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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

What are YOU?

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"M-me? That's not..." Before Sera could answer, Rim had left the bathroom. "I guess that was too much...maybe I should lay off the compliments a bit..."

Sera dressed herself, then left the bathroom. She noticed the food was ready, going straight to it, knowing that Rim would probably calm down after eating. She started serving the pasta and sauce into three bowls, then handed two to Valentina and Rim. "Dinner is served~"

@Profoundcactus @Shiro kurogane
Ivy nodded at Graeme's parents "I wanted to know what it was like to grow up here, it seems quite interesting to grow up as a prince" she said "And then you ask me questions, you only know my name and species after all" she said with a giggle, it was a bit funny that he knew less about her and he shared his hometown with her. She looked at the food and back at him "Can I eat?"

Sean walked up to the school that would house him for a couple years, he had some cases for his stuff like clothes and the like. He was currently staring at a piece of paper, it told him his dorm number, putting it away he took out a map of the campus grounds mainly looking for the boys dorm he would be spending his time at. Sighing to himself "Why can't there just be a dorm where boys and girls can both live in? That would be like the shit man..... Oh well, can't get slapped around too much by the girls then I would lose this pretty thing." He grinned to himself as he put the map away and began walking to where the dorm would be, keeping his eyes out for any fine specimen of the female variety.

Once he found the dorm that would be housing him, he tried to find where his housing unit would be located, took awhile but luckily he was able to get to its location. Setting up shop he placed his clothes in a closet and the essentials like toothpaste, toothbrushes and the like in the bathroom. Once he placed his stuff in the dorm room he stretched and left, still thinking about how awesome it would be if the dorm had both women and men, so many opportunities for flirting!

He decided to walk around for a bit, trying to stick to any form of shadows wherever they appeared, he'll always prefer the shadows to any form of light. He decided to take a stroll around campus to see the layout and to know where everything is, obviously he stopped to flirt with a nice looking female. She was nobody special but this would give anybody an opportunity to talk to Sean and become acquaintances.

((Sean is available for interaction with a character of this Rp!))
"Oh I see, that's quite a task..." Jack said a little overwhelmed at his big plan. Was it even possible to do that? Of course, he could certainly find anything and sneak into just about anything with little fear of getting hurt or caught. It was the actual performance that made him worried. It could lead to a lot of unforseeable trouble if not handled correctly.

He hadn't realized just how much he had asked, and how much of an explanation that would probably have been. "That remains to be seen." Jack said at her remark to being a genius, downplaying her abilities a bit. He wasn't too keen on this whole thing that was getting set in motion, but he was curious and that seemed to keep him in place. Leave the campus? Alright! The first day was already turning into a field trip, and he was itching to get into such a bizarre place big enough to hold a dragon! Besides, so far the only thing he ran into were rooms with nothing. His thoughts were momentarily jumbled as Emmy brought them all close, similar to a huddle, and making him fret a little at her arm being around his neck. Or more importantly, his bandana which was tightly situated there. "Watch the bandana!" Jack pulled away seeming to put up a guard as he folded his arms. "You've both got my attention for the time being, but don't think this makes any of us friends or that I'll go through with any of this." He said quickly, feeling hesitant and maybe a little visibly nervous.

@Zachjoker @Kihara017
"I don't know exactly how the curse came to be but we Jekylls have been using alchemy over the years to control it." He thought about how much space you would need to put a dragon in and he liked it he also like that it was away from prying eyes. "Alright well let's get going and Jack... I'm sorry if this is alot to ask I'm not asking you to commit right away I just hope we can all be friends and maybe you'll help me out."

