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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

Alphaius said:
Name:Jackel Sothe

Human Appearance:View attachment 287527

Supernatural Appearance:View attachment 287528



Personality:cocky and sometimes even a bit arrogant,but very generous and protective over his friends. He is a bit of a hound when it comes to women, but if "claimed" he has a fierce loyalty about him.

Bio:Being a Demi-God isn't always easy.especially if your father is the Ferryman of the dead. The first time Jackel met his father he had just been hit by a car...his father came for him, but upon realizing who he was he refused to take him and instead fixed his body and refilled it with his soul.since then Jackel has been doing stupid things on the regular,and often dying to meet his father. The two have actually grown quite close and Anubis has even been teaching his son the magics of his lineage. However their visits are brief mostly just a few seconds.

Extras:he is well received by all of his Egyptian Parthenon family, as such he seems to have an aura of good fourtune.

Likes:Girls, food, good smells, practicing Anu Magic

Dislikes:Squirrels, Bad smells, cinnamon, not dying at least once a day.

Species:Demi-God (son of Anubis)


Human form:

In human form he has limited access to Anu Magic which he can use for a variety of spells.

Bandage binding: able to spawn and manipulate cloth bandages of varied length, despite their old appearance these bandages are scented of Oils and incense and are quite strong.

Summon dead: he can summon up to four Mummy servants, like zombies but even head shots won't kill them only rendering them to ash will.

Negative energy: a black colored energy that causes a feeling of dread and fatigue.can be applied to bandages and mummies.

Perks of a pup: being a child of Anubis he cannot die. If killed his father will rebuild his body and put his soul back In,though his father has warned him not to be killed by a divine being (A God) as even he can't reverse that.

Divine form:

In his divine form he is hundreds of times stronger,faster, and tougher. All of his magic is greatly amplified, and he gains the ability to travel freely through the world of the living and the world of the dead. He can only maintain this level of power for one minute... And it is followed by a 24 hour coma.

Role:Flirty trickster


Crush:not yet

Hope's,Dream's:"I just wanna enjoy myself"
Lilly: Hello *little hearts everywheres
Alphaius said:
Your that kitsune werewolf huh...
Very creative and kinda adorable. :)
*She blushes*


(lets go to main area so we don't get in trouble for being in the wrong area :)
Bill Cipher

Introduction An ancient, megalomaniac dream-demon, that wishes to free the world of all order.



Name: Bill Cipher

Age: Older than the galaxy, and just as twisted!

Human Appearance: Usually this.


Supernatural Appearance:
Yeeep, that's me.

Gender: Technically, his physical form is Agender. But he refers to himself as "he, him, his" and has a male voice. Theoretically Male.

Species: Demon

Sexuality: Asexual, unless in Human Form, in which he is Bisex.

Occupation: None???

Role: Antagonist.

Royalty: No.

Likes: Interesting stories, love and drama, works of fiction, manipulating weak and lonely people

Dislikes: When people are close to figuring out his plans

Crush: Nope.

Hope's, Dream's, Etc.: Control the Universe

  • Appearance

    Height: Who knows?

    Weight: Who knows?

    Hair: Yellow?

    Eyes: Only one.

    Body: Triangular!

    Attire: I have this nice hat, and a bow tie!

Theme Songs


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Whenever you return. The dream demon character has been written down and accomplished. Check it out and point out any mistakes\things to fix when you come back.
Name: Percy Peridot

Age: Looks 17 but is thousands of years old

Human Appearance (If you have one):


Supernatural Appearance:

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Percy is really really shy and mysterious. He doesn't tell anyone anything, he just keeps to himself

Bio: TBR in rp

Extras (Optional): Hates the bathroom, speaks really weird. Example, He calls a nose a sence sponge...

Likes: Technology, Being alone

Dislikes: Crowds, Old timer things

Species: Well his mother is an Alien and he was born here, plus his father is a human so half alien?

Powers: TBR in rp

Role (what you do most of your time): Student, Try's to hack the School computer system

Royalty?: No

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): Has no friends so how can a crush possibly form!

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):

He hopes to help him and his mother return to space

EDIT: yes this is Peridot's son from Steven Universe, Peridot is not fanmade, Percy is
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Age: Older than the stars of this system

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Solitary, quiet, grumpy, secretive, goal driven, psychotic at times, Taunting, egotistical, cocky, possesive.

