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Fandom Superheros and Villains

The girl smiled serenely "if you want to live you must win and there's only one thing that can help fight and beat evil." The girl smiled happily.
"She can't win this, she can't even take a punch." Evil Diana said. Good Diana got up. "Yes I can. I got hope." She smiled at the girl.
(Not my idea @Jennifer Rose 's. They are part of thier arc. I just get to help control them) a group of Beowolves were walking around.
"this sucks" she grumbles again, usually she wasn't one to complain, usually taking things as they came, but this was just a mess, there was no mafia in this city and that means she has no power here, well, she does, but she isn't willing to risk her life to kill some freaks, maybe she should build her own mafia here. She silently thinks to herself, keeping her eyes on the ground, she didn't plan on dying today.
"this sucks" she grumbles again, usually she wasn't one to complain, usually taking things as they came, but this was just a mess, there was no mafia in this city and that means she has no power here, well, she does, but she isn't willing to risk her life to kill some freaks, maybe she should build her own mafia here. She silently thinks to herself, keeping her eyes on the ground, she didn't plan on dying today.
Suddenly jumping down from a building was a group of ninjas. They started attacking the beowolves.
"this sucks" she grumbles again, usually she wasn't one to complain, usually taking things as they came, but this was just a mess, there was no mafia in this city and that means she has no power here, well, she does, but she isn't willing to risk her life to kill some freaks, maybe she should build her own mafia here. She silently thinks to herself, keeping her eyes on the ground, she didn't plan on dying today.
"You Okay?" Ash Asked Getting Closer To Gabe, "Mind Looking Up? You Never Know What New Type Of Weird Could Show Up." He Said With A Creepily Sincere Smile.
"Peter be careful out there okay?" Allyson said.
"C'mon man. You're not yourself. Where's the quips?" Ben asked. Peter looked at him. "There's nothing funny about this. People are dying. I turned evil. I nearly killed my friends." He said. "There's no time to make jokes. Or be funny. Figure that out Ben. You're losing because you aren't taking this fight as seriously as you could. If you were you'd have used him by now. Despite whatever draw backs he has." Peter said. Ben knew exactly who he was referring to.

"No. That one's off the table. And if you really know about me. Then you know why it's off the table."
"You Okay?" Ash Asked Getting Closer To Gabe, "Mind Looking Up? You Never Know What New Type Of Weird Could Show Up." He Said With A Creepily Sincere Smile.
Gabe does as asked and grimaces "hah, yeah no, I am not dealing with this, this- wow ok" Gabe grabs her handgun inconspicuously, not trusting the stranger "this is weird, super weird" she watches the stranger for any sign of aggression, though the smile was off-putting, last time someone smiled at her like that she nearly lost her left kidney, maybe she should just shoot him. She decides against it. "who are you?"
"The Names Greg, Nice To Meet Ya" He Says Glancing At The Gun. "Don't Worry I'm One The Of The Good-" "That's Him Officer!" The Young Lady From Before Screamed as The Officers Spoke Up, "Look Ash This Is Enough You Going For Good This Time Just-" Before He Could More A Fireball Went Straight Through Him. Burning The Girls Arm And Causing Her To Faint As Greg Put A Fireball Through Her Too.
"C'mon man. You're not yourself. Where's the quips?" Ben asked. Peter looked at him. "There's nothing funny about this. People are dying. I turned evil. I nearly killed my friends." He said. "There's no time to make jokes. Or be funny. Figure that out Ben. You're losing because you aren't taking this fight as seriously as you could. If you were you'd have used him by now. Despite whatever draw backs he has." Peter said. Ben knew exactly who he was referring to.

"No. That one's off the table. And if you really know about me. Then you know why it's off the table."
Musicnotes Musicnotes
"C'mon man. You're not yourself. Where's the quips?" Ben asked. Peter looked at him. "There's nothing funny about this. People are dying. I turned evil. I nearly killed my friends." He said. "There's no time to make jokes. Or be funny. Figure that out Ben. You're losing because you aren't taking this fight as seriously as you could. If you were you'd have used him by now. Despite whatever draw backs he has." Peter said. Ben knew exactly who he was referring to.

"No. That one's off the table. And if you really know about me. Then you know why it's off the table."
" its his choice to use whatever aliens he wants " Allyson said. "We all have been trying our best"
" its his choice to use whatever aliens he wants " Allyson said. "We all have been trying our best"
Peter looked at her. "You have. He hasn't." He closed the door and web swinged to legion.

Ben sighed. He sat down on the couch. "Whatever." He said. "I'm never using that Alien."
The Bronze Brawler fell from the air. Landing in the monster filled city. It’s right arm going into a gattling gun. Filling the nearest monster full of bullets. “Just. Die. You. Stupid. Fuck. Rat” said Butch as the brawler punched it with its left arm. The one that was a wrecking ball. He was mumbling as he fought. “I swear I go off duty for a couple months to reform a psychopath, and this shit happens”.
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Allyson looks at Ben. " okay its your choice"
Ben tapped the Omnitrix face plate and scrolled through his playlist. Tons of new faces he didn't recognize. "Geez I'm not ready for the mast control yet." He said. "Master control locked." The Omnitrix said. Ben opened his eyes. "What!?" He asked. "Master Control is now locked until Ben Tennyson has reached 18 years of age."
"The Names Greg, Nice To Meet Ya" He Says Glancing At The Gun. "Don't Worry I'm One The Of The Good-" "That's Him Officer!" The Young Lady From Before Screamed as The Officers Spoke Up, "Look Ash This Is Enough You Going For Good This Time Just-" Before He Could More A Fireball Went Straight Through Him. Burning The Girls Arm And Causing Her To Faint As Greg Put A Fireball Through Her Too.
"wow, Greg, you sure are a great guy" she deadpans, watching. So he has fire powers, this makes him a larger threat then she thought, she should leave. Gabe starts to move away to the stairs of the fire escape.
The Bronze Brawler fell from the air. Landing in the monster filled city. It’s right arm going into a gattling gun. Filling the nearest monster full of bullets. “Just. Die. You. Stupid. Fuck. Rat” said Butch as the brawler punched it with its left arm. The one that was a wrecking ball. He was mumbling as he fought. “I swear I go off duty for a couple months to reform a psychopath, and this shit happens”.
"Out of the way" a ninja said throwing a knife at a monster.
"She can't win this, she can't even take a punch." Evil Diana said. Good Diana got up. "Yes I can. I got hope." She smiled at the girl.
The girl smiled and held her arms open for Diana to come and give her a hug warmth radiating from the girl.
Ben tapped the Omnitrix face plate and scrolled through his playlist. Tons of new faces he didn't recognize. "Geez I'm not ready for the mast control yet." He said. "Master control locked." The Omnitrix said. Ben opened his eyes. "What!?" He asked. "Master Control is now locked until Ben Tennyson has reached 18 years of age."
" oh wow..so what aliens do you have available now?" She asked.
"Out of the way" a ninja said throwing a knife at a monster.
The robot ducked the knife. Allowing it to hit the monster taking care of the beasts distraction Butch moved the wrecking ball forward effectively crushing it. “Shaudenfraude” shouted Butch. Laughing like a maniac.
"wow, Greg, you sure are a great guy" she deadpans, watching. So he has fire powers, this makes him a larger threat then she thought, she should leave. Gabe starts to move away to the stairs of the fire escape.
"Not So Fast There Sweetheart." He Said Shooting A Fire Pillar At The Stairs Blocking Her Way "How Bout You Put The Gun Down And Over The Cash." He said Walking Closer

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