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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

Ivy walked aimlessly through the school building. She had no idea on what to do and was starting to getting hungry, since she skipped breakfast thinking she was going to be late. Was she late? That was a question she didn't know the answer to, either. Ivy adjusted her backpack so it was hanging off her left shoulder. She looked around with a lost look before she decided to meander some more.

Thorn made her way to the principal's office. Hopefully, she was going the right way. Up to that moment, she was always home-schooled due to her helping her father with souls and whatnot. She found that pretty easy and begged, more like convinced, her dad to let her go to a public school. Now, she was slightly regretted it since she was bored and semi-lost. She was another girl walking around. Thorn scrunched her nose and turned the other way. She was absolutely not going to ask for help from her, just because she didn't want to. She isn't mean; that's just how she is.
Headless HorseMan (the principle) walked around the school watching the kids and all, hands behind his back as a real gentleman. The Principle noticed Thorn and decided to strike up a conversation with her, walking towards her as his boots hit the ground in a repeated pattern. The kids who pass him glance over to him in a scared way before minding there own business shivering out of fear. The Headless HorseMan stopped in front of Thorn and looked down towards her in a way, his trusty horse in its stable with Annie's horse as the stable was next to the school grounds. He waved towards Thorn in a old fashion way
Thorn looked a headless man(I'm guessing that he doesn't have his head on) and slightly tilted her head. She was about to say something obnoxious but remember what her father told her. Her father was the only person that she obeyed without any second thoughts.

"ANY word of you getting in trouble, you're out."

Those words ringed in her mind. She plastered on a fake, realistic-looking smile as she slightly tried to hide her scythe behind he back. Thorn didn't completely listen to her home-school teacher about who was who. "Hello. Are you the principal, by any chance?," she asked sweetly.
( Yes! And I added a few things to his personality so he knows when something is wrong feeling wise, lying, cheating, yada yada yada xD ) The Principle just merely moved his body in a way of saying he was the principle and he was in no mood for any trouble makers, since his punishments could make even the scariest of monsters cower and hide
(Oh boy. It appears Thorn can't act with him. cx)

Thorn stopped herself from rolling her eyes. Maybe her dad was right about taking behavioral classes. Thorn removed the ridiculous thought from her mind. "I was wondering on where the dorms where and which I was assigned to," she asked politely. She may be rude but she has manners. Sometimes.

Ivy turned around and saw the principal. She rushed over to him energetically,"Mr.Principal! Mr.Principal!" I have a question! What's my dorm number and how do I get there?! How do I get to the land of miracles aka the cafeteria? Is the food good?"
(( Damn hyper cx

The Headless HorseMan sighs before giving them both they're dorm room numbers and Roomate names, surprising though the two who were with the principle had the same room number and name. He whistled as a guy who is a student here, Dean obviously , came over and nodded as the principle explained everything to him. Dean then decided to take it from there, as the principle bid them a farewell and walked off as Dean explained everything to them about the dorms and cafeteria
Outside of the school a strange, tall individual wearing an old style suit, a hat, two clawed hands, two deranged looking eyes, and a mouth full of large, sharp teeth arrives walks up to school and precedes to enter it. Upon entering the school the strange being begins to walk through the halls towards the dean's office, earning stares of confusion and fear from passing students and teachers. When the creature reaches the office, he begins to knock on the door repeatable.
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Barbas said:
Outside of the school a strange, tall individual wearing an old style suit, a hat, two clawed, two deranged looking eyes, and a mouth full of large, sharp teeth arrives walks up to school and precedes to enter it. Upon entering the school the strange being begins to walk through the halls towards the dean's office, earning stares of confusion and fear from passing students and teachers. When the creature reaches the office, he begins to knock on the door repeatable.
(( Dean is talking to two students and the principle is walking around the school
Thorn mentally groaned. She did not want to ask her for directions and what would make her want to share a dorm!? She had to find a way to avoid her at all times so that probably meant putting put some type of wall between them. She looked at her scythe from the corner of her eyes and placed it in between of her and the crazy one.

Ivy nodded as she listened to everything Dean said, until a scythe was next to her. "Is this a scythe? Huh. I prefer hunting knives and daggers but if you're offering......" The scythe disappeared. Ivy shrugged it off and placed her attention on Dean. A few seconds later, she started to blurt out questions. "Does this school have a gym? What about a field? Are sport teams available?! If I want a midnight snack, will the cafeteria be open!? Still listening? If so, what snacks can I get? If not, then there's a suggestion! Where's the nearest forest? Is there a store nearby!? How about a mountain with snow!? I like those. Do you guys offer raw meat? If not, that's okay. I like you, Dean in a I-just-met-you-but-you're-great way. Does the school host dances or festivals? On average, how many students come here a year? I may have eaten a lot sugar this morning instead of breakfast but I consider that I skipped that meal cause sugar isn't a meal. Can I build a robot by any chance?! Are you paying attention? How would you describe this school?"

