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Fantasy Supernatural Teenage Drama

Alec sat by himself in a corner of the cafeteria. He had an irritated expression on his face, so not many people approached him. But the few who did either had questions about the ungifted man or the play. "No, I didn't try out for it. I was randomly picked," Alec snapped for the third time. Getting up, he started to leave the cafeteria when he spotted Ryan, Rob, and Jordan. Striding over, Alec asked, "Ryan, you're the one who was originally supposed to be in the play, so do you know why I'm in it?"
Jordan lifted her head as she heard comments about the play. She was glad people wanted to see it, but that didn't push away the troubled expression she had on her face. She looked at Ryan and nodded, "Yeah, same for me... I've never had a boyfriend. I don't know if I could act like we were..." She sighed, and she welcomed the distraction when Alec walked up, however made her tense for other reasons. She looked away from him and started at her hands hoping that nothing from the night before would get brought up.
Ryan shook his head, "I heard that Mr. G picked the students at random. I didn't even try out myself!" He looked at the little crowd in front of the list glancing at them. "Ooooh what if some drama starts?" "Lisa Minelli? Lisa, you're in this?" "Ryder is in it too?" "Who's Dex- oh that guy! He's in it?" "This list, so powerful yet sooo random".
"Its probably cause of the fight you got into yesterday, thats how most of us were picked." Rob frowned a little, "I just wanted to be a tree! But now Im Mercutio, who has a huge part!" Rob sighed. He was happy however that Jordan and Ryan had both had their doubts about his idea.
Ryan used his enhanced hearing to check which news was over powering the other. He then heard some people still mumbling about the infirmary incident and spreading it to others. He returned to his regular hearing then looked at Rob and Jordan, "If this play powerlist thing isn't enough...we might have to pull through with Rob's idea...maybe not in terms of boyfriend and girlfriend though. Maybe the step below that if you know what it's called, or if it's called anything at all". The teen shrugged the idea off, "But for now it's evening out with the play news".
"Well, however he picked us, I'm not doing the play," Alec said. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "He'll just have to find another Paris." Alec started to walk off again, eager to get out of the crowd of students chattering about the play.
Martin popped up followed by Mr. G. Martin said, "Alec, I heard you". Mr. G looked at Alec then snapped his fingers, "You're doing the play you overly joyous child". The teacher forced a joyous emotion onto Alec that could possibly make him cheer and jump in place. Mr. G focused on Alec knowing that in someway he was able to put a block. However, Mr. G was the drama teacher for a reason...because he was the most powerful emotional manipulator at the school.
Alec gritted his teeth and slammed up stronger barriers around his mind. "I'm not doing the play," he said, forcing the words out through gritted teeth. Instead of joy, pure anger and irritation flowed from Alec. As he fought the emotions, physical pain tore through him as his body fought itself. When it stopped, tears came to Alec's eyes. The block Miu had put on his wounds was gone and they were worse than ever.
Dexter walked out of the class, thankful that he only had to observe the combatants and not get involved yet. He had a pleasant conversation with Miuna before he left for lunch. He noticed a crowd of people at the bulletin board, obviously enthralled with the casting list. He grabbed his tray that included nachos, chocolate milk, and a bag of BBQ chips. He happened to see Alec head over to a table. He could sense his agitation but he decided to go in his direction anyways. He saw the same students during the casting sitting at the same table. "Time for me to join the pity party." he sighed. As he walked over he overheard Ryan's statement about his role. He grinned as he thought of something witty to say. "Lucky for you, acting like a quote on quote 'boyfriend' will be attached loosely to that particular role in my opinion." he quipped with a large grin. He sat at the end of the table, again preferring to observe from afar.
Jordan sighed in relief once Alec started to walk away, and looked over at Ryan, "I hope the playlist works out." She thought for a moment and felt bad slightly, "Not that it'd be bad to, uh, date you, I'm sure you're a great person to date, but... Pretending wouldn't be fun." She stammered. She hoped he wouldn't think anything of her words, and she inwardly lectured herself for even saying anything. She looked over at Alec who was battling Mr. G for distraction.
"Don't manipulate me," Alec hissed before walking off unsteadily. He knew he would most likely get into trouble for this, but right now? He couldn't care less. His power was tugging at him, and he felt like he couldn't remain in his human form for a second longer. Alec struggled against it, forcing himself to stay human. He breathed a sigh of relief as he left the cafeteria.
