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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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iiCupcakeCraver said:
She felt light weight and headed before she had appeared in another room. "What the fu-" Was all she could manage to get out before Laurence. "I'm going hunting for a wolf. Keep him from killing himself trying to do anything stupid." She responded with a, "Will do," and a short wave. She turned and left the room, slamming the door behind her. She ran around trying to find some sort of light creature. A girl offered a glowing jar of liquid, supposedly stating it was liquid light. "That'll do; I guess." She went back into the room with the jar in hand. She pursed her lips together and looked at Alister. "Hope you like needles, cause I don't think you have to drink this." She drew a syringe from her satchel, already filled with a clear sleeping liquid vile. "Er-Yeah, maybe we should empty that." She emptied and sterilized the vile before filling it up with the golden, glowing fluid. She stalked to Alister and grabbed his wrist before finding a vain using her sight and jamming the needle in quite hard. She pressed the liquid in using the part at the end and sighed; his skin glowed like embers before dying out. "All fixed, buddy." She took out another pre-filled syringe and jammed it into his neck. "And that should keep him out until Laurence gets back." She smirked and sat in a desk chair nearby.
Laurence would suddenly teleport in the room, large bites on his arms and back, his wings bent oddly. He'd collapse onto the floor sitting against the bedframe.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Tang felt more relaxed then he'd felt in ages. Hugging Silith close like this was the absolute best. He could literally stay here like this with her forever. "i love you." He murmured into her ear.

She blushed madly and spoke. "I-i-is-isnt i-it a l-l-litt-little e-early to s-say l-l-lo-love?" She asked out of embrasment
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She blushed madly and spoke. "I-i-is-isnt i-it a l-l-litt-little e-early to s-say l-l-lo-love?" She asked out of embrasment

Tang blushed as well. "i guess it might be, but i kinda just blurted it out. cause holding you like this was nice...a-and... ah..." His embarrassment caught up to him and made it impossible to explain why he'd said he loved Silith.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Tang blushed as well. "i guess it might be, but i kinda just blurted it out. cause holding you like this was nice...a-and... ah..." His embarrassment caught up to him and made it impossible to explain why he'd said he loved Silith.

She blushed and went silent as she hugged him before quickly letting go and getting up. "Want some food?" She asked him quickly
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She blushed and went silent as she hugged him before quickly letting go and getting up. "Want some food?" She asked him quickly

"yeah, i can eat." Tang answered just as quickly after hugging Silith back before she'd moved away. He sat up on the edge of her bed.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]"yeah, i can eat." Tang answered just as quickly after hugging Silith back before she'd moved away. He sat up on the edge of her bed.

She quickly headed for the kitchen as she called. "What do you want?" She asked as she looked into the massive fridge
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She quickly headed for the kitchen as she called. "What do you want?" She asked as she looked into the massive fridge

"hm... whatever you want." Tang called back. He stretched out while standing up. He took a good look around the room and decided that it might be the fourth biggest room on campus.
Nix snorted and said, "Yeah, that's the easy explanation. A bad breakup. Well, the story is, I was dating this weird dude, no idea WHAT he is, except I KNOW he isn't human. But ever since I broke up with him, he's just been following me around everywhere through my phones, in person.. it's really damn annoying."

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She nodded and settled on some breakfast then gathered the materials and started to cook happily

Tang watched Silith happily cooking. He smiled as he watched her. Seeing Silith with a happy expression was definitely the best sight in the world... to Tang it was.
Actually, when Jack thought about it, there would be quite a bit of time between her transformation and his fall. He still had time, but it was thin! Swiftly and silently, he dug into a side bag as a metallic, crimson red fabric pooled over his legs in waves. It took no time at all for him to find the metal end attached to it, and he latched it onto the nearest hole snugly. Without even break in movement, he rolled off the edge, a trail of red flowing elegantly behind him. It probably would have been beautiful, if he weren't frantically watching every movement, having never done a stunt like this where death could be involved and taking a wild leap of faith. "Hyde!?" Jack shouted spastically lashing his arms out and hoping for the best! He was in luck. A loud smack resounded through the air as his hands met a pair of arms still... flicking him off. He was about to yell at the guy before he remembered the trail was ending, and immediately did a half-hearted flip, entangling his waist into the fabric while wrapping a leg straight up in it almost simultaneously. It would have look more professional if he wasn't holding the weight of another guy or stopping harshly, painfully enough to take his breath away, in mid-fall. "You piss me off, but I'm not going to just let you go!" He growled under the strain. Even if he didn't like Hyde so far, Jekyll seemed a decent guy. He couldn't let this happen to him, and was starting to understand better why Jekyll really wanted him gone. He had remembered going to a play in the past for the famous tale of Hyde and Jekyll, but it wasn't anything compared to this! "Climb up before I change my mind!" Though that was a lie considering he wouldn't let go even if he was at gun point... Well, maybe he would. "This isn't comfortable!"