Bio: Shinn-Ninadaa or Shinn is the daughter of Shib-Nigaarath, and some unknown elder god from beyond the veil of known time and space. Where exactly Shinn came from is not entirely known and she doesn’t really know her self. All she knows is that she has been able to watch the creation of this universe, and to her it is dull and rather uninteresting compared to her father and mothers worlds of reality. The soul purpose of Shinn coming to the school is so that she can possibly learn of a spell or adjacent she may be able to take to her parents to aid them in the destruction of this reality and hearlad in the rain of the old ones once more...though she will probably fail like she usually does.

Extras (Optional): Shinn has two forms one that of a young girl with dark hair and often wears black clothing. Her second and true form is that of a four legged horror covered in writhing tenticals and a maw of razor sharp teeth. In her true form she is capable of driving mortals insane.

Likes: Dreary things, gloomy stuff, crazy things, chaos, mushrooms (their related)

Dislikes: humans, order, following rules, failing at her plans.

Species:Dark Young of Shib-Nigaarath (demi-god)

Powers: Cpaable of assuming the form of a young girl (normally encontered like this), Super strong, immune to physical harm (but magic hurts her), regeneration, Fast, can drive mortals insane by here mere prescience in her true form.

Role (what you do most of your time): Pretending to be a student but really is seeking a spell or power to destroy the world for ol mom and dad :)

Royalty?: ummm kind of maybe, daddy was a elder god and mommy was a Old One

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend):not right now, but maybe. Maybe he will make a good snack

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): To destroy all reality and reshape it in chaos for her parents.

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Name: John Abraus

Age: 17

Human Appearance:
He is usually under layers of protective clothing, and always wears a gasmask. Even so, he still gets sick.

Machine Appearance:

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: ??? (I don't like giving this out. People decide what my personality is by interacting with him.)

Bio: John is a individual who has a dangerous cocktail of genetic abnormalities, as due to that, he cannot really interact with the real world. He is almost always in his room, and usually interacts with people via handmade machines that he has built. He is a capable engineer, and his machines and gadgets prove otherwise. However, he is currently (Being forced two) taking a risk by interacting with several other classmates, personally.

Likes: ???

Dislikes: ???

Species: Human

Powers: He is a engineering prodigy, and if you have faced his machines, you'll see why.

Role (what you do most of your time): John generally works on his machines, tending to the intricate parts.



XV-20 "Knight"

The usual robot that he accompanies, it is able to withstand a lot of punishment, and dish out even more. However, he only uses it as protection.


XV-23 "Archer"

Generally for sport, John loves to take control of these agile machines, to explore the city, and cause a little bit of mischief.


XV-25 "Assassin"

A smaller than average contraption he builds, this is his main "interactive" robot. Human-sized, it is mostly meant for John to use as a platform to communicate with others. However, in a pinch, it can be used to climb walls, run faster than a normal human, and attack with great ferocity. However, this is a trade-off for the fragile structure. Even John, the weakling he is can literally kick the thing to break it...
Arty said:
Name: John Abraus
Age: 17

Human Appearance:
He is usually under layers of protective clothing, and always wears a gasmask. Even so, he still gets sick.

Machine Appearance:

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: ??? (I don't like giving this out. People decide what my personality is by interacting with him.)

Bio: John is a individual who has a dangerous cocktail of genetic abnormalities, as due to that, he cannot really interact with the real world. He is almost always in his room, and usually interacts with people via handmade machines that he has built. He is a capable engineer, and his machines and gadgets prove otherwise. However, he is currently (Being forced two) taking a risk by interacting with several other classmates, personally.

Likes: ???

Dislikes: ???

Species: Human

Powers: He is a engineering prodigy, and if you have faced his machines, you'll see why.

Role (what you do most of your time): John generally works on his machines, tending to the intricate parts.



XV-20 "Knight"

The usual robot that he accompanies, it is able to withstand a lot of punishment, and dish out even more. However, he only uses it as protection.


XV-23 "Archer"

Generally for sport, John loves to take control of these agile machines, to explore the city, and cause a little bit of mischief.