Rob stiffened when Ryan brought the idea back up, instantly hating himself for even coming up with the plan in the first place. "Yeah it was a dumb idea we should just drop it and find something better because it was a dumb idea." Robs nervousness was evident
Mr. G stopped, "The child...very rebellious". Martin and Mr. G teleported away. Ryan was puzzled by Dex and Jordan. First he turned to Dex, "What do you mean Dex?" Then Ryan turned to Jordan, "I meant the stage before the dating..but thanks...I think".
Jordan resisted an eyeroll at herself, and rested her head on her hand agreeing with Rob, "Yeaaah. Um, let's use that as last resort." She sighed, "Anyway thanks for helping us try to figure this out, and for the pizza." She nodded a greeting at Dexter, "Dex. Excuse me boys, I'm going to start to get ready for class. I missed all my morning ones except physics. My record this year, needs cleaning." She didn't care if she sounded like a nerd, she just felt uncomfortable, and wanted to leave. "Bye." She stood up and started to leave the cafeteria.
"He dies at the end, can't be much of a boyfriend when your dead." he stated blankly, taking a quick sip of his milk. He observed the struggle between Mr. G and Alec, he was livid once he saw Alec being in pain, the teacher and his assistant disappeared before he could say anything. He was greatly angered, but he remained silent, with a dark look in his eyes.
Alec glanced over his shoulder quickly. Dexter hadn't come out of the cafeteria yet, and he hoped he could get far enough away so he couldn't sense his emotions. Seeing as Alec was going to do something stupid that would hurt him more... He didn't need Dexter there to stop him. Heading towards the exit, Alec puzzled over the issue of shifting.
As Jordan left the cafeteria, she saw Alec in the hallway and silently cursed herself for forgetting he went this way. Suddenly she felt a wave of stormy emotions wash over her and she studied Alec. Hesitantly she spoke up, "... Alec? Are you okay? What are you doing...?"
"I'm fine. Nothing that concerns you," he said curtly. Alec paused with his hand on the door. Noting her expression, he added in a softer tone, "I'm sorry if I upset you last night. It was just difficult." He turned and pushed the door open, stepping into the late summer sunshine.
Jordan frowned more from both his words, only feeling sadder. She honestly felt horrible for making him go through that in his injuries, and as that connection faded more, she started to forget some of the reasons it mattered so much to her. She was still happy to have saved a man, but wondered why the man had meant so much to her at the time. Unsure of Alec's intentions she quickly went back into the cafeteria and went up to Dex and whispered, "I think you should check on Alec... He seems up to no good..." She looked at him concerned.
Ryan saddened. Did he say something wrong to Jordan? He looked at Dex, "We were actually talking about something else. I mean I know Romeo doesn't have that kind of time. Thanks though Dex". Ryan smiled a little, "Pizza?"
Dexter's heart fluttered when he was thanked by Ryan. He gave a wide grin as he accepted the pizza. Dexter was still fumed so he ate his lunch at a faster pace without saying anything to make himself calm down. Jordan came back to the cafeteria and sat next to him. He could sense the worry inside of her. As she spoke, he sighed deeply while looking up into the air in annoyance. "Of course he is, why wouldn't he be." he stated credulously. He turned around to face her, feeling a couple emotions resonating inside her. Guilt, Proudness, Suspicion, and then... as if she was losing her faith in something. It took him a while to connect the dots, but he got the gist of what she was feeling. "Don't ever blame yourself for doing your best, no matter how negative the results are. You tried your best, and that's all that matters." he said with more seriousness in his voice. He said his goodbyes to everyone as he went to dump out his tray, saving his chips for later.
Alec headed for the forest. He enjoyed the warm breeze rustling the leaves around him as he walked. The forest, as always, seemed to call to him. Seemed to call to the animal spirit inside of him. Alec's power was strong enough that he often shifted while sleeping, and would wake up as a wolf or some other animal. When he'd still had a roommate, that had scared them a few times.
Ryan threw away the now empty pizza box, "...Jordan did I say something wrong earlier?" He didn't like or want any drama going on, and he never liked making people feel uncomfortable.
Jordan paled slightly when Dex got annoyed, but then once he said his other words it confused her, and yet did make her feel a little better. She felt bad with his exit though feeling that she chased him off. Then she snapped out of her thoughts when Ryan asked his question and blinked surprised, "Oh, uh no! You didn't!" She laughed nervously, unsure how to communicate any other thoughts she had. She took a brief moment and read his thoughts then quickly put the block back up, "You didn't make me uncomfortable, don't worry."
Ryan replied, "Oh okay...were you able to find out what you missed in your classes yet? I can go with you if you want..ya know since there's nothing else to do right now". He felt relieved that he didn't make her uncomfortable. Wait, was she telling the truth. Eh whatever, he trusts Jordan.

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