St. Boethius
The Pious Philosopher

Hypnos couldn't help but smile when he saw Mackenzie getting back up. She was coping if not embracing the power given to her. It seemed she was much more suited than his first Oracle, whom he would need to check up on after Pasithea was back with him. Looking down in his hands Hypnos held his horn gingerly like one would hold a grenade except this grenade had the explosive range of a nuclear weapon. Hypnos would wait anxiously until the wards were released then he would send Mackenzie another vision. It would be a vision of serenity. Of the Hypnos embracing Pasithea surrounded by people, office workers, guards, etc; tearing one another apart with Thanatos standing grimly behind him. Then the vision would refocus on a human and or rather the face of a human. It was one of peaceful slumber, a stark contrast to his actions as his body was coming veered in the blood of his co-workers, but one detail would jump out to her. The man's ears were bleeding.
When the time came that Hypnos would release that vision to Mackenzie he could only hope that she would understand and react accordingly. He would only wait a few seconds before launching his attack.