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Fantasy Superhero's new Assistant (Closed)


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The conundrums and disasters that follow being a superheroes assistant. Feel free to read along as the rp unfolds.
The conundrums and disasters that follow being a superheroes assistant. Feel free to read along as the rp unfolds.
Ryan Hale sat in his office looking over resumes for a new secretary. His last one had quit. He didn't blame them or hold it against thim. There were obvious dangers that came with this job. So as always when they quit he let them go with a severance package of about ten thousand dollars. Not enough to even dent his bank account, but he felt it was important to be a good boss. He had been a hero for hire almost since he started inventing hero gear for himself. It brought in good pay a long with all the merch deals, commercials, and other stuff he did. His Mom always said that greed was his greatest weakness and maybe that was true. But he always thought that he could do just as much good with the money he made off hero work as he did being a hero. He frequently donated to charities, hosted all kinds of events to help the poor, the needy, and the disabled in the world.

But he had to admit. He was having an unfortunate problem keeping secretaries. They never lasted long. None had ever died but one had come close to being killed. After that he decided that it would be best to have a secretary that could take care of themselves. Unfortunately, most people who had the backgrounds he was looking for didn't think that their combat skills or other things should be wasted on being a secretary. But Ryan wasn't looking for a sidekick. He just needed someone who could help him handle business, but could also hold their own in a bad situation.
It was over a week ago that Bel had submitted her resume to apply for the position of secretary for the city's favourite superhero. The length of time it was taking for him to get back to candidates was understandable. She could only imagine the flood of applications that would have washed in. Probably from fans, superhero wannabes, gold diggers, the list went on. There was also the pay and times were desperate but she knew no one would qualify higher than her. It wasn’t her four years of work experience in administration and two years as an assistant that would qualify her as there were others with more years; but her more uniquely acquired skills. A black belt in Karate and Jiu-Jitsu for a start, there was also her experience in hand-to-hand combat and weapons proficiency. Plus doing gymnastics for the last 15 years definitely wouldn’t hurt her chances. Realistically she was probably over qualified but she had to get this position because to her it was do or die.

Bel unlocked her door walking into her apartment, she flicked her heels off and made her way to the couch flopping across it. The television turned on and she groaned. “The television isn’t a phone Max, you can’t keep using it to call in like this”. “Well, kinda already did, so you got the job yettt?” “You ask me this everyday, no and I told you I’d let you know when it happens”. Bel got up unplugging the TV from the wall ultimately hanging up from her favourite hacker. You’d think he’d be mature and be less annoying at 24 like she was but no of course not.
It was over a week ago that Bel had submitted her resume to apply for the position of secretary for the city's favourite superhero. The length of time it was taking for him to get back to candidates was understandable. She could only imagine the flood of applications that would have washed in. Probably from fans, superhero wannabes, gold diggers, the list went on. There was also the pay and times were desperate but she knew no one would qualify higher than her. It wasn’t her four years of work experience in administration and two years as an assistant that would qualify her as there were others with more years; but her more uniquely acquired skills. A black belt in Karate and Jiu-Jitsu for a start, there was also her experience in hand-to-hand combat and weapons proficiency. Plus doing gymnastics for the last 15 years definitely wouldn’t hurt her chances. Realistically she was probably over qualified but she had to get this position because to her it was do or die.

