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Fantasy Supernatural High School

Lillith Veilas

Living Dead Girl, causing a scene.

Welcome to Glendale High School!

Dear, (insert character name here)

We are excited to let you know that your child has been accepted to Glendale High School. Classes begin this fall on September 15th, at 9 am. Students are not required to where a uniform and your basic classroom supplies will be provided. We happily await the arrival of your child so that we may further expand their mind, and educate them on the aspects of life that normal high schools glimpse over. We thank you for your donation and interest on our school. We can't wait for the great year ahead of us all!

New school, and supernatural abilities? Oh, what did I get myself into?

Side note: If you would like to do multiple characters that's completely fine, and you can ignore this, but I would like to ask if you do play multiple characters that you keep an even ratio. Like, 1 boy for 1 girl, and so on. Like I said, feel free to ignore this if you'd like.

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Lillith groaned as her alarm clock sounded. She hit the snooze button and rolled over starring at the wall. After about 15 minutes she finally pulled herself out of bed and got ready. She sighed as she starred into the mirror. Her hair straight, eyeliner winged, her plaid shirt hanging almost to her knees over her star wars shirt and black skinny jeans. She slipped on her, what her mother called 'grandma' shoes, tom-wannabes, grabbed her car keys and headed to the high school. She was nervous and had every reason to be. Lillith wasn't exactly what you'd call...human. Lillith was a witch. She came from a long pure blood line of witches and in their realm Lillith was the next Queen Bee, but this whole being around humans thing wigged her out. What if she screwed up and was figured out? "They'd burn me at the stake.." she mumbled as she turned up her radio trying to drown out her thoughts.
Lane woke up a few minuets before his alarm clock. He kept an eye on it until it beeped. He turned off his alarm clock, threw off the covers, stood and grabbed his cane. His cane was not just a dapper accessory (Which Lane enjoys telling people it is), but a walking aid he needed due to his OI. He put on dark jeans, sneakers, a white T-Shirt that said, in comic sans, I Kinkshame. He covered it up with a light jacket. On his way out he threw a beanie on his head. He lived just close enough to the school to walk there.
Lillith arrived at the school and pulled into her designated spot. She pushed open her car door after turning off the engine, and starred up at the massive building. Lillith bit her lip, a worried expression on her face. She sighed once more grabbing her bag and headed towards the front door of the school slowly. Lillith kept thinking about how she wasn't ready for this. She took one more deep breath and started up the stairs. It was 8:00 am, she still had another hour until she even really had to be there.
Lane arrived at the building, he looked it up and down and sighed. He started heading up the stairs before he looked at his watch and saw that he was early. He stepped down a few and took a seat. He took out his phone, put only one earbud in, and played loud electronic music that could be heard outside of his earbuds.
Lillith noticed another student there as she walked up the stairs past him, and she got a sense that he wasn't exactly... normal either. But she wasn't sure how right she was with her nerves like they were. Lillith looked around and sat down a couple stairs above him. "should I say something...?" she whispered to herself. She bit her lip again and checked her phone. A text message from her mom:

