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Fantasy Supernatual Academy


The nerdiest and fluffiest marshmallow of them all


Human Appearance (If you have one):

Supernatural Appearance:





Extras (Optional):





Role (what you do most of your time):


Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend):

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):
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Name: Ivy Beauchamp

Age: 17

Human Appearance (If you have one):


Supernatural Appearance:


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: A wallflower

Bio: Ivy Beauchamp was born to a cupid and common angel, her wings pink like a cupid yet she had common angel powers, her parents disappeared years ago. She came to the academy hoping to learn something interesting or new, she is a hopeless romantic who loves to read and watch romances and her friends say it is because of her cupid blood. Ivy really hopes that is not the case, she felt that books were her thing but if it was just because of her father then she wanted no part of it. She knew that they weren't evil, she just wanted her own thing. Ivy wishes to one day become an author and be known for her books instead of her family, yeah they were war heroes but in that battle they left her. She wishes that she could write a romance series and make people happy and love her writing.

Extras (Optional):



Likes: Food,Music, Books, Flying, Movies, Shows, Fantasy, Romance, indoor voices, laptop, plants

Dislikes: Running, swimming (She can't swim), hypocrites, loud noises, guns, violence for no particular reason

Type: Angel/Cupid

Powers: General Angel Abilities and a bit of cupid powers

Role (what you do most of your time): Student, stays in the corner reading, is mostly under the cherry tree by the girls dorm

Royalty?: No

Crush (Or boyfriend):

Crush:Graeme Grove

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): She hopes to be a author of a romance/adventure and known for that instead of her family


Her best friend from back home has been taking care of Jake, another one of her angel friends, not that he was an angel he just stays in an angel village, he is actually human, but ever since she left for the academy he fell into a state of depression and cuts his wrists, Ivy was his moral support and now she was gone, lately its been getting more.... Serious. She get's messages from Cleo about how it's been, and it hasn't been good or shows any better.
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"It's hard letting go.



Irona Ketsueki Yokai


Hiro, Yoku, Ano, Tsuki






To Be Determined


Reincarnation of The Deadly Forest Spirit


Irona was born on a small, isolated island to a quaint family. He split himself away from his relatives, not really talking to any of them and only speaking to someone when spoken to. When he does talk to other people outside of his family he says weird things and finds himself babbling on and on. He isn't the type to approach others, but more to have others approach him instead. Irona also tends to talk to himself a lot, and finds he's lonely despite people around him. When he does gain friends, Irona tends to get a little possessive of them and gets jealous if they were to talk or be friends with anyone else, making him feel a little annoying and clingy.

Irona can be rather absent-minded and forgetful, loosing things in his hands all the time. He forgets special events, due dates, and he usually forgets his own birthday. It's crazy he's even smart with his forgetfulness, but something about focusing on something really hard makes him remember a little faster.

Not to mention, being homosexual is rough on him. More often then not, Irona feels like a shame to his family. Usually, if a girl were to flirt with him, Irona tends to get uncomfortable.

Well, with all of this said, let's add more to my anxiety-filled character. Irona is self-conscious. He always thinks about what other people think of him and gets nervous when he feels people dislike him. This is why he mostly avoids people, really. When he does talk to people he tries to alter his real personality to try and fit in. He rarely ever tells his real thoughts and avoids crying in front of other people or getting angered, just so he can avoid trouble. He is friendly to a lot of people and fears making enemies, even with people he feels a big distaste towards.


Irona was born on an island not far off of a large continent. It was a chilly winter's morning, and his mother was a spirit who had fallen for another (His parent's aren't actually the same species as Irona, they're just regular spirits while he is a spirit of the forest). The two ended up having a child together, their son being the infamous Irona.

The birthing was hectic.

Irona's mother- Kita- had lost a lot of blood giving birth to the young child. It wasn't enough to end up dying, but it was enough to put her at major risk. Irona was also born with a weaker heart and a more fragile body. Both of the members lived, however.