@Kihara017 @Pumpkinsisi
FluffyMarshmallow said:
Ivy nodded at Graeme's parents "I wanted to know what it was like to grow up here, it seems quite interesting to grow up as a prince" she said "And then you ask me questions, you only know my name and species after all" she said with a giggle, it was a bit funny that he knew less about her and he shared his hometown with her. She looked at the food and back at him "Can I eat?"
Prince Graeme "I don't see why not, I'm sure the chefs will be happy that their food is being eaten." Graeme smiled and waited a while longer for his food, it had been a while since he had it and luckily it seemed the waiters and cooks hadn't forgotten his aura, meaning they knew exactly what to cook him. "Anyway, royal life is... stressful and restricting. You said you were half cupid and half angel right? Well lets say you're royalty, you'd only be angel... or cupid. Not a split because royal bloodlines are 'pure' in all ways. Then you've got all sorts of rules, you have to dress a certain way, talk a certain way, act a certain way, oh and if you're caught being 'unprincely, or unladylike' then you've compromised your family's appearance. That's why I personally hate it. Don't get me wrong, I loved getting what I wanted, but at the same time I hated it. I couldn't be who I wanted to be... then something happened and I became a mercenary for hire. I simply wasn't suited for the life of a prince... and frankly if I would have liked that lifestyle... we would have never met for all I know, and I'm not okay with that idea either."
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Pumpkinsisi said:
"Oh I see, that's quite a task..." Jack said a little overwhelmed at his big plan. Was it even possible to do that? Of course, he could certainly find anything and sneak into just about anything with little fear of getting hurt or caught. It was the actual performance that made him worried. It could lead to a lot of unforseeable trouble if not handled correctly.
He hadn't realized just how much he had asked, and how much of an explanation that would probably have been. "That remains to be seen." Jack said at her remark to being a genius, downplaying her abilities a bit. He wasn't too keen on this whole thing that was getting set in motion, but he was curious and that seemed to keep him in place. Leave the campus? Alright! The first day was already turning into a field trip, and he was itching to get into such a bizarre place big enough to hold a dragon! Besides, so far the only thing he ran into were rooms with nothing. His thoughts were momentarily jumbled as Emmy brought them all close, similar to a huddle, and making him fret a little at her arm being around his neck. Or more importantly, his bandana which was tightly situated there. "Watch the bandana!" Jack pulled away seeming to put up a guard as he folded his arms. "You've both got my attention for the time being, but don't think this makes any of us friends or that I'll go through with any of this." He said quickly, feeling hesitant and maybe a little visibly nervous.

@Zachjoker @Kihara017
Zachjoker said:
"I don't know exactly how the curse came to be but we Jekylls have been using alchemy over the years to control it." He thought about how much space you would need to put a dragon in and he liked it he also like that it was away from prying eyes. "Alright well let's get going and Jack... I'm sorry if this is alot to ask I'm not asking you to commit right away I just hope we can all be friends and maybe you'll help me out."
@Kihara017 @Pumpkinsisi
Amaryllis Emmeline Gates Emmy giggled as Jack backed out of her joking embrace. "Well, seems someone's not the kind of guy who goes with the flow, especially when a girl wraps her arm around him. I would have thought otherwise." She smiled, teasing him and walking in front of them, exiting the library. "Come along children, we have a workshop to go to, and no time to be a wasting!" Grabbing one of the elixirs strapped to her waist, one of them already visibly empty she looked around for a large clear area. "Oh by the way I hope neither of you are afraid of heights." Seeing the perfect spot she sprinted toward a large open field and popped the cork out of the beaker, catching it as it fell back toward her.
I'm sitting on my bed, sipping hot Cocoa and daydreaming about the girl I had just met. Ugh, I should just forget about it. I thought, sighing to myself. She's probably not into girls anyway.

