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Fandom Superheros and Villains

(Don't feel bad I have wasted hours of my life rewatching old shows like Digimon and x men evolution)
"woah we are really in space! " Alex said excitedly.
Ben transformed into heatblast. The Omnitrix did as it normally does amd changes the suit around him to match his form. (It always did that originally. It didn't do it in UAF because Ben messed with the setting and turned it off causing it to just store data of his default clothing and recreating it when he turned back... And I just realized that I have pathetically wasted hours of my life on this show.)
"Something is not right, the lights are out." He said as he shone his light on Joey's parents. Both of them were on the floor bleeding oil "The robots were destroyed... their souls are gone." James said
// so... what do I do now? Sorry, i’m still extremely confused and new to this and all that //
(Well it depends on the style you want to RP... You know about first person and third person writing styles? Well start with something to introduce your character and one of us will respond to help get your character into things. You can start in Edgewood, Utah or New York City. We have characters in both areas)
(Well it depends on the style you want to RP... You know about first person and third person writing styles? Well start with something to introduce your character and one of us will respond to help get your character into things. You can start in Edgewood, Utah or New York City. We have characters in both areas)
// Alright, thanks! I’ll get started on it soon. //
// Keep in mind Aurora is a child, she has a simple, playful, and innocent mindset. Also is this good? //

|| Monday 5:06 PM, New York City ||

Aurora was in the 2nd grade and she was extremely proud of that, she would tell anyone, or anything, about it.
Her aunt was working late so she had to wait for her sister to pick her up so they could walk home together. Aurora May not have liked the rule itself, but at least she got to hang around the play ground a little longer.
She started skipping to the swings, her curly hair bouncing up and down as she did so. She sat on the swing and swung it back and forth. She was sitting there for a while when she saw a feather floating around, she jumped off and started chasing it. She jumped and caught it in her hand.
She opened her hand to admire it when she heard someone crying behind her. She turned around and saw a boy from her class had fallen and scraped his knee. She put the feather in the pocket of her coat and walked over to him.
She sat down on the ground next to him, she looked at his knee and put her hand on it. Slowly but surely the small wound healed, the boy looked at her, he didn’t say anything he just looked at Aurora.
Aurora smiled and when the wound was gone she stood up, “the pain will be gone in a few seconds...” she said before skipping back to the swings.
"Something is not right, the lights are out." He said as he shone his light on Joey's parents. Both of them were on the floor bleeding oil "The robots were destroyed... their souls are gone." James said
"oh.could Thanos have gotten here first." He asked
"Something is not right, the lights are out." He said as he shone his light on Joey's parents. Both of them were on the floor bleeding oil "The robots were destroyed... their souls are gone." James said
"Robots? Souls? Who are they?" Heatblast asked.
Musicnotes Musicnotes Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Sam called out. "Tacos are done."

Abigail slipped out of some hallway shadows, and ran toward the kitchen. “Hell yea, I haven’t had tacos in forever!” She declared, coming to a skidding halt in the dining area. Abigail then pointed to Raven and asked, “Also, who the hell is she? Nevermind, I’m guessing it’s just a normal thing around here to have random new arrivals.” She concluded, shrugging her shoulders.
"your aunt. I will talk about it later now but the skeleton dragon away" she said
Abigail slipped out of some hallway shadows, and ran toward the kitchen. “Hell yea, I haven’t had tacos in forever!” She declared, coming to a skidding halt in the dining area. Abigail then pointed to Raven and asked, “Also, who the hell is she? Nevermind, I’m guessing it’s just a normal thing around here to have random new arrivals.” She concluded, shrugging her shoulders.
(Not at the house. They're at Roxie's)
// Keep in mind Aurora is a child, she has a simple, playful, and innocent mindset. Also is this good? //

|| Monday 5:06 PM, New York City ||

Aurora was in the 2nd grade and she was extremely proud of that, she would tell anyone, or anything, about it.
Her aunt was working late so she had to wait for her sister to pick her up so they could walk home together. Aurora May not have liked the rule itself, but at least she got to hang around the play ground a little longer.
She started skipping to the swings, her curly hair bouncing up and down as she did so. She sat on the swing and swung it back and forth. She was sitting there for a while when she saw a feather floating around, she jumped off and started chasing it. She jumped and caught it in her hand.
She opened her hand to admire it when she heard someone crying behind her. She turned around and saw a boy from her class had fallen and scraped his knee. She put the feather in the pocket of her coat and walked over to him.
She sat down on the ground next to him, she looked at his knee and put her hand on it. Slowly but surely the small wound healed, the boy looked at her, he didn’t say anything he just looked at Aurora.
Aurora smiled and when the wound was gone she stood up, “the pain will be gone in a few seconds...” she said before skipping back to the swings.
An Irishman and an Asian man were sitting together eating hot dogs. The Irishman points to Aurora and says something with his mouth full and the Asian merely nods with a friendly smile. They eventually finished their food and suddenly popped out of existence, as if they were never there.
"oh.could Thanos have gotten here first." He asked
"Robots? Souls? Who are they?" Heatblast asked.
"Joey's parents. After the... incident, I took their souls and embedded them into these robots to test out some new forms of energy, something a bit more renewable." He said "They stayed here on the moon as my personal butler and maid... least they used to."
An Irishman and an Asian man were sitting together eating hot dogs. The Irishman points to Aurora and says something with his mouth full and the Asian merely nods with a friendly smile. They eventually finished their food and suddenly popped out of existence, as if they were never there.

"Joey's parents. After the... incident, I took their souls and embedded them into these robots to test out some new forms of energy, something a bit more renewable." He said "They stayed here on the moon as my personal butler and maid... least they used to."
"His Dad I don't care he kept telling me that his dad was horrible. But his mother too?" Heatblast asked. ( Skype me later unless you have discord. If you do send me that instead. Gtg taking a history test now)
"I made beef, chicken, or pork. pick your favorite and build your tacos." Sam said.

Wisp got creative with her wormholes, as little tiny ones appeared over the ingredients, and they began to pull in a small amount from each, building her taco supreme
An Irishman and an Asian man were sitting together eating hot dogs. The Irishman points to Aurora and says something with his mouth full and the Asian merely nods with a friendly smile. They eventually finished their food and suddenly popped out of existence, as if they were never there.

"Joey's parents. After the... incident, I took their souls and embedded them into these robots to test out some new forms of energy, something a bit more renewable." He said "They stayed here on the moon as my personal butler and maid... least they used to."
"Well I'm glad no one did that to me after the accident." Alex said he used his scanner and scanned the robots.

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