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Fandom Superheros and Villains

WHat do you mean by that?

Like she cant speed up time on people and things, aging them to dust, she can't stop time for more then a minute at risk of draining herself to much, can't go back in time more than half an hour, that sort of thing)
Like she cant speed up time on people and things, aging them to dust, she can't stop time for more then a minute at risk of draining herself to much, can't go back in time more than half an hour, that sort of thing)
// Yea it’s there, I however didn’t mention it as I think it’s obvious that time travel comes with it’s flaws. //
"Alright let's go?" Alex smiled. "Never been in space before"
Fury says it's power and reality." Ben said. He hand a holographic interface coming from the Omnitrix reading the mission briefing.
"Suits first." James said as he took out a box with four necklaces "One for each of us. Just press the emerald and the force field will activate, being a mini atmosphere for you. It will also have built in communicators to keep in touch... oh... and stay out of the dark side of the moon." He said "Or you will freeze to death. The field has cooling but no heating."
"Suits first." James said as he took out a box with four necklaces "One for each of us. Just press the emerald and the force field will activate, being a mini atmosphere for you. It will also have built in communicators to keep in touch... oh... and stay out of the dark side of the moon." He said "Or you will freeze to death. The field has cooling but no heating."
"I have a few forms that can survive that if need be." Ben said.
"I have on a more than one occasion. It kind of loses it's flair after you realize most of it is empty." Ben said.
"Suits first." James said as he took out a box with four necklaces "One for each of us. Just press the emerald and the force field will activate, being a mini atmosphere for you. It will also have built in communicators to keep in touch... oh... and stay out of the dark side of the moon." He said "Or you will freeze to death. The field has cooling but no heating."
"still its space, its cool." Alex said taking the necklace. "I should be fine with dealing with the cold. I got a mini upgrade"
"Anyway." Ben put on the suit he was given. It covered the Omnitrix but that was no longer a problem for the time being
"still its space, its cool." Alex said taking the necklace. "I should be fine with dealing with the cold. I got a mini upgrade"
"I have an adapter suit already fitted with a heating system... anyways, everyone onto the pad." He said as he pointed to a large pad on the floor
"I have an adapter suit already fitted with a heating system... anyways, everyone onto the pad." He said as he pointed to a large pad on the floor
Ben stepped on looking around. He seemed confident that they could get the stones but the look on his eye clearly showed fear at the idea that they'd run into Thanos again.
Ben stepped on looking around. He seemed confident that they could get the stones but the look on his eye clearly showed fear at the idea that they'd run into Thanos again.
"I hope we do not encounter Thanos... especially without Joey to help." He said as he stepped on
"I have an adapter suit already fitted with a heating system... anyways, everyone onto the pad." He said as he pointed to a large pad on the floor
Alex stepped on the pad, he pressed a button on his armor and it got a tad bit larger and resembled more of a space suit.
"If we do I might be able to hold him long enough for you guys to escape. (I kind of want a battle between alien X and prior mindstone thanos)
Alex stepped on the pad, he pressed a button on his armor and it got a tad bit larger and resembled more of a space suit.
"Beam me up Scotty." James said as they all teleported into a dark house. "Hmmm... lights..." Nothing happened "Lights!" James said louder before turning on his force field "Everyone, force fields on. Something doesn't feel right... ADAPT!" he shouted as a suit formed around his body, he then turned on a light on his helmet revealing the dark interior. Alex and Ben saw the Earth outside a window.
"Beam me up Scotty." James said as they all teleported into a dark house. "Hmmm... lights..." Nothing happened "Lights!" James said louder before turning on his force field "Everyone, force fields on. Something doesn't feel right... ADAPT!" he shouted as a suit formed around his body, he then turned on a light on his helmet revealing the dark interior. Alex and Ben saw the Earth outside a window.
Ben transformed into heatblast. The Omnitrix did as it normally does amd changes the suit around him to match his form. (It always did that originally. It didn't do it in UAF because Ben messed with the setting and turned it off causing it to just store data of his default clothing and recreating it when he turned back... And I just realized that I have pathetically wasted hours of my life on this show.)
Ben transformed into heatblast. The Omnitrix did as it normally does amd changes the suit around him to match his form. (It always did that originally. It didn't do it in UAF because Ben messed with the setting and turned it off causing it to just store data of his default clothing and recreating it when he turned back... And I just realized that I have pathetically wasted hours of my life on this show.)
(Don't feel bad I have wasted hours of my life rewatching old shows like Digimon and x men evolution)
"Beam me up Scotty." James said as they all teleported into a dark house. "Hmmm... lights..." Nothing happened "Lights!" James said louder before turning on his force field "Everyone, force fields on. Something doesn't feel right... ADAPT!" he shouted as a suit formed around his body, he then turned on a light on his helmet revealing the dark interior. Alex and Ben saw the Earth outside a window.
"woah we are really in space! " Alex said excitedly.

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