Thorn's patience was slowly ticking away. Does this girl ever shut up!? Thorn hugged her scythe before she placed it on her back. She rubbed her temples before she just started to walk away. She didn't want to be the reason someone got seriously injured. "I must make it through this day," she mumbled under breath.
Dean then went on his way, like a student in the school even though he also has a job as a security guard. His wings were stretching out while folding in, he has got to tell his sister about the school he goes to. Dean doesn't feel lonely except when he doesn't have his little sister to keep him some company, so he went on his way going to call up Lexi and tell her to switch over to join him.
(( Right now he is heading towards his office, so if the boogeyman could just catch up to him to talk that would be a good way to get his attention. Also its fine ring 400 years old, but could you have boogeyman have a age that would fit a high schooler's age? It would be appreciated
Ivy suddenly felt a sensation of tiredness attack her. She softly yawned before she shook her head. "Never again, am I going to eat sugar," she told herself quietly. Ivy walked towards where she was told the dorms were. As she walked, she wondered if maybe she annoyed someone because she temporally hyper. She shook the thought from her head as she moved her backpack to her right shoulder. Ivy opened the door and quickly walked in. To her, the room was kind-of plain. At that instance, she knew she was going to redecorate. Ivy opened her backpack and took her books and notebooks. She placed a pencil behind her ear along with an eraser in her pocket. She closed her backpack and left the room with her books.

Thorn walked into the her dorm and noticed a backpack. She sighed as she walked to the other side of the room. "At least, I don't have to see her," Thorn grumbled as she unpacked. A notebook, two books, a pen and pencil was all she was going to carry. She made sure her scythe was her back before she left. To Thorn, the most important thing in the world was her scythe. She had never gone anywhere without it. Thorn walked to the cafeteria, hoping to get a quick snack before class started.
Having not been answered, the creature begins to make his way down the hall when he spots who he assumes to be the principle walking towards the office. Seeing the principle, the strange creature begins to walk towards the principle, hoping to get his attention.
The Headless HorseMan stopped as he was talking to his daughter, who is also headless. The two however cut they're conversation short noticing the boogeyman walk over towards the two, Annie bid her father a farewell waving towards the boogeyman and went on her way. The Headless Horseman watched her for a while before looking over at Boogeyman, ready to hear what he had to clearly talk to him about

( forgot to enter it)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/images-11.jpeg.5f2590612a26e4938e082cc6650a859e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49705" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/images-11.jpeg.5f2590612a26e4938e082cc6650a859e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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InsaneKiller19 said:
The Headless HorseMan stopped as he was talking to his daughter, who is also headless. The two however cut they're conversation short noticing the boogeyman walk over towards the two, Annie bid her father a farewell waving towards the boogeyman and went on her way. The Headless Horseman watched her for a while before looking over at Boogeyman, ready to hear what he had to clearly talk to him about
Looking at the principle I begin to talk to him. Greeting friend, I have been looking to talk to you about allowing me to join this fine school of yours for some time now. I already choose which classes I will be taking and all that other business taken care of, so now the only thing I need is your permission to join.
Thorn sat down at a table with her bagel. She opened one of her books and decided to study after she heard the change of schedule. The thought of the dance came across her mind. She wasn't planning on going but if she had nothing better to do, she might reconsider.

Ivy walked to the school library. She wanted to borrow some books on decor and decorating. She stopped midway before rushing back to her dorm. She dropped her books on her bed and looked around. She ripped out a page from one of her notebooks and drew the layout of the room. If she was going to decorate, she had to be serious about it and maybe ask Thorn if she could. Leaving her dorm with the, now folded, piece of paper, she walked around the school. Ivy wanted to make a map of the school in her head. Decorating could wait.
The principle merely moved his body as if saying that the Boogeyman would join, but then signed (if he could even read sign language) "You would need to blend in with the school, I don't want to trouble or mischievous here and I CLEARLY DO NOT IN ANYWAY. If I find anyone or you with me daughter and you both are doing something that is clearly not permitted. Then you shall never step foot into this school again, I am serious upon my words and I just want the best for my daughter, Annie."
InsaneKiller19 said:
The principle merely moved his body as if saying that the Boogeyman would join, but then signed (if he could even read sign language) "You would need to blend in with the school, I don't want to trouble or mischievous here and I CLEARLY DO NOT IN ANYWAY. If I find anyone or you with me daughter and you both are doing something that is clearly not permitted. Then you shall never step foot into this school again, I am serious upon my words and I just want the best for my daughter, Annie."
Now what trouble would you expect from me, friend? Are you concerned about my "eating" habits?
"Even though I have known you most my life, you know how I get when it comes to my daughter's well being." he signs (Just pretend they know each other cx)
InsaneKiller19 said:
"Even though I have known you most my life, you know how I get when it comes to my daughter's well being." he signs (Just pretend they know each other cx)
Well every parent is concerned about their children's well being friend, especially when I'm around, but you know I don't eat the children of other monsters. Besides, what would I do with your daughter?
Ivy froze in her tracks when she saw the principal and someone else "talking". She knew sign language as much as the next person but she wasn't really expecting a lot of people knowing it. She was getting freaked out but the student that was with the principal so she quickly turned around and quietly walked away.

Thorn finished her bagel along with a few chapters in her book. She picked up her stuff and threw away her napkin. She walked to her dorm in a peaceful mood. All she wanted to do was take a nap. A nap never killed anyone. The moment she walked into her dorm, she jumped onto her bed and softly closed her eyes as she placed her scythe down on the floor beside her bed.

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