Most of Irona's life was locked up in his room because of his weak heart condition and fragile body. He got scraped up quickly, and his skin would bruise over from the slightest touch. Kita never liked keeping him in his room, but Irona's father always insisted on it to protect their son. Irona also never truly minded. He was never outside enough to grow attached, and he was under the assumption the world beyond was dangerous.

Irona had always hated dangerous things since he was just a toddler.

Under these conditions, Irona grew to be even weaker then he had been before. Because he was locked inside so often, his immune system never grew to be strong enough- and even the slightest cold was deadly to his small body.

It was at this point when Irona's family discovered he wasn't a normal spirit like they were. No, he was something far worse then that.

During Irona's short life, he'd have moments where he'd pass out randomly. It would be just in any moment, and it would happen for different sorts of periods of time. He'd pass out for three minutes- or even, three days. The longest he had gone asleep was four-teen days. He kept getting checked up by the doctors and his mother went to everyone she could think of to try helping her son. But no one knew what was happening.

A year after his "passing-out" randomly had started occurring, there were points in time when Irona would do things he wouldn't normally do. At this time he was nine-years old.

He was still conscious, but he wasn't in control of his own body. He'd just be watching his own actions as if it were a movie. It got serious after it started. He'd do strange things like go down to the kitchen and grab a knife. He'd take it over to the living room where his dog was, holding the knife up to the animal in a threatening manner. It was at these points when he would snap out of it and control his body again, taking the knife back into the kitchen and locking himself up in his room.

Then, things got a little more personal.

These incidents happened for a good week or so when Irona decided he would finally tell his mother about them. He had gone downstairs to search for her, but that was when he lost control of himself. Irona had gone into the kitchen and broke one of the floorboards. Underneath the floorboards was a gun. Irona had never seen it before in his entire life, and had no idea how he had found it.

He went out to his mother's room where she was writing something and raised the gun to her head, shooting her down. Before he fired the gun his father had come in, but the man was to late. Irona had already shot the woman down, and once he did he gained back control of himself and fell to the floor in waterfalls of years.

This was the point when the family found out what he was.

Irona was up in his room when his father came in. But his son was not what he saw. Instead, Irona's father saw a strange, and horrifying monster in the boy's room. He locked up the room and looked for his son, when he came back to the room there was his son there. The boy was perfectly fine, but Irona's father had realized that his son wasn't just some normal spirit like everyone else. He was the reincarnation of a deadly forest spirit that lived in the woods on the island.

After the discovery, everyone avoided Irona. They proclaimed he was a curse among the island, and that the return of the forest spirit was an omen for the spirits of the island.

However there was one person who still accepted him. A friend of Irona's. Irona had known this friend since before the discovery of his origins, and even after the discovery his friend still accepted Irona.

One day, Irona asked the friend out, and he said yes. The two were close friends, and there was one night when his boyfriend- Yamato- and him were playing by some rocks near the water. They had been playing for a little bit, they were tussling around in the water for a while. However, things changed when Irona ended up changing forms into a terrifying monster, bashing Yamato's head on the rocks. Irona gained back control of himself but it was a little to late. Yamato had been beaten to death with the rocks, and ended up dying in Irona's arms. The last words Irona had told Yamato were, "I love you." In which the response he received was, "I hate you."



Theme Song-

Thirty Seconds to Mars- "Attack"

The Forest Spirit was a large creature that once roamed the earth. It was known to come out at night and murder unknowing victims. One day the creature was hunted down and killed, but the damage it caused on the earth was terrifying.


+Large Dogs

+Long Books

+Fluffy Things

+Listening To Music

+Cute Animals/Toys

+Sweet and Sour Foods

+Large Cherry Blossom Trees





-Pine Trees

-Bitter Scents

-Muddy Rivers

-Ominous Noises

-Stories Without a Plot

-Silent or Tense Rooms

-Items Covered in Little Tiny Holes


-Healing abilities (Undiscovered Skill!!)

