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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Imagination is a simple but masterful way to control. If it works it is the most precise form on control. Imagination works best by attributing the ability with skills already known. Someone who is powerful with their abilities who uses imagination as their control often has used already known skills or hobbies and applied those principals to those powers." (Say.... Cheerleading.)

Abigail pondered this for a second. That actually sounded pretty easy. Still, she wanted to have all of her possibilities on the table. "Alright then, what about emotion?" She asked, seeming a bit more interested than before.
"As for the rest of this. I'm sorry." He said. "Everything that's happened. It's my fault."
Diana had followed him. " it would have happened sooner or later with the demon. Its not your fault." Allyson nods. "Its true, me and the girls felt the shakingnwhen we were helping Maddy pick out a wedding dress"
Abigail pondered this for a second. That actually sounded pretty easy. Still, she wanted to have all of her possibilities on the table. "Alright then, what about emotion?" She asked, seeming a bit more interested than before.
"Emotion. This is the most difficult form to train in. Because it can't be taught. The discovery and control of abilities through pure raw emotion."
"Emotion. This is the most difficult form to train in. Because it can't be taught. The discovery and control of abilities through pure raw emotion."

"So basically these are the 'explode the nearest three people in a fire if you get pissed off' powers...Alright."
Diana had followed him. " it would have happened sooner or later with the demon. Its not your fault." Allyson nods. "Its true, me and the girls felt the shakingnwhen we were helping Maddy pick out a wedding dress"
Jeremy sat down. "I know..." He said. "Remember with legion... When he took you over? That's how... That's how I feel... Guilty."

"So basically these are the 'explode the nearest three people in a fire if you get pissed off' powers...Alright."
(Welp pick one)
(Then I have thrown my two cents into the bucket and you can take the lead?

(I guess so.)

(I downloaded Grammarly on my computer and now I feel like I'm being forced to use grammar at gunpoint.)

(I don't think that was the intended purpose.)
(Twas a great plan)

"So did I." Tyson says as he walks towards the temple. Ahead are a few Landsharks between them and the temple's entrance. He points at the sand. "If the sand is moving and there's no Landshark fin causing it, it's a quicksand trap." He adds as he picks up his bow and loads it with a shock arrow.
"Alright then." Joey said as he walked casually forward to the temple.
Zadock chuckled " I don't do many important experiments anymore I try to be safer and leave a lot of the legwork to my lesser lichs, you know how it goes."
"Not really." Peter said. "I... Uh..." He hesitated. "God I really shouldn't be asking you this... What do you know about bringing back the dead?" He asked.
"Alright then." Joey said as he walked casually forward to the temple.
Tyson shoots the shock arrow into a quicksand trap, alerting the Landsharks to swim towards it.
"Now we just get them to come out of the ground, shoot em in the mouth, get past the traps, and boom! Two-thirds of our problems gone."
"Not really." Peter said. "I... Uh..." He hesitated. "God I really shouldn't be asking you this... What do you know about bringing back the dead?" He asked.
Zadock laughed heartily and said " I k ow everything about bringing back the dead for most races and species in the known multiverse. There are several ways to do it for each species and person and after many years of searching and taking in information I have compiled a comprehensive book."

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