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Fantasy Supernatural Teenage Drama

"They won't get infected. They're still stitched up, aren't they?" Alec snapped, pushing him away. "I'm going back to my dorm, whether you like it or not." Alec knew his friend was right, but he couldn't stand being in there. He wasn't going to be there when the students found out, either. Being caught in that crossfire could be deadly. "Either come with me, or go away."
Ryan entered his room, "Seth I thought we agreed. No labs after five pm!" Seth looked back at Ryan, his half of the room transformed into a high-tec lab with cool blue lights. "Just wait please! I'm finishing my latest invention!" Seth tried to let Ryan dismiss the subject. Ryan just changed, went to his bed, and for the third time slept.
"Alec." Jackie said quietly, but commandingly from behind the two. She had been standing quietly on the sidelines, torn between getting involved and stopping the fight, and not wanting to cause any more drama. But when Alec walked out, obviously unstable and in no shape to go back to his dorm, she followed him silently, waiting for Dexter to convince him. Since that wasn't working, she decided to step in.

"You and I both know you're not going to make it to your dorm in that state. We also know you're not stupid so just get your butt back to the infirmary," she scolded quietly, glaring at him.
"No. No. No. I'm not going back in there," Alec snapped. "I'll make it back to my dorm." He stumbled down the hall to the elevator. Punching the button for the top floor, he watched as his friends followed him. "You can't stop me. Please, Jackie. Just go rest. You've been through hell too."
Jackie sighed. "Fine. Look, at least let me and Dexter make sure you get back to you room safely, okay? I don't need you fainting in the middle of the hallway." She looked up at Alec, squished against him in the elevator. "And then I'm coming to see how you're doing first thing in the morning. Don't you dare start walking around in the middle of the night or I swear I will never let you out of my sight again."
Now it was Dexter's turn to get angry, he wasn't going to do this now, especially after only just getting here for a couple of hours. He personally did not care what 'side' he was on, humans are ignorant to what they can't understand while the gifted find that as an excuse to retaliate in a way that goes against putting themselves out of harms way. During his break he recalled countless times where he was forced to pick sides. Fortunately, he picked the lesser of two evils and sided with the gifted only out of fear of isolation. So the fact that his friend had the audacity to give him an ultimatum, he had enough. Stomping his way in front of him, he snapped. Using the last bit of his strength to enforce his will onto Alec, he forced him to stop walking and to look him straight in his eyes.
Jackie stared at Dexter. "Um, Dexter...?" she trailed off, not entirely sure what was happening. What, were they going to have a manly heart-to-heart or something? Should she leave? She stepped back a little bit, and decided to let matters unfold. She shook her head at herself a little. She was doing a lot of just stepping back and not doing anything, and it was driving her crazy.
"Let... Go... Of me," Alec forced out through gritted teeth. "Don't do this to me, Dexter. At least have the decency to let me do what I want. You're my friend, aren't you?" Alec knew he was being manipulative, but he didn't care. He couldn't care about anything more tonight; he was too emotionally drained. His wounds were throbbing and he was tired.
"I will say this for the last time. March your stubborn a** back in that room before I hurt you." he scolded, putting emphasis on 'I', "I don't give two and half f****how you feel about that man in that room. You've. Been Shot. TWICE. You can't turn into a wolf, a tiger, a BABOON, NADA! The more you fight it, the less time you have to recover. Let's not think about gifted or ungifted for a MINUTE, and lets start thinking with more common sense. The girl said he was harmless, if he isn't, well, will deal with it. But for right now you need to rest." Instilling his will further he nullifies his stubborness so that he would be more cooperative. Dexter outstretches his hand and points back in the direction from where they both came. As they walked they moved in silence, Dexter began to have second thoughts. "... Alec, I will always be on your side, but I can't handle it if you're going to go this far to put yourself at risk. I can't let you do that over some guy."
"I only got shot once," Alec mumbled stubbornly. He dragged his feet, but couldn't stop himself from following his friend. "Please. Just let me rest somewhere else. I saw him. He shot at us like all the rest. He could've been the one to shoot me. He could've killed me or one of the others. I don't care about his current intentions. I care about what he's done." Alec's eyes were fearful now, more like a child's. "Please don't make me go back in there."
As Dexter listened to him mumble on, he began to feel the fear instilled inside of him. He lifted his head slightly in surprise and he looked back at him. He saw the look in his eyes and his mind wasn't able to stop most of it from transferring onto him. He suddenly stopped moving, but still maintained control. He stood there silently, deep in thought, and he turned in his direction. "Do you even care if he's actually innocent?" he replied bluntly, his eyes paying close attention to how his body responded and his ears listening to his voice.
"I do, Dexter, I do. I don't want to hurt him. But I'm tired. I'm hurting. I don't want to go back in there. I don't want to take the risk." Alec finally stopped moving and stood there with dim eyes and a frown. He raked a hand through his hair, making it stick up even more. His shoulders were hunched, both in pain and in exhaustion. Now, Alec seemed to look younger than his 16 years, a grim reminder of the world that didn't care about their youth and their humanity.
Dexter stared back him carefully, reevaluating the information his body was giving off. He quickly came to a conclusion. "....I'll ask the nurse if she could let you out early, but for now just sleep with the man, you won't even know he's there.... I'll stay with you if you want me to." he replied and then continued walking.
"But..." Alec gave up and stayed quiet the rest of the way. He stayed silent as the nurse scolded him for being out of bed and let himself be herded back to his bed. Glancing back at Dexter, he said, "Stay?" He winced as the nurse pushed an IV needle into his hand. The nurse had placed Alec on the opposite end of the room from the ungifted man. Alec still watched him warily, though painkillers were taking the edge off of his paranoia.
Dexter gave one last grin as he sat down in the chair beside his bed. "Don't worry about him, I'll protect you." he assured with a deep sigh. Seeing the guy from earlier passed out made him envious of his sleeping skills. "Well not while unconscious..." he adjusted himself in the seat so that he sat sideways in the chair with his legs sticking out. He threw his shades over his eyes to help surround himself in darkness to help.
"Yeah, yeah..." Alec mumbled as the sedative started to take effect. He drifted off again, his sleep thankfully dreamless and pain free.