@Zachjoker @Kihara017

((Iching to write something!! Going for it!! xD ))
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Tang watched Silith happily cooking. He smiled as he watched her. Seeing Silith with a happy expression was definitely the best sight in the world... to Tang it was.

She smiled as she coooked happily not noticing his staring at her
"Well maybe you should get a new one to beat the hell out of this creep," Rori looked at Nix with an evil grin, but quickly calmed herself as she took a sip of her freshly made tea. "Or maybe just do it yourself," she gave another over dramatic wink and kept sipping on her drink.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She smiled as she coooked happily not noticing his staring at her

Tang retreated in his thoughts as Silith continued cooking.
Nix chuckled a bit, then said, with an expression of mock shame, "I would, but he's too powerful. And.. it was kinda a setup date, put together by Sat- er, my dad." She rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically, before adding, "Plus, I'm pretty sure there's nobody here or anywhere else on this planet that would date me."

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Tang retreated in his thoughts as Silith continued cooking.

Soon she finished and smiled happily as she made the plates then brought them over to the table. "Done!" She said excitedly to him
iiCupcakeCraver said:
"Holy shit, you...alright?" She tried to catch his thoughts, most of his were weary and painful. @Otakubeats
He sat against the bed-frame and let out a bit of a growl. "Can you please stop with the mind probing? It gives me a headache."
"Shit, sorry. I can't really...cut it off. It just happens." She shook her head, that didn't matter. "Did you get bit?" She asked with a low tone and both syringes in her hand while she glanced at the unconscious Alister and Pris standing near her. @FrostRaven
a minute after the light was injected into him he got up weakly "no you can't hunt that thing now that it's pack is gone it is hiding in shadows only raven eyes can see it,and I'm the only god dam raven here so i need to come" determined he got up an walked to the window he didn't feel the pain anymore as if it didn't affect him.
"Laurence has taken care of it." She murmured. He had just stirred from the sleeping liquid and light she had given him. "Sit the hell back down. Its all taken care of." Her voice was never calm, always coated in ice and order.
iiCupcakeCraver said:
"Shit, sorry. I can't really...cut it off. It just happens." She shook her head, that didn't matter. "Did you get bit?" She asked with a low tone and both syringes in her hand while she glanced at the unconscious Alister and Pris standing near her. @FrostRaven
He'd dodge the question. "I'm going to go shower, clean myself up." He left the room.
Otakubeats said:
He'd dodge the question. "I'm going to go shower, clean myself up." He left the room.
Her eyes watched him as he left the room. "Sorry I was trying to help." She muttered. "I guess I should go if we are all done here." She got up from the chair and gave a little salute as she stalked over to the window. AJ shoved the window up and open before climbing out of it, not bothering to shut it again. Her footsteps could still be heard as she clonked over to the edge of the roof again and sat down, her legs dangling over the edge. People walked by down below. Some would look up and give her strange looks as to what she was doing. She was watching. Watching. Seeing. Looking. Watching. She rather liked doing this.

(Imma be off for about 5 hours, gotta sleep. See ya! *Salutes* )

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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Soon she finished and smiled happily as she made the plates then brought them over to the table. "Done!" She said excitedly to him

Tang heard Silith's lovely voice and shook himself out of his daydreaming thoughts. "coming~' He called walling into the kitchen to sit at the table. His stomach growled its approval of the food, which caused tang's cheeks to tint pink.
Priscilla White

I watched AJ climb out the window, a little confused. "Aren't we a little high up to be jumping out the window!?!" I yeeled into the winds, hoping she heard me before tending to Alister, trying to make him as comfortable as possible @iiCupcakeCraver @FrostRaven

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