I stared into my cocoa, frowning at myself. I'm too shy for this school. I thought. Maybe... maybe I should just leave... I could live in a cave somewhere. And eat rats. Ugh, I'm gross.
Ivy took a bite of her food and her eyes lit up, she flashed him the brightest smile and listened to him talk. She felt a pang of sympathy and sadness in her chest at the thought of never meeting Graeme and him remaining a puppet. "I wouldn't be happy with that arrangement any more than you would, I'm glad I met you" she said with her voice softer than usual and she had a soft smile on her lips

"E-errr... I uh!" Jack's face turned red, flustered by her teases and looked away. He liked to send signals to people all the time, but they were usually simple or soft-hearted. Physical touching usually made him blush like hell had taken over, and her words were not helping! "I'll... Think about it." He answered in response to Jeckyll, still looking like a rock as he spoke. "You seem like good company..." He turned and started to follow Emmy after grabbing his supplies and sticking them behind a bookshelf, deciding to come back for them later. "Heights are my best friend! I just don't like falling." He shouted taking off at a dash to follow her. Being in excellent shape, it didn't tire him out in the slightest even after running the building like a marathon earlier that day. "Why, are you going to sweep us off our feet like a pair of brides?"

@Zachjoker @Kihara017
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FluffyMarshmallow said:
Ivy took a bite of her food and her eyes lit up, she flashed him the brightest smile and listened to him talk. She felt a pang of sympathy and sadness in her chest at the thought of never meeting Graeme and him remaining a puppet. "I wouldn't be happy with that arrangement any more than you would, I'm glad I met you" she said with her voice softer than usual and she had a soft smile on her lips
Prince Graeme "I assumed you wouldn't like it. Anyone as vibrant as you would be out of their mind if they said they'd like it. That's one of the many reasons why I like you... you're not boring, in the past few hours I've learned more than I would if I had asked you a thousand questions." Graeme noticed the chefs had finally finished his special dish and smiled as a large platter of sushi was placed in front of him. "Thanks." Taking one of the rolls he popped it in his mouth and smiled as he ate it. "Oh how I love sushi... its been too long, one of the few perks of royalty I can appreciate, people know how to make their sushi. Anyway... I already told you that I only have one question that matters... so... keep asking."
"I want to ask you why you care about me, you barely know me yet you show me this place and I met your parents, what on earth is so special about me?" She asked while raising an eyebrow at him, she was felling a bit curious about this, she felt a bit more adventurous with him but what did he feel around her?

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FluffyMarshmallow said:
"I want to ask you why you care about me, you barely know me yet you show me this place and I met your parents, what on earth is so special about me?" She asked while raising an eyebrow at him, she was felling a bit curious about this, she felt a bit more adventurous with him but what did he feel around her?
Prince Graeme Graeme ate another roll from his platter of sushi and took a deep breath. "Imagine this... You're new to the school, you've no idea what to do so you just wander around. You get lost and stumble upon a girl, or if it were your case a guy. Neither of you know anything but names now that you've introduced yourselves and yet something intrigues you about that other person. You think nothing of it at first but it seems that no matter what you do you keep running into them. Why is that? Is it because it's just a coincidence or is something odd going on? You get to know them better and then realize that neither of those thoughts were right. You go over all the events to that point and you realize that they're exactly the kind of person you can get along with." Graeme ate another piece of sushi. "That's when I'm going to say exactly what I thought. I thought your cupid aura was screwing with my thoughts... so I used a spell to clear my head... but nothing changed. I care about you because you're like me... you don't like what's normal, you don't want to be normal. You want to make your own future, and make your own choices but you think that something about you will stop that. I care, because there's nobody like you... hell, you gave me first aid AND a shirt after I fell out of a tree and you didn't think twice of why I kept running into you. I honestly thought that you'd be creeped out by me... think I was stalking you or something. Yet here you are with me, at my home, in my family's kingdom, and all because I asked you nicely. You took a risk and it worked in your favor... well technically it worked in my favor too... but that's not the point. I like you because you're you."

