William was relieved to see Mackenzie step up and head off the the... overeager child before he could give Chase some unwelcome pets. As it was the wolf had already backpedaled to to avoid that fate. Before long they were off, Chase apparently still on the scent, though clearly none too happy with the leash. They reached the walking trails bordering the western edge of the ballpark, itself adjacent to a canal. The wolf paused, seeming to need to get his bearings and reacquire the scent as the sound of flowing water last bit of evening sunlight reflected off the canal's water through the thin copse of trees.
Out of the corner of his eye, Will spotted a patrol officer meandering down the walkway toward them. He didn't appear to be alerted, though he was certainly eying them. Making a show of stretching with his free arm, Hendrix turned to Mac, "Let's head down to the water, babe. We can get some pictures of Baxter on the lock for Facebook." He led the way down toward the canal itself, watching to make sure the officer continued his route before nodding toward Chase. "Anything?"
Out of the corner of his eye, Will spotted a patrol officer meandering down the walkway toward them. He didn't appear to be alerted, though he was certainly eying them. Making a show of stretching with his free arm, Hendrix turned to Mac, "Let's head down to the water, babe. We can get some pictures of Baxter on the lock for Facebook." He led the way down toward the canal itself, watching to make sure the officer continued his route before nodding toward Chase. "Anything?"