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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"No killing peter" Maddy said to Daiko, still keeping him on the ground. "I'm not going to let him kill you. " she said to peter. Oz was walking over to them silently.
"I'll try talking with him." Maddy said. Oz smiled a bit. "I see you're still positive about most stuff"
"Even if you somehow get him back to how he was he'ss still be gunning for me." Peter said.
"Balo... Balo." Daiko said to Peter. He then growled.
The Radobaan shuddered as the sense dulling has flowed out of it.

The odogaron ran out of energy and took a moment to pant heavily.

Viserok shook his head. The hunter had come to see what was bringing down his monsters, and shook his head. He twirled a chain blade in one hand.
Watcher looks around. "Hey Kala think you could help me?" Kala nods. "Sure." She heads over to the Radobaan, ready to use the same chain spell as before.
S came flying out of a window as Dreema chuckled to herself. "You're such a joy mother... shame you'll never be as strong as uncle." S stood up in complete anger "You little bitch!"
"Hey can one of you help me get Daiko under control!" She shouted over to them.
A portal appeared under Peter, sending his foot up next to Daiko's mouth. Daiko then bit on his leg "RRRRRRH!"
"Shame... I seem to have forgotten the magic words." S replied. Joey appeared from a portal. "Is everyone alright?"
His Spoder-Sense tingled and he jumped back in time to avoid the attack. "Yelo." Peter said hoping that it did something.
Peter saw S. He stuck around just in case.
A portal appeared under Peter, sending his foot up next to Daiko's mouth. Daiko then bit on his leg "RRRRRRH!"
"Shame... I seem to have forgotten the magic words." S replied. Joey appeared from a portal. "Is everyone alright?"
"You know I'm really close to going back to wolf right now." Maddy said ignoring the Joey that came through the portal. " Dreema did your mom do this to Joey?"
His Spoder-Sense tingled and he jumped back in time to avoid the attack. "Yelo." Peter said hoping that it did something.
"Y'know just cuz he's not YOUR Joeh doesn't mean you shoukd hate him." Peter said
"You know I'm really close to going back to wolf right now." Maddy said ignoring the Joey that came through the portal. " Dreema did your mom do this to Joey?"
"Of course. She specializes in destruction and hence... she destroyed his mind... body and well... soul." Dreema responded "Peter does have a point. Just because I hail from a different universe doesn't mean we can't be together." Joey responded.
Watcher looks around. "Hey Kala think you could help me?" Kala nods. "Sure." She heads over to the Radobaan, ready to use the same chain spell as before.
Viserok was fairly disappointed he was expecting a pair of hunters that would make worthy enemies. Not a pair of honorless wretches. The hunter loaded a flash pod into his slinger, and aimed it at the ground near the Radobaan as it hit the ground it exploded in blinding light.
"Of course. She specializes in destruction and hence... she destroyed his mind... body and well... soul." Dreema responded "Peter does have a point. Just because I hail from a different universe doesn't mean we can't be together." Joey responded.
"Y'know just cuz he's not YOUR Joeh doesn't mean you shoukd hate him." Peter said
Maddy looked furious after hearing Dreema's response. "Peter he lied to me!" She walked over to Joey. "I made memories with that Joey not you. I am his girl friend not yours." She growled, her eyes changing to yellow. "We been through a lot together even before we were together and you just come and pretend to be him as I am worried about him being captured. First I'm going to get Dreema's mom and then I'm coming after you." She turned toward S and Dreema.

Oz watched. "Okay..this might not end well.."
Viserok was fairly disappointed he was expecting a pair of hunters that would make worthy enemies. Not a pair of honorless wretches. The hunter loaded a flash pod into his slinger, and aimed it at the ground near the Radobaan as it hit the ground it exploded in blinding light.
The light blinded the two heroes
Maddy looked furious after hearing Dreema's response. "Peter he lied to me!" She walked over to Joey. "I made memories with that Joey not you. I am his girl friend not yours." She growled, her eyes changing to yellow. "We been through a lot together even before we were together and you just come and pretend to be him as I am worried about him being captured. First I'm going to get Dreema's mom and then I'm coming after you." She turned toward S and Dreema.

Oz watched. "Okay..this might not end well.."
"If you can do anything about it." Dreema responded "My mother can even destroy powers Maddy. I suggest you destroy the fake right here right now. Because remember, you can't die in an alternate universe. You can only return to your original timeline." Daiko merely scratched his ears.
"Of course. She specializes in destruction and hence... she destroyed his mind... body and well... soul." Dreema responded "Peter does have a point. Just because I hail from a different universe doesn't mean we can't be together." Joey responded.

Maddy looked furious after hearing Dreema's response. "Peter he lied to me!" She walked over to Joey. "I made memories with that Joey not you. I am his girl friend not yours." She growled, her eyes changing to yellow. "We been through a lot together even before we were together and you just come and pretend to be him as I am worried about him being captured. First I'm going to get Dreema's mom and then I'm coming after you." She turned toward S and Dreema.

Oz watched. "Okay..this might not end well.."
Peter grabbed Maddy. "Maddy leave him alone. He's nkt working with Dreema or S. And he doesn't deserve how your treating him. He lied to you yes. He lied to me too. Get off that highhorse of yours and leave him alone. He's not your Joey but he's still Joey." Peter said.
The light blinded the two heroes
Viserok slowly approached and raised his right hand the monsters bellowed, and howled as they were turned back into medallions, and they flew back into Viserok’s open hand. He looked at the pair and then at the blind heroes. “To be quite honest I’