Have a great first day sweetie

~Love mom <3

She closed the message and starred out into the distance. She heard music coming from the guy in front of her. She smiled somewhat thinking, "at least he has a good taste in music.."
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Rek'Sai's 'boots' were heard clicking down the hallways, her breathing being able to be heard because of the oxygen tanks giving her oxygen through her mask. She glanced around, her fingers twitching and she stopped when she heard the music. She twitched and moved even faster now as she moved to catch the noise. She twitched again, jolting forward as she saw where the noise was coming from. She slowed down to a walk, her whole body twitching and her breathing now ominous and growly sounding.
He turned his head to look at the girl standing on the stairs. "New here? I am." He spoke non-nonchalantly, tugging out the earbud. His fingers tapped on the pavement of the stairs as he checked his watch again, waiting for the day to begin.
"Uh-h..uhm.." she stuttered at first, "Yeah, I'm new too.." Lillith trailed her sentence off. "My name's Lillith." she said as she scooted down to the same step he was on.
Luna walked with her bag on her shoulder, all of her friends surrounding her or following behind. She was a kind girl and known widely throughout the school. No one knew what she was however. Luna was found in Europe as a baby and the couple that found her kept her. Her Mother owned a bakery in France while her Father worked as a Mechanical Engineer in America. Her French accent gained her popularity when she got there her Freshman year and she has continued to keep a larger group of friends.
"I'm Lane, like the pathway." He chuckled lightly, checking his watch once more before turning off the music. "Good to meet another noob, and so quickly too." He pushed back his heavily bleached hair.
Lillith relaxed a little and smiled, "Nice to meet you too." she giggled slightly. "Are you a Senior, or ?" She asked hoping he'd be a junior, so they'd at least have some classes together. He was cute when he smiled she thought.
"Yeah, I am." He grinned at his own joke as it came into his head. "Unless you planned on finishing that sentence with 'or goddamn rad' then the answer would be yes to both." It was funnier in his head, he would never admit that it was funnier in his head however. "I am a Senior yes."
"Oh, well." she smiled somewhat, or at least tried to. "I'm a junior. Guess I'm going into these classes alone." Lillith laughed slightly at how pathetic she probably sounded.
"Hey, I'm going in alone too. You'll meet people, make friends, all that sappy bs." He grabbed his cane that was lying beside him and stood up. "I wanna see what this place looks like on the inside. Wanna come?"
A silver snake slithered toward the two, a low hiss came from her. She was a big anaconda, slithering down the stairs and her body brushed up against Lilith's leg as she made her way down.
Lillith jumped a little as the snake brushed her leg. But, she nodded to Lane, "Sure." She stood up and followed him. She ran a hand through her hair, pushing some of it back, as they walked inside.
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The snake watched them leave, its body coiling up and a silver furred rabbit soon took its place. She hopped after them, slipping past the door and hopped closely behind them.
"That is...freaky AF." He said in regard to the snake that moved by them. "Yeah lets go." He walked in with her, looking around. "I hate transitioning to a new school." he said with a bit of a groan.
Fruit! Humming happily Cael grabbed a random outfit and changed as he headed toward the kitchen following his nose. He stumbled a few times but for once safely made it without a stumbed toe or new bruise. Staggering into the kitchen he was greeted with site of his psuedo guardian Marian placing the last of an assortment of fruits into a bowl and setting them onto the table next to a steaming cup of fruit pouch and a small salad. She shot him a fond smile as he slumped into the seat and dug in. Already used to his strange appetite.

It's been almost a year since she took him in after finding him during a hike. Confused and with no memories of life before. It's been a rocky road as they discovered his powers and attempted to keep them hidden. Luckily their new place, a cabin in the woods, is perfect for such a thing.

Sitting in front of her own breakfast across from him, pancakes and black coffee, she began to slowly east as she waited for him to take a second to breath. When he did she spoke swallowing her bite. "Ready for school?"

Swiping his last piece of fruit into the juice gathering at the bottom of the bowl he drowned it with the last of his punch before speaking nodding eagerly. He loved the thought of going to a school with others! "Yea, I hope I can pick up some of the local slang. Yesterday when I went to the store the cashier was a fellow teenager and I was left totally confused. "

Hiding a amused smile behind her coffee cup she nodded. "We in that case you may want to get going unless you want to be late. " Eyes widening as he realized the time Cael hurried off to brush his teeth and slip into his neon sneakers. Grabbing his jacket and bag he shouted his farewell before leaving racing down the trail leading to civilization, flowers growing in his wake. He couldn't be late on his first day!
"Same here. I'm so nervous.." she trailed off looking around the hallways of the school. "I haven't even gotten my schedule yet." she sighed.

(I might make another character so if another name pops up in my replies don't be surprised guys, lol.)
"Me neither, maybe we should try to get those." He looked around. "I also wanna find out if this school has elevators, because tbh some days I just don't feel like going up the stairs because who does?"
Lillith nodded and tried to see if she could spot an elevator. "I'm sure they have one somewhere." as they continued to walk around. "Maybe we should find the office. Our schedules could be there."

Xander walked up to the front door, throwing his cigarette on the ground, stomping it out. He scoffed, "I hope they're ready for me." he said recalling all of the other schools he had been expelled from. This one was probably just like the last, a place where the counselors thought that they could "fix" him. Problem was, Xander didn't have a problem not one that he could think of at least. He saw two other students walking around the halls as he entered the building.

(information is in the CS page)
The little rabbit pricked her ears as she saw someone new. She left the two talking, they didnt even know she was there. She bolted for Xander, skidding on the tiles and ran into his leg face first. She flattened her ears, sitting down and rubbing her nose with her paw.
Stopping in front of the school Cael gazed up at it as students swarmed around him. So this is what school looks like. It's big that's for sure. Glancing at all the students he had to swallow down the nervousness building up. It was to late to have doubts about doing this. He will just have to keep control of his powers and hope all turns out well. Grip tightening on the strap of his backpack he slowly shuffled three the crowds toward the, slightly, imposing building.

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