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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Asura groaned ran from the park as she sighed as she knows that she won't make it to the building where 416 is on foot "God I hate revealing my true self..." she said as jump into the sky as her body transformed into her dragon form was as big 1/4 of the city with a massive wing span. (Basically she's like a flying fortress)
flying dragon.png
Asura groaned ran from the park as she sighed as she knows that she won't make it to the building where 416 is on foot "God I hate revealing my true self..." she said as jump into the sky as her body transformed into her dragon form was as big 1/4 of the city with a massive wing span. (Basically she's like a flying fortress)
View attachment 492277
(And Ben can turn into that. That's going straight to my "do not use" list. Along with Alien X)
"Not So Fast There Sweetheart." He Said Shooting A Fire Pillar At The Stairs Blocking Her Way "How Bout You Put The Gun Down And Over The Cash." He said Walking Closer
Gabe stood still, dropping her gun beside her, this wasn't the first time someone attempted to rob her "well, what ever you say" she slowly reaches into her suit pocket, she grabs out something, turns and goes for Greg, she wasn't a vain person but she didn't have that much money to live off as it is. Gabe slashes at him with her hunting knife, trying to get a cut on him, even the smallest of cuts would work.
(:/: i have no idea I'll leave that up to you)
(I was just making a joke, but I’m actually not sure because the omnitrix can scan sentient species but Butch is just a mutant cat which means technically his species isn’t sentient. I don’t know how the omnitrix reacts to mutants so if I was being serious I’d say I don’t know either. Definitely unlikely).
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Gabe stood still, dropping her gun beside her, this wasn't the first time someone attempted to rob her "well, what ever you say" she slowly reaches into her suit pocket, she grabs out something, turns and goes for Greg, she wasn't a vain person but she didn't have that much money to live off as it is. Gabe slashes at him with her hunting knife, trying to get a cut on him, even the smallest of cuts would work.
"Shit!" Greg Cursed Before Grabbing Her By The Throat And Headbutting Her. He Stares At The Short Cut On His Arm. "That Was My Good Hand" He Shouts At Her Quickly Digging In Her Pockets Hoping For Cash.
Ben scrolles through his playlist and he looked outside. "No reason to sit here feeling sorry for myself." He said standing with a confident smirk. "I have Ten new Aliens and a bunch of other stuff to try on this guy. It's hero time." He said.
"Shit!" Greg Cursed Before Grabbing Her By The Throat And Headbutting Her. He Stares At The Short Cut On His Arm. "That Was My Good Hand" He Shouts At Her Quickly Digging In Her Pockets Hoping For Cash.
She grins "you fucked up" she squeezes her hand, Gabe's power is blood manipulation, all she needs is an open wound, by squeezing her hand she is forcing Greg's blood to thin, making him bleed faster, the longer this goes on the thinner his blood will get, "if you don't want me to bleed you like a pig I suggest you let go" she growls as blood starts bleeding from her now broken nose.
Greg Backs Away While Covering His Wound, Blood Seeping Through His Fingers "Neat Party Trick, Missy" Before He Put A Flame Over The Wound Sealing the Wound With a Burned Patch Of Skin. "But Mines Cooler" Before Handing Her A Roundhouse Kick To Her Head.
Greg Backs Away While Covering His Wound, Blood Seeping Through His Fingers "Neat Party Trick, Missy" Before He Put A Flame Over The Wound Sealing the Wound With a Burned Patch Of Skin. "But Mines Cooler" Before Handing Her A Roundhouse Kick To Her Head.
She laughs, falling to the ground "well, its more then just a party trick, once I have a sample of your blood I own you sweetheart, your blood is mine" she wipes the blood from her nose and lip "but, I'm bored of this measuring contest, I imagine, since you're just a simple thief with a few magic tricks that you have no interest in my death, just my money, which I can't give you" she pockets her knife "but I can give you two other things instead. One, your life and two, an opportunity, I am a business woman after all."
He Looks At His Wound "Fine Throw It At Me I Like My Life Afterall" Before Putting His Arms To The Side And Expecting A Trick.
He Looks At His Wound "Fine Throw It At Me I Like My Life Afterall" Before Putting His Arms To The Side And Expecting A Trick.
She smiles, relaxed now she has control over the situation "how would you like to help me make some money in this time of panic and fear?" She tilts her head quizzically, usually she would vet any potential work partner but she was getting impatient so a simple low life would have to do "I used to work for the mafia in another city, was thinking of making a new one here, wanna help? It will make you very rich long term Greg" she reached her hand out, offering a handshake "deal?"
She smiles, relaxed now she has control over the situation "how would you like to help me make some money in this time of panic and fear?" She tilts her head quizzically, usually she would vet any potential work partner but she was getting impatient so a simple low life would have to do "I used to work for the mafia in another city, was thinking of making a new one here, wanna help? It will make you very rich long term Greg" she reached her hand out, offering a handshake "deal?"
(is this happening in edgewood?)
She smiles, relaxed now she has control over the situation "how would you like to help me make some money in this time of panic and fear?" She tilts her head quizzically, usually she would vet any potential work partner but she was getting impatient so a simple low life would have to do "I used to work for the mafia in another city, was thinking of making a new one here, wanna help? It will make you very rich long term Greg" she reached her hand out, offering a handshake "deal?"
"Mafia Huh, Yeah Sure Why Not" He Said Shaking Her Hand. "Never Got Your Name By The Way." He Says Standing Straight And Putting On his Best Fake Smile
As Ben ran back to the fray he saw the two of them. "HEY!" He yelled running to them. "You guys need to get out of here. Something big is going down."
A loud roar can be heard throughout the city as a massive dragon flys above where ben is nearly cloaking the areas in darkness from blocking the light with it's massive body/wings though it doesn't look like a grimm.
MothMagic MothMagic Jarizard Jarizard
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She looked up at the dragon and pats greg on the back "names Gabriel Savich, you can all me Cerberus" she picks up her gun from the floor "and I have no idea"

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