Bel unlocked her door walking into her apartment, she flicked her heels off and made her way to the couch flopping across it. The television turned on and she groaned. “The television isn’t a phone Max, you can’t keep using it to call in like this”. “Well, kinda already did, so you got the job yettt?” “You ask me this everyday, no and I told you I’d let you know when it happens”. Bel got up unplugging the TV from the wall ultimately hanging up from her favourite hacker. You’d think he’d be mature and be less annoying at 24 like she was but no of course not.
Her phone started to ring.
Bels eyes moved over to her phone that was vibrating on her counter as she perused the fridge. Observing that it was an unknown caller she assumed it was that stupid telemarketer again, Max or perhaps her acceptance into the role she applied for. If it was the later, it was about freaking time. She brought the phone up to her ear and cordially answered, "Hello, Bel Anderson speaking, may I ask who is calling?"
Bels eyes moved over to her phone that was vibrating on her counter as she perused the fridge. Observing that it was an unknown caller she assumed it was that stupid telemarketer again, Max or perhaps her acceptance into the role she applied for. If it was the later, it was about freaking time. She brought the phone up to her ear and cordially answered, "Hello, Bel Anderson speaking, may I ask who is calling?"
Hello Ms. Anderson. This it Ryan Hale. I'd like to meet for a job interview."
"Hello, Mr Hale it's a pleasure hearing from you, when would be the best time available for you to hold the job interview? Also may I ask if there is a specific dress code, given the nature of the job I assume you would want a demonstration of my qualifications and I think we are both aware I may have issues doing so in heels" Bel politely laughed following her commentary She hoped that it would land as a joke and he wasn't as stuck up as the media often made him out to be. Being as wealthy as he was there were all sorts of speculations about how he was in private. There would even be those who say he donated to charity to cover up the millions he must have spent elsewhere on something less than pleasant. I mean it was human nature to speculate since there wasn't a human alive who hadn't committed sin, if you don't count that jesus guy.
"Hello, Mr Hale it's a pleasure hearing from you, when would be the best time available for you to hold the job interview? Also may I ask if there is a specific dress code, given the nature of the job I assume you would want a demonstration of my qualifications and I think we are both aware I may have issues doing so in heels" Bel politely laughed following her commentary She hoped that it would land as a joke and he wasn't as stuck up as the media often made him out to be. Being as wealthy as he was there were all sorts of speculations about how he was in private. There would even be those who say he donated to charity to cover up the millions he must have spent elsewhere on something less than pleasant. I mean it was human nature to speculate since there wasn't a human alive who hadn't committed sin, if you don't count that jesus guy.
He chuckled at her comment. She had a sense of humor this was a good sign. That helped a lot with the more demanding parts of the job. "Don't worry about the dress code too much. Just wear what you feel comfortable demonstrating your capabilities in." He said. "As for when my schedule is often interrupted by villain attacks and disasters and the like, but I do have a few openings throughout the week that we could probably meet. Assuming nothing happens to pull me away." Ryan started to flip through his calendar. "I apologize for this. I often have trouble with times and dates. Part of why I need a new secretary so much. How about Wednesday at 3 PM. There's a coffee shop there I own that had a private booth. We could meet there and discuss the job opportunity."
"Wednesday 3pm works, please text me the address of the coffee shop in question when you can, also thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for such a position I hope I am able to impress, I'll see you then Mr Hale". Bel left the line hanging if he wanted to say anything waiting for him to hang up. As she did so she plugged the television back in. Tonight was take out but first she had to call Max to see if he wanted any. She'd probably get their usual takeaway from their favourite Mexican restaurant and bring it over. First though she needed to pick an outfit for tomorrow so she could have it ready even if it was like 2 days in advance. She wanted to be prepared.

Once the call was over she called Max who was pretty excited about her getting the job and her bringing him his favourite takeaway. It always took forever to get to his place since it was so far out of town but that's usually the case with people who don't like people, noise, the smell of the city... Well basically most things. It wasn't long before she pulled up on her motorcycle and they got to chatting, celebrating and drinking. Things were looking up.
"Wednesday 3pm works, please text me the address of the coffee shop in question when you can, also thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for such a position I hope I am able to impress, I'll see you then Mr Hale". Bel left the line hanging if he wanted to say anything waiting for him to hang up. As she did so she plugged the television back in. Tonight was take out but first she had to call Max to see if he wanted any. She'd probably get their usual takeaway from their favourite Mexican restaurant and bring it over. First though she needed to pick an outfit for tomorrow so she could have it ready even if it was like 2 days in advance. She wanted to be prepared.

Once the call was over she called Max who was pretty excited about her getting the job and her bringing him his favourite takeaway. It always took forever to get to his place since it was so far out of town but that's usually the case with people who don't like people, noise, the smell of the city... Well basically most things. It wasn't long before she pulled up on her motorcycle and they got to chatting, celebrating and drinking. Things were looking up.
"Will do." He said haning up.

He yawned and went to the window if his office to look over the streets of san francisco. It was almost night a good time. Or for going out on patrol. Most importantly he had to make sure things were ready for a new secretary. He still hadn't gotten around to cleaning the last secretary's office. So much to do. So little time. He checked his watch. He was supposed to make a guest appearance at the carnival. He had signed up to be in a dunk tank. He looked at his desk. "Well getting dunked for Charity isn't as glamorous as fighting a supervillain. But hey. Doing good's doing good."

He walked over and tapped the wall behind his desk which lit up. He selected a water propulsion suit and put it on. This suit took ambient moisture from the air and stored it. Allowing him to fly and shoot high preassure water from it. Plus it also had a breathing apparatus allowing him to breath underwater as well. He put the suit in amd went to the carnival after sending her the adress for the shop
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