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Fantasy Supernatural Teenage Drama

The next morning, Dexter bolted awake at the sudden crash and he rolled out of his seat. Mistaking the crash for an earthquake he went for the space under the hospital bed when he looked up and saw the guy from before standing overhead. "Jesus, I didn't need an alarm." he groaned into his hand as he wiped off the crust. As he got back up his foot stepped on something; his glasses. His body froze in place and he glared back at the man in annoyance. Looking at the time he hurried back to the dorms to change out of his clothes from last night. He wore a form-fitting sweater along black jeans and dress shoes to compliment his slim shape. He grabbed another pair of glasses from one of his unpacked boxes and headed out with a laptop case full of supplies on his shoulder.
Alec scowled and hunched his shoulders. He glared silently at anyone who tried to speak to him. The nurse had given him pain killers, but they had only taken the edge off of the pain.
Martin popped up into Alec, Ryder, Charlotte, Aaron, Jackie, Lisa (the rude girl), Dexter, Richard, and Jason's classrooms, "Please report to room 310 immediately. Thank you" He said teleporting back to Mr. G's room. Martin popped back up into one of the classrooms, "Oh and hello Edward". "LEAVE MARTIN!" Edward yelled conducting an elemental class. Martin teleported once again to Mr. G's room.
Alec shrugged at the teacher and left, happy to be getting out of the class. He trudged down the hallway and down a few flights of stairs. He pushed open the door, surprised to see several kids from the precious day.
Charlotte got up of her seat and headed to classroom 310. She was glad to have an excuse to leave class and the constant pointing coming from the students was getting old. Charlotte entered classroom 310 and saw the boy who called her and a teacher she didn't recognize. She thought she was in trouble, that wouldn't be a surprise.

" I swear I didn't hit a Sasha with a locker, I didn't make some kids float and I didn't sneak out last night"
Jordan arrived in her physics class and sat down. She heard some murmurs about what went down in the forest the day before, but so far no one brought up the man in the infirmary. That was a good thing, Jordan concluded.
Ryan walked into his first class and took a seat at his desk. He felt great! Finally, he was in an actual class where he would learn! Ryan looked at the board and began listening to his teacher.

Mr. G looked at the students as they came into his room, "Relax. Take a seat youngsters. Please take a seat!" He observed as each student entered his room. The teacher had already begun to mentally assign their parts in the Romeo and Juliet play. It would be an interesting crew indeed.
Jackie blinked when Martin popped into her classroom. She had been dozing off, not having slept well after the events of last night. She had seen the others been pointed at and whispered about all day, but no one seemed to know that she had been involved. Which made sense, considering she didn't really have friends, and she stuck to herself in general. When she was told to go to room 310, however, everyone started staring. What was even room 310? She had never been to that side of the school. Confused, she packed her things and half-jogged to the classroom. When she pushed open the door, what she saw was not really what she was expecting. "What... what are you guys doing here?" She asked bewilderedly.
"Jackie," Alec said with a smile. He was happy to see her today. "I don't know what's going on yet. I just got here." He walked across the classroom. "Did you sleep okay?" His eyes were brighter today and he wasn't moving as stiffly.
Miuna strolled into the classroom, deep in conversation with Yuki. The spirit disappeared when she sat down, however, leaving her with her classmates. "You guys look terrible," Miu pointed out bluntly, seating herself on the floor next to the whiteboard. She did that with most classes, so the teachers were never surprised. Despite her comment on the others' appearances, she didn't look too good herself. Dark circles stood out beneath her eyes and the burn marks were still on her skin from the morning before.