-In other form, attracts different kinds of animals nearby to himself.

-Transforms into a large (7'5) beast with a animal skull for a mask and silky black fur with a dark goo dripping from his pelt.

-Has intense strength and enhanced speed + instincts. Hearing, scent, and eyesight are enhanced. In other form can see in the dark.


Student, often found drinking a tea or other substance or taking long walks


No, however the Forest Spirit was well known and considered a god to some


To not be looked at as if he were a murderer
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Name: Tamika Aikra

Age: 17

Human Appearance (If you have one):


Supernatural Appearance: but just with horns and red eyes


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Personality: She is a bubbly mischievous girl. Tamika likes to make friends and and have fun. She is very friendly too. She likes to use her powers for fun and mischief. But she can be hot headed and when she's mad you don't want to mess with her. But she tries to hide her demonic side.

Bio: The devil looked after her when she was young, she grew up to be mischievous and daring. After begging him to go a live a human life, he enrolled her into this school

Extras (Optional): when angry her demon form starts to show and a cup or handfull of water would weakon her powers and will bring her back to normal

Likes: pranks, fire, food, fighting, music, making friend

Dislikes:water, beig told what to do, and fake people

Type: Demon

Powers: her main power is fire but sometimes she can control peoples minds and make them reveal their secrets

Role (what you do most of your time): Student

Royalty?: Lucifer's right hand women

Crush (Or boyfriend): no one yet

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):
Name: Carmen

Age: 16

Human Appearance (If you have one): My profile picture but without wings and longer brown hair

Supernatural Appearance: My profile picture with longer brown hair

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Nice, with PTSD that might cause me to go off at any moment because of even the subtlest of a trigger.

Bio: I grew up in a household that hated me and my wings. They wanted to cut them off at the age of nine, but I flew away from them and now live at the school. However, the experience left me with PTSD and a bad temper.

Extras (Optional):

Likes: To be respected

Dislikes: Big crowds, being cornered, small spaces

Type: ?

Powers: Flight

Role (what you do most of your time): Practice flying

Royalty?: Nah

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): (new crush) Ino

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): To one day have a family that loves me and appreciates my wings instead of hating and fearing them.
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Name: Jacob Rien

Age: 18

Supernatural Appearance:

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: If you meet Jacob, one word that comes to mind is relaxed. Just being around him gives you a relaxed, almost lazy feel. However, don't let that fool you. He is always thinking, whether that may be productive or daydreaming. He loves adventuring and going out into the wilderness. He has an unbreakable spirit, and always strives to achieve his goals and to stay loyal to his friends. However, he is very secretive about his own personal details, including his background and abilities.

Bio: Jacob lived most of his life in a small mountain town with a low population and low contact with other towns. Quickly, he learned to love the mountains and valleys around him, and started a map of the area when he was 7. Every day after school, he would go out and hike somewhere, make his own trail sometimes, and record it on his map. He never knew about his powers until his parents dropped it; he was actually adopted. His original parents left him with a note stating the powers and nothing else. Not wanting to meddle with it and to feel normal, he kept going on with his normal life, until his parents forced him to the academy.

Extras (Optional): [media]

Likes: Nature, exploring, trying new things, independence, freedom, relaxing, friends, sugar, caffeine, music, reading.

Dislikes: Rude and loud people, people who stay inside, being told what to do, being confined in spaces, schedules.

Type: ???

Powers: Jacob was built to survive in any given situation. He has enhanced speed and strength, as well as reflexes and senses. He can withstand extreme climates easily and has a high pain threshold. He can go for longer without food and sleep than normal people can, as well as heal faster. As well as this, Jacob can quickly mold to the environment that he is in. When a climate is hot or cold, his body acts accordingly, heating him or cooling him at a rapid pace. When food is scarce, his body can adapt to digest fibers that he normally can't. However, the more extreme the change the more energy Jacob loses. He is also a master of incognito. Regular people can't remember his face, or recall certain aspects about him. Jacob can move around or through crowds without people noticing him. He moves almost silently, and the shadows seem to almost favor him when he is sneaking around.