((I think we should wait for the others for a bit now))
Rob bolted awake in the chair, turned into his armored form, and broke the chair he slept in, and dented the ground beneath him and cursed. He stood up and looked down, and turned into his normal form. "Nurse wont be happy about that." he looked at his watch, "Shoot its time for class!" Then he looked at the man, "What am I going to do about him..." He frowned, and looked around for other people. There was no one else in the infirmary.
Alec had woken up early, and left the infirmary. He was feeling a little better, though his arm and side ached. Changing had been tricky with his broken arm, but he managed. He skipped first period, which was just him helping Mr. Hara. But when he arrived in his second class.. The second he stepped into the room, the class went silent. As he shuffled to his seat, he heard murmurs spread around the classroom.
Jordan had woke up when her alarm went off and yesterday's events caught up with her, causing her to groan. Her head felt fuzzy from the power use still, and she made a note to talk to her teachers about that. She got ready in a daze and started going to her locker.
Charlotte walked to her first class of the day. The people in the hallways had been pointing at her all day. She came to the conclusion that her brother told his friends about her sneaking outside last night. Charlotte didn't like attention so she decided to not pay attention to the other students. She didn't sleep last night thinking about the men she killed. She had never killed anyone before and the feeling was terrible. It would be a miracle if she didn't pass out during class
Ryan using his speed again, woke up, took a shower, wore his clothes, and walked to the locker area. He picked up his skateboard from the bush he had hid it in the previous day. The teen skated around dodging the random students just as he had done before. Ryan picked up his board then walked to his locker. He swung his locker open and put his board in it. The teen smiled this time he had his real class schedule. Ryan shut his locker and began walking to his first class.
Jordan got her stuff from her locker then closed it and started walking to her class. She spotted Ryan on the way there and couldn't help but say, "Hey Romeo." She joked walking past him.
After a few more minutes, Rob was relieved by the Nurse who promised she would watch over the man. Rob jogged to his room and got ready quickly. He walked into his first class and saw Alec and frowned. He sat across the room, upset that the first person who had shown interest in being Robs friend, was now viewed as a leader for the mutants against Ungifted, which more or less made him Rob's enemy.
Mr. G stopped Ryan in the hallway, "RYAN!" Ryan looked at the teacher, "Yes?" "Don't forget room 310 later for the first play prrractice! Woo!" The teacher proudly reminded him. Ryan nodded then continued walking. He heard Jordan and looked over his shoulder, "Oh hey Juliet". Mr. G went back into his classroom, "Martin?" Martin leaned on his co-worker's desk, "I have a free period Maxwell". Mr. G nodded, "Great! I need you to get some people for me..."

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