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Fantasy Supernatural Creatures RP

That one dummy 999

I know you're dead inside but u make me feel alive
This is a role play about









It's taken place In a big city.

Everyone is welcome! :)
nivek ran through woods with a care in the world feeling free just by running in his true form as a wolf. he felt like nothing could breing him down. he ran and ran then he came to the edge of the woods and came to a stop to look down at the city and felt as if the city was a cage for his kind thanks to other cretures running it. but the woods was a wolfs domain so he felt free there.
Sarah stood by a vacant building peering around the corner at the empty streets full of silence. Her throat burned from not having any blood to drink for he last few days so she stood still waiting for someone to pass by.
nivek looked up and saw the moon and knew if he dint get in his cage for the night soon then the moon would take him. so he walked to the edge of the city where he puts his bag of cloths. smelling around to make sure no one saw him.

Tim Aravelo

In the city

Tim had spotted Sarah his girlfriend as he had flown over the city and he practically silently landed behind her and walked silently right up to her and peered around the corner mimicing her. "What are we looking for?" He asked and smiled waiting for a reaction from her since she didn't even know he had snuck up on her. He was expecting to be slapped for scaring her or for her to scream.

Sarah felt something behind then instantly jumped glaring at him with wide eyes "dammit really?!" She said running a hand through her hair. "Why do you always do that?" She asked tilting her head to the side. 

Tim Aravelo

Tim couldn't keep the grin off his face as he watched her jump with fright. "I thought you liked it." He joked and smiled at her as he was her. "I just can't help myself." He told her and pulled her close. "I'm sorry okay. I would say I won't do it again but you know I will." He said with a cheeky grin.

nivek shifted back to his human form once he knew that he was alone. after he shifted he stould and started to get dress. then somthing seemed strange. 'were is everyone the streets are normally running being even at night.' he wondered. he finished getting dress with his cloths smelling like human to mask most of his scent so he could blend ing better with any crowd and less quewstions would be asked. he started down the street in his weeker human form with out his sences or any wolf traits. as far as any being was concern he was human.
Sarah glared at him looking up at him staring at his grin "why do you have that dumb smirk on your face" she said turning her head noticing a guy wondering around. Feeling her throat begin to burn and her eyes turn a darker shade of golden brown "I need to go" she said looking at Tim letting him know she was going to feed.
nivek kept walking unsure why the streets are empty. so he kept walking worried that what ever cleared the streets could still be out and about. he stayed in his human form just in case it was nothing but kept his eyes open just in case. as he got close to his apartment he start to feel relaxed and letting his gaurd down the closer he go to the apartment.
Sarah looked up at Tim and stepped back "I need to go, really" she muttered shifting her body towards the road heading down the street feeling her throat catch on fire following a scent of human passing by she followed the scent quietly.

Tim Aravelo

Tim stood there just holding there for a moment. "I don't know. I smirk whenever I scare you because you never react how I think you will." He said and slowly let her go knowing that she was going to feed. "Okay. Just be careful okay." He said he would have let her feed off him just a little but she had never asked him. "I'll keep an eye out for you if you want?" He asked her as he grew wings again to go and sit on the roof of the building.

nivek cept walking feeling completely safe now that he reached his home. he smiled and unlocked the door. he looked around one more time. "wonder where everyones at...then again i live alone so who am i to judge." he spoke to himself before heading inside. "wow" feeling how hot it was in side compared to the out side. "did i leave the heater on damn it i did" he said as he proped the door open and started to open the windows for fresh air.
Sarah looked up noticing Tim sitting on top of a building. She chuckled running towards an alleyway leaning up against the wall. An older man passes by around the age of late 50's. The scent of him made her mouth water so trudged behind grabbing him by the back of the neck slamming him into the Brick wall soon he was crying in pain. She shook her head chuckled "you wasted your life" she laughed leaning down biting into his neck savoring the blood it was a little bitter but you know better than nothin.

When she was finished she left the corpse propped up against the wall then ran towards Tim climbing up a rail plopping down beside him "I'm back" she muttered.
once the place cooled down a bit he closed everything up. he went to the basement and sighed. "here i go again" he muttered to himself as he walked it a metal room, with claww marks, dents, and blood staints from the moon taking him. " well guess now i wait" he said as he locked the door behind him.

Tim Aravelo

Tim smiled as he watched Sarah climb up the building. He had watched the whole thing, he didn't really care what she had down to that man. "I can see that you're back." Tim said and smiled as he made his wings go away. "Feeling better now?" He asked her confused as to why she had muttered. He slowly pulled her closer and just sat there quietly on the roof with her.
Sarah chuckled and nodded "we'll yeah, it's a nice feeling not to have a burning throat" she laughed laying her head on his shoulder staring out into the city "why is this city so vacant now?" She wondered.
nivek sat in his own prioson inside him home waiting for the moon to take over as he can already feel it trying to in the back of his mind. "almost time" he sighed silently to himself as he starts to loose control. "i wonder if theres something worth fighting for out there" he asked himself as he did every night.
Maggie walked steadily down the street, her blond curls falling across her pale back. The cool winds that encroached the city, seem to not affect her. She would be in need of an apartment, somewhere to call home. Call it curiosity of the human world, or as she would say herself, boredom. The city around her was rather calm for her taste, but it would have to do. She hoped not to run into trouble (anyone in her opinion), but at the same time, she wanted to see the species of this world.

When arriving to this new place, she had seen to creating a cover for herself, realizing her demon form would unsettle many of the natural inhabitants, or attract unwanted attention. Her only belongings, her book, containing her personal collection of recipes, spells, and best of all those whom owed her a debt. Down below she had quite a reputation, but here it was a fresh start. She wondered if these mortals were just as foolish as her last clients.

Tim Aravelo

"Yeah I was wondering the same thing. It's so quietly in the city at the moment. It has been for a little while too." Tim said and wrapped on arm around her resting his hand on her hip. The city has been oddly quiet lately and there was really no expanation as to why. He didn't mind it since it didn't really affect him, more that it affected Sarah since there were less people to feed her hunger.

(Last post for tonight. I'm going to sleep peace out.)

(ok i gues that means ecery one has one more post then we wait till he replies?)

nivek felt the moons power and with that power he gave an omega howl with his body forcefully and painfully being made to shift. his bones cracking, fangs growing, and his eyes glow golden with adrenalin of his blood. a need to destoy over came his mind as he shifted.
Maggie, walked along slowly, her golden hair fluttering in the moonlight. This body was strange, and weak. She hated it more than anything. Finally coming to a sparse area, she let the illusion leave her body, transforming into her true form. Ivory horns grew into a brakish shade at their tips, curving like that of a ram. Her second pair of eyes formed, pure black along her brow, and her temple flowed into a two horned crest. Cheeks bones abbreviated, the rhythmic dips under her cheek bones and along her crest fell into place. Finally, her lips faded to black, her skin a straight white. Her once golden locks flowed black, and to her waist. Elvish ears twitched to her surrounding, a smile forming along her face. It was good to be herself again.
Sarah shrugged looking over at him "I'm just gonna have to search for people to feed on" she muttered flickering her eyes towards the distance. The moon was full tonight it had a hint of orange crested around it.

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