Role: Student, normally just takes naps or goes on adventures through the surrounding woodland. Does skip school just to go out on hikes.

Royalty?: Not even close

Crush: Hah!

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): To become peaceful through living life to the fullest.
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no slide no slide
Supernatural Appearance


Type;; Spirit of Patience, the Sixth Heavenly Virtue

Age;; Has existed forever, and will continue to.

Gender;; Female

Sexuality;; Bisexual, although she isn't even aware of the existance of that kind of stuff, having died recently.

Personality;; Well, as I'm sure you can guess, she is the most patient person you will ever meet. Perhaps too patient, forgiving any hurt or wrong, and mentally unable to harm anyone. She is never seen not smiling, and remains calm no matter what. Despiite being so old, she is very innocent about all kinds of things due to her losing all of her memories when she "dies". However, she is quite sensitive, will cry easily.

Bio;; Patience, you will learn in time.

Extras;; Barely ever changes into her bird form, mostly only when she "dies".


> Patience :3

> Animals

> Reading

> People


< Anger

< Death

Powers;; She can calm people to keep them from becoming angry or fearful, but only unconsciously. She simply radiates calm in stressful situations.

Even though she can die, she will simply be reborn again. Hence her phoenix form. But when she is reborn, she only retains basic human functions like language and stuff, all of her other memories are gone.

Role;; Peacekeeper

Royalty;; Nope

Crush;; N/A at the moment.

Hope's, Dream's, Etc.;; To learn all she can, and never come to anger.


Graeme Grove

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/A.png.57ba0f2cbe34385dab47043ed6813ec3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120089" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/A.png.57ba0f2cbe34385dab47043ed6813ec3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

  • Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Straight

    Race: Shapeshifter



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Name: Jen Kito


Human Appearance (If you have one):Nope

Supernatural Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Kaburagi_T__Kotetsu_60.jpg.d80db6313955c76300ccc54303aab7dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Kaburagi_T__Kotetsu_60.jpg.d80db6313955c76300ccc54303aab7dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (just slap on some horse ears and the lower half of one)



Personality: Laid back, lazy, and overall a great guy with a bit of intelligence tossed into the mix are all good ways to describe Jen. Most of the time, you'll find Jen in his room, napping. If he isn't there, he's normally with his friends. But, just because he's laid back doesn't mean Jen isn't susceptible to the occasional fit of rage.

Bio:Jen lived his life like every other centaur. He was born, raised up to a certain age, and then set loose into the world to fend for himself. He hardly remembers his mother and father, only knowing that they took care of him for a short time, much shorter than most centuars. Jen wanted to pursue education and eventually was able to stumble upon this very academy, luckily he managed to get accepted and is now enjoying the life of a student. Hopefully, things stay that way.

Extras (Optional): If you like your face without a set of hoofprints on it, don't call him horsey. Better yet, don't bother asking for a ride either. If you're good friends with Jen, then maybe he'll allow it.


  • Hanging out with friends
  • Joking around
  • reading
  • plants


  • Constantly being asked for a ride
  • Being treated like a horse
  • Saddles
  • Getting involved in fights

Type: Eh...Never underwent the blood test?

Powers: Jen is able to control the flora and fona around him. He can make roots from a tree sprout up from the ground if he ever needed to or make vines or limbs grow and shield him. However, Jen doesn't need plants to fight for him. He is more than capable of fighting thanks to his incredible strength and endurance. He is able to hit like a truck and take a hit from a truck.

Role (what you do most of your time): Full time student

Royalty?: Yeah right!

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend):None yet

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): None as of now



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