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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

(Ok then, disregard my last message;

LuttyNetto said:
Ippy decieded to leave the way she came, flying back up through to where her dorm room was. She heard the first bell, but was unable to do anything as she still didn't know where her lessons were.
and respond to the one before xD )

@The Unamed Character
Zero frowns and looks away on the verge of tears, shaking while slowly letting her go. Shadow walks over and calls for Ice. Ice comes over and goes to take him away as Shadow helps her up


Subject X
"Z-zero... that's a word... a word that keeps going in my head..." she says shakily

((Gonna make the other zeke... her zero that kept beating her.. is that ok?))

Subject Zero


[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]((Maybe 635 can join your group))

(( Idk lol, Zero is taking a liking to her if you know what I mean ;) xD
Shadow shrugs also being confused, he went to check to see if she was alright and X comes over soon after. "Any injuries?" She asks blankly, Shadow shakes his head at her
Ippy had, as a habit, fallen asleep in ghost form. As she was about to wake up, she went back to normal, still with 635. Shuffling around a little in her sleep, she found herself having strange dreams.

(Can i also point out, Ippy and her younger sister are both test subjects too xD I have so much backstory I can reveal to people >;3)
(Ippy and Lole were both just experimented on horrifically since birth. Don't talk to Lole about her REAL father... .-. As for Ippy, she didn't have a nice family experience either)

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