((How to tell when someone writes WAY too many stories... it's chapter 4 of my book in progress all over again xD ))
Ivy looked at him and she smiled happily and her heart was beating faster, she was blushing a darker color than usual, she was feeling a bit bubbly and giddy at his words and she nodded her head "I'm especially glad that I met you now, not many people say such sweet words to me" she giggled and moved her hands to cover her face, she could practically feel the cupid flowing out of her and she tried to pull it back but she focused all her cupid energy into her hand and it flowed out onto her hair, making a few strands of her hair pink "Oops.... hehehe, I'm glad you think of me that way, I hardly think of myself as anything important, happy to see that I mean more to other people" she said looking at her shoes before looking back at him "I needed that, thanks. It's been a rough couple of years lately, you would not believe how much your words mean to me" she said blushing "By the wa, how are those wounds, I would have used my healing powers to heal your wounds better but I can only heal with my cupid kiss and kissing your back seems a little to intimate for almost strangers" she said with a slight chuckle

Jeced stands infront of the school looking up to the building and lets out a heavy yawn, puck up his map and looks at it and sighing to himself "why always school well well this may atleast be intressting" he starts walking up to the building and into the hallway looking confused about where he should go and he starts looking for others that can help him find his way
FluffyMarshmallow said:
Ivy looked at him and she smiled happily and her heart was beating faster, she was blushing a darker color than usual, she was feeling a bit bubbly and giddy at his words and she nodded her head "I'm especially glad that I met you now, not many people say such sweet words to me" she giggled and moved her hands to cover her face, she could practically feel the cupid flowing out of her and she tried to pull it back but she focused all her cupid energy into her hand and it flowed out onto her hair, making a few strands of her hair pink "Oops.... hehehe, I'm glad you think of me that way, I hardly think of myself as anything important, happy to see that I mean more to other people" she said looking at her shoes before looking back at him "I needed that, thanks. It's been a rough couple of years lately, you would not believe how much your words mean to me" she said blushing "By the wa, how are those wounds, I would have used my healing powers to heal your wounds better but I can only heal with my cupid kiss and kissing your back seems a little to intimate for almost strangers" she said with a slight chuckle
Prince Graeme "Well I'm not bleeding out so I think I'm good." Graeme chuckled, "As for what I said... I wouldn't say it if I didn't know it was true." Graeme ate another piece of sushi and smiled. "Now then... that cupid magic stuff... how's it even work?" Graeme was curious about what her cupid magic even was, if that was how the healing thing worked.
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"Cupid magic is a bit complicated, basically all of the cupid powers originate from the original cupid, since i'm mixed with common angel blood I can focus my energy that built up into creating something romantic, the healing power comes from cupid who had the resurrecting kiss and used it to revive his lover that was tempted by curiosity to open a secure vessel that she thought contained beauty but actually contained death, but since it has been generations since then I have healing kisses and not the power to bring anyone back from the dead" she said as she sipped some of her drink "And it works by focusing all of my cupid energy that builds up and focus it on what i'm doing"

FluffyMarshmallow said:
"Cupid magic is a bit complicated, basically all of the cupid powers originate from the original cupid, since i'm mixed with common angel blood I can focus my energy that built up into creating something romantic, the healing power comes from cupid who had the resurrecting kiss and used it to revive his lover that was tempted by curiosity to open a secure vessel that she thought contained beauty but actually contained death, but since it has been generations since then I have healing kisses and not the power to bring anyone back from the dead" she said as she sipped some of her drink "And it works by focusing all of my cupid energy that builds up and focus it on what i'm doing"
Prince Graeme "Hmm... is that so? Well glyph magic uses glyphs and a source to generate the magic. There are two forms, glyph stones, and glyph etching. Glyph etching is more potent and has a greater effect depending on what's used, in my case my skin. In fact using your skin is the most potent. Lets say that your cupid thing... if I were able to do it. If I knew the basic magics used in it and the magic it acutally is I can produce an identical glyph spell. Using skin etching I could virtually save someone's life with a simplistic healing spell because of how potent it is. Though that makes a risk as well. If it's too potent for the task at hand I could just as easily kill someone with that same spell. Skin based glyph etching is the strongest but also the most dangerous if you can't learn to control it." Graeme chuckled nervously, "That's why I have to be book smart about the glyphs I'm using as well as physically capable to use the spells so I don't pass out from magic based dehydration... sort of."
Ivy nodded her head "Sounds complicated, but i guess everything can be complicated to someone who hasn't tried anything" she said smiling mindlessly at her shoes "By the way... What on earth happened the last time a friend met your family?" she asked him with a eyebrow raised