Ryder jogged in a couple minutes late, out of breath. "Sorry! My class was on the other end of campus." With a sigh, he plopped down into one of the seats towards the side, fixing his beanie and waiting for the teacher to begin.
As he walked down the hall, people began looking in his direction for a variety of reasons that he could imagine. Some gave wide-eyed looks, some began to whisper, some of the other students on that floor seemed to know exactly who he was, they just wouldn't say so out loud. Some of them gave him dirty looks and glares as he approached them. Dexter looked right back at them with an intimidating expression that said: 'try me if you want to'. His time at this place already started off on the wrong foot, and after last night, he prayed that today went better. He could recall the layout a bit better now since the last several times he came to this school, some areas were unfamiliar but not too foreign from how it was last year. His class was on one of the higher floors, so the fact that he was called down to another classroom that was several minutes away, he was discouraged to wander the classrooms for too long. He often took shortcuts or left earlier from class to avoid being stuck in larger crowds of students to avoid rampant emotions. In other words, he didn't choose to live a lonely life, the lonely life chose him..
Ryan kept listening to the teacher. The day's concept was rather interesting it was about velocity and its importance in Physics. The teacher pounded his desk, "PROOOOOJECT!" Ryan raised an eyebrow as he listened to the teacher. "Nothing big for now since it's only the second day. Though I expect something big from some of you" The teacher looked especially at the students who usually excelled at academic subjects. "You will create an apparatus that demonstrates velocity in action! You must also create a poster board the size of this wall! Good news is...you don't need to type or right anything. All you need to do is build, paint, and have fun! Oh and also...group project" The teacher continued then smiled as he heard a sigh of relief from a few students.
Jordan, also in the Physics class, blinked her eyes in surprise when the teacher shouted out "Project." She listened to his explanation, then looked around her room to see who could possibly be her partners. There were some students completely slacking off in the back throwing paper balls at each other, and she immediately decided against them. There were some students that looked appalled about the project, then only a couple that seemed even the slightest bit interested. Jordan saw Ryan in the classroom, and wondered if he'd want to be in a group with her, and also a couple other students she'd ask.
Mr. G grinned at the students, "You have all THROUGH THE MEANS OF RANDOM SELECTION...been chosen to participate in the upcoming school play! Romeo and Juliet woo!" The teacher's face turned into a serious one, "If you don't, then you should prepare for an emotional roller coaster. Just ask Ryan if you know who he is. He knows what I am talking about. Anyway, this is also a form of punishment for some of you too for fighting last night. But seriously, for others this happened because of random selection". Mr. G paused then continued, "The roles are as follows...PAY ATTENTION! Alec is Paris, Ryder is Tybalt, Charlotte is Lady Montague, Aaron is the baker, the REAL school baker is Lady Capulet, Jackie is Prince, Lisa is Rosaline, Maurice is Friar Lawrence, Dexter is Lord Montague, Richard is Lord Capulet, and Jason is Benvolio. Practice starts after school today in this room. You may now return to your classes".
Jason started running trough the corridors of this giant school, he knew it was the classroom 310, but, he ditched yesterday with some friends, he had been quite stupid to make that decision, now he won't even be able to present himself. He finally saw the magic number, he opened the door rapidly and only heard ''Jason as Benvolio'' He sat down, indifferently, trying to fit in or something. He just clicked his tougue and started to ''put attention'' to the class.

Rob was sitting in class, trying to not fall asleep. He was resting on his head in his hands, when his elbow slipped and he felt like he was falling. To compensate for the fall, he jerked, and knocked is pen onto the ground, which rolled over to Richard.

"Oh shoot!" He frowned.. "Hey... Psst... can you hand me my pen?" @coolname
The Physics teacher announced, "Alright get into your groups and start!" Students shuffled their desks around. Ryan raised his hand and the teacher nodded at him, "Sir I'll focus on originality, but just to get an idea, what have past students submitted for this project?" The teacher responded, "180 foot catapults, full sized roller coasters, race cars...need I say more Mr. Anderson?" Ryan shook his head, "Thank you. And the poster board needs to show what exactly?" The teacher responded, "A painting showing where the velocity in motion is...basically paint your experiment and circle, highlight, whatever just emphasize the area the velocity is mainly at". Ryan nodded then looked around the room for a group.
Ryder blinked a couple times, processing the information. "Is this even allowed?" he muttered. "Can he even do this?" Shaking his head, he figured he had no choice other than to accept his punishment. He had bled a guy out, after all. Why Tybalt, though? He was a good enough actor, but faking death was hard.
As Dexter entered the room, he was greeted with some familiar faces from the night before, with a select few he hadn't met before. He paid a decent amount of attention to the rather eccentric teacher. He kept an amused grin plastered on his face as he observed everyone. "Lord Montague huh..? I always get the smaller roles, but I'm not complaining. He said as he was walking out.
Charlotte got out of the room as fast as she could. A play? She couldn't be in a play! That would lead to a terrible outcome, she had never tried acting before but she was smart enough to know it was not a good idea to put her in a play. She entered her normal class again and ignored the angry looks from the students, she had bigger things to worry about like: She knew nothing about her character
Jordan looked around the room, and noticed some of the slackers were heading her way, knowing she was fairly good in the class. Quickly should stood up, and went over the other direction, and the slackers decided against having her, thinking she found a group. Jordan didn't mind them personally, but she wanted someone who would work with her and make a decent project. After a moment of hesitation, she walked up to Ryan, "Hey Romeo, want to be in a group with me?"
Richard picked up the fallen pencil from the floor and gave it to Rob politely. He saw Charlotte entering the class and was curious to know what made everyone look at her with hate. He started whispering to the guy next to him.

" Pssst, do you know why everyone looks at her like that?"
A blast of hot air filled the eastern wing of the building, the temperature rocketing to 120 degrees Fahrenheit within moments. In her Energy Conversion class, Miu managed to turn solar energy she collected through the skylight into a huge cloud of thermal energy. She had it under control, but accidentally thrust it out the door when another student tripped and rammed into her. "Please don't touch me again," Miu murmured towards the student, "or I'll get mad." The kid gulped and scrambled back to his seat while the rest of her peers suffered in the intense heat. The other kids already were wary of her after hearing all that she had done to the intruders and the way she had beaten up Trent. Still, Miu didn't mind the stares.
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"Uhh... A lot of weird stuff happened last night and the school is a little divided right now, and she did some questionable stuff... I cant tell you if what she did was right or wrong." Rob frown a little, but then said, "You must be new here. Im Rob." He offered his hand for a shake after taken the pencil back.

Jason started looking everywhere, confused totally, he recognized the name, but never actually saw Romeo and Juliet. He saw a girl, confused and being looked at. He jumped desks until he was right beside her. He threw a light breeze of warm air.

''I ditched yesterday, didn't get to know anyone. You seem like a nice person, what's your name?''

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