I couldn’t say anything bad, I saw both of my parents, some time sleeping, but I still saw them.” he stretches out his arms and legs.

“Moving on, when I was about 11 I was given a bullet. This bullet.” He pulled out the bullet. “With it my father said. “My son, this, this will one day save your life. No matter who or what you fight, these are the only way that you can protect.” So that was the thing that was a major factor that eventually made me join the fighters with their job. Soon after the colony that me, my family, my friends lived in would eventually be sieged by the white haze. My father would eventually die in defending our home. They came in the night. It was only a matter of time till they got in. My mother died that day as well, she was working on the heating main when they blew the door off. She grabbed a gun and started to fight. A stray bullet found its way into her chest, I watched as she bleed out. I was eighteen at the time, I opted to defend all those that decided to run, to have some protection. I wasn't the only one that protected the group there were a few people that I knew, my best friend, their brother and sister, and a few other people, along with one of my ex's. We spent a year on the ice, fending off those, those things out there, fighting mutated snow leopards, and horrible polar bears.” “Bastards.” he mumbled under his breathe. “After we found a home, I decided that I was going to go and try and find other places that were thriving and see if I could set up a trading system, but that was to no avail.” He sat up in his chair.

“It took me about three years but I finally found a place that was willing to talk about trading. Over those three years I was meet with hostility and raiders and mutants and everything. The only way I could survive was by killing, fighting, hiding and wounding. I was also hunted, wounded, and brought close to death. Now that I have found this place I don’t know whats next, like my father always said. “you never what the next day has in store, you could be alive or you could be standing at the gate of winters haze, and its your turn to put up a fight for your life and everyone you love.” he sits back up and shifts the gun on hi back. “now I guess I should get back to work. As you were sir.” Charles went back to work.


Other:Charles is a very good singer. He carries the gun in the picture, a FN FAL, along with a 357 magnum, depending on what you allow for weaponry, along with a knife in his boot.

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