FluffyMarshmallow said:
Ivy nodded her head "Sounds complicated, but i guess everything can be complicated to someone who hasn't tried anything" she said smiling mindlessly at her shoes "By the way... What on earth happened the last time a friend met your family?" she asked him with a eyebrow raised
Prince Graeme "Well... you know how parents sometimes ask those questions that they just shouldn't because it's the worst timing possible?" Graeme paused for a moment... "Be glad I stopped her from talking earlier... cause I would have dragged you out of here with our faces more red than you can possibly imagine..." Graeme looked over at Ivy and smiled as he ate another piece of sushi. "That's what happened last time."
Yum222 said:
"M-me? That's not..." Before Sera could answer, Rim had left the bathroom. "I guess that was too much...maybe I should lay off the compliments a bit..."
Sera dressed herself, then left the bathroom. She noticed the food was ready, going straight to it, knowing that Rim would probably calm down after eating. She started serving the pasta and sauce into three bowls, then handed two to Valentina and Rim. "Dinner is served~"

@Profoundcactus @Shiro kurogane
Rim's earlier embarrassment was gone when she started eating. Although in the back of her mind she was thinking maybe she needed to apologize for running out of the bathroom in embarrassment. But putting that aside for now. Rim was in pure bliss, Sera's cooking was really good. She did what Sera had done during their hug and was now making happy noises.

@Yum222 @Profoundcactus
Archdemon said:
Sean walked up to the school that would house him for a couple years, he had some cases for his stuff like clothes and the like. He was currently staring at a piece of paper, it told him his dorm number, putting it away he took out a map of the campus grounds mainly looking for the boys dorm he would be spending his time at. Sighing to himself "Why can't there just be a dorm where boys and girls can both live in? That would be like the shit man..... Oh well, can't get slapped around too much by the girls then I would lose this pretty thing." He grinned to himself as he put the map away and began walking to where the dorm would be, keeping his eyes out for any fine specimen of the female variety.
Once he found the dorm that would be housing him, he tried to find where his housing unit would be located, took awhile but luckily he was able to get to its location. Setting up shop he placed his clothes in a closet and the essentials like toothpaste, toothbrushes and the like in the bathroom. Once he placed his stuff in the dorm room he stretched and left, still thinking about how awesome it would be if the dorm had both women and men, so many opportunities for flirting!

He decided to walk around for a bit, trying to stick to any form of shadows wherever they appeared, he'll always prefer the shadows to any form of light. He decided to take a stroll around campus to see the layout and to know where everything is, obviously he stopped to flirt with a nice looking female. She was nobody special but this would give anybody an opportunity to talk to Sean and become acquaintances.

((Sean is available for interaction with a character of this Rp!))
Jeced runs past two people that are talking but stop after he gets a glimpse of the young man standing there, he walks up to the man and asks in a deep voice "i´m sorry young sir but can you help me locate the dorm? i am abit lost thanks to this bloody map of the campus that i cant read"

while he is asking the boy for help he also takes a quick reading of the boy´s aura
Alister just arrived at his room because of the realm times a month in his this realm is one year,though exhausted he set up all his nest and all of his personal items and just sat down on his bed. "wonder what kinds of beings are here?" Alister said curiously.
Alister left his room to find any problems he can help. Perched on a tree he saw a being who looked confused running. He called out to him "hey need help?"

Sera found herself thrilled at seeing Rimuru eat so much and so happily. She almost forgot to eat her own fill while watching her. "I guess I don't need to ask if Rim likes it~ How about you, Val? I hope pasta is okay for you", she asked her.

@Profoundcactus @Shiro kurogane
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