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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

"Then I assume you dont have one.... Ok its official both of you will stay with me!" He said as he stood up tall smiling to the both of them
Annie pulls a paper out and hands it over to Ippy, it was ippy's dorm room number '324 Roomate: Dean' (idk just went random xD ) and then went back to examining her sword staying silent
Annie pushed the paper back to her and made sure that she didn't let go of it before signing, "Your dorm room and who you shall be staying with....father wanted me to pass them out to people who don't have a dorm room. I didn't get assigned one though.." stops signing then and puts her sword away
"She said you have a home to yourself" He said knowing sign language as he was trained in music and World Languages class
"But... Where?" Ippy clearly knew nothing about what was on the sheet of paper, despite looking at it.

"Oh and... By myself?" She was disheartened by the fact she would be alone.
"Yes, by yourself." He said petting her head "But dont worry itll be fun! You can do what you want!"
"B-but... I can't read or write, I still need to learn to cook..." She was distressed, she reached up to her collar for comfort and soon calmed down.
He looked over to Annie and said "Do you think we could let her live with us for a while? So I can teach her things"

//anyone online???//
// you wanna rp on spellreaper until then Jade went to bed//
//you sound confused lol//
//just leave for air ill be outside//
//Im here now whats your second wish?//

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