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Fandom Superheros and Villains

He softly scratched his head for a moment "I got this sorta strange eastern soda, the instructions say to serve hot. I also have some cans of coke in the back"
"I'll have some coke." He said. "Considering that you basically just described tea for the first one."
"Easterners are weird, " he said dismissively and went to go and grab the coke. "Want it in a glass? Cause this came from a vending machine so it's already a bit chilled"
"No I'll drink it from the can." Nizaki said. There was a loud scream a few blocks away. "I'll be back." Nizaki dashed out the door
He softly scratched his head for a moment "I got this sorta strange eastern soda, the instructions say to serve hot. I also have some cans of coke in the back"
A woman walked in looking bored and walked up to the counter looking at the two people talking with mild interest.
"No I'll drink it from the can." Nizaki said. There was a loud scream a few blocks away. "I'll be back." Nizaki dashed out the door
"All right then..." Seemed like danger was a constant, he needed some employees a he wasn't alone in the store.
A woman walked in looking bored and walked up to the counter looking at the two people talking with mild interest.
He grinned across the counter and waved "hey welcome to the bakery, can I get you anything?"
"All right then..." Seemed like danger was a constant, he needed some employees a he wasn't alone in the store.

He grinned across the counter and waved "hey welcome to the bakery, can I get you anything?"
Jane looked at him " uhh yeah I'll take some tea or something I guess." Jane seemed confused.
Jane looked at him " uhh yeah I'll take some tea or something I guess." Jane seemed confused.
He nodded and walked back little pulling down a small saucer and pure white cup. Filling the cup with a golden sweet smelling liquid and placing it down in front of her "here you go!"
He kissed her and put on his belt. "Also think of a Pokemon you really like and tell it to me when I get back." He threw a great all and out came a Gardivour. "Okay. Teleport." He said. The Pokemon did so. Dragunov Dragunov
Tyson shoots the shock arrow into a quicksand trap, alerting the Landsharks to swim towards it.
"Now we just get them to come out of the ground, shoot em in the mouth, get past the traps, and boom! Two-thirds of our problems gone."
"These sharks... what are they made of?" Joey asked.
(Sorry, I was busy with other stuff and haven't been reading. What happened?)
(Josh had to go to nurse a sick Pokemon back to health and left behind a recipe for Pokemon food. The shaking this happened and now he used one of his Pokemon to go to Dinah's to make sure she's alright)
Kala smiles. " you're welcome Jeremy. " Diana smiled
Peter came downstairs. Jeremy walked up to him. "Peter I'm-" "Save it. It's not your fault." Peter said. "Did you try talking talking to Zadock. You can bring her back." Jeremy said. "No." Peter said. "We can try other things. There's that guy in the forest or-" "No." Peter said. "If Eris comes back that's up to her. It's not my place to bring these people back." He said. Jeremy looked a little confused. "B-but. Don't you want to see her again?" He asked. "Of course I do. But just because the option is available to me doesn't mean I should take it... If I can get rid of any bad thing that happens than responsibility is forgotten..." He said. "Because if I do this for Eris then what stops me from bringing back MJ, or May, or Uncle Ben, no... Doing that spits on what I learned the day Uncle Ben died." He said. "Because it wouldn't be me living up to responsibility it'd be me avoiding it."

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