XV-25 "Assassin"

A smaller than average contraption he builds, this is his main "interactive" robot. Human-sized, it is mostly meant for John to use as a platform to communicate with others. However, in a pinch, it can be used to climb walls, run faster than a normal human, and attack with great ferocity. However, this is a trade-off for the fragile structure. Even John, the weakling he is can literally kick the thing to break it...
Perhapes a means to an end for Shinn-Ninadaa in her attempt to end the world?
Silvercat said:
Perhapes a means to an end for Shinn-Ninadaa in her attempt to end the world?
I did not think of that. John is more of a neutral character... He can aid good... or evil... Depends how he's swayed.
Silvercat said:
Perhapes a means to an end for Shinn-Ninadaa in her attempt to end the world?
Besides, you can tap him, and he'll fall down. He's really weak, physically that is.
Arty said:
I did not think of that. John is more of a neutral character... He can aid good... or evil... Depends how he's swayed.
Arty said:
Besides, you can tap him, and he'll fall down. He's really weak, physically that is.
Hmmmm can he be deceived into thinking he's doing something good, but actually it's horrible?
Silvercat said:
Hmmmm can he be deceived into thinking he's doing something good, but actually it's horrible?
Depends. Why don't you interact with him to find out? :3 I already posted the starter. He only does what he thinks what's right for HIM
Silvercat said:
Hmmmm can he be deceived into thinking he's doing something good, but actually it's horrible?
He can aid people, but sometimes, uses them for live testing for new equipment and gear. So... Yeah
Arty said:
He can aid people, but sometimes, uses them for live testing for new equipment and gear. So... Yeah
Alright :)

Lets start then :D (Probably won't be on very long though cause it's late here.


Human Appearance (If you have one):profile picture

Supernatural Appearance:




Personality:she is very kind,funny and generous but when she is using her power(supernatural form)she become very serious and ruthless.she sensitive and search to be happy and make lots of friend.she's intelligent and tactical at the same time but she's not strong or resistant.she is good in magic and moderately fast.


she was born in a high snowy mountain and lived for a long time but one day an avalanche Was down on the house and she were the only one survivor , his brother , his father and mother were dead , not knowing what to do, she went to the nearest village and was treated like a demon because of his power but also her eyes different color,

one day she found a school where she could not be considered as a demon .

Extras (Optional):

Likes:she like to read,practise magic ,make friend(also hang out with them),and to draw

Dislikes:to be treat like a demon,to lose friend and also to be intimidate,mutilated or


Species:she's a half human,half angel(she quit his angel life and is now a fallen angel)

Powers:flight,air and all arcane,spell or invocation

Role (what you do most of your time):she practise magic or read,draw


Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend):none for the moment(je just got to school!)

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):that she would be like every body and live with her death family...<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Angels_Wings_Fantasy_Girls_angel_gothic_mask_dark_demon_1680x900.jpg.9efecc118a1931735fee8a6a10425aa3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Angels_Wings_Fantasy_Girls_angel_gothic_mask_dark_demon_1680x900.jpg.9efecc118a1931735fee8a6a10425aa3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Angels_Wings_Fantasy_Girls_angel_gothic_mask_dark_demon_1680x900.jpg
    178.2 KB · Views: 2




Human Appearance (If you have one):


Supernatural Appearance:




Heterosexual - Straight


Soft-spoken, more of a listener than a talker, kind-hearted with a forgiving nature but having a quiet confidence & strength. She would rather listen than speak & also consider both sides to the story.

(But that doesn't mean I'll make her never talk.)


Starlight is generous of spirit, graceful dancer and always thinks the best of others. She is dainty and graceful, and she can bring happy dreams and sweet sleep. Though Cheerful at a glance, her lonely life has made her a bit naive. Wanting to be able to share happiness with others, she has come to this academy. Starlight is not use to her human body, so expect her limbs to do some weird things at times.

Extras (Optional):




Small soft creatures

Heavy Rain



People touching her horn (*Blush*)

People jumping on her back for a ride without permission

Fat Jokes

Physical Education.




Flight, Invisibility, Healing, take away nightmare, and Flower Growing.

Role (what you do most of your time):

Observe, it's quite a habit. Eating; I mean she uses a lot of energy. Hop-scotch and other silly childish games. And hanging out with friends (When she get's some). But she fairly likes watching movies.


I suppose, since she's one of the lasts.

(In case someone want to RP one as well)

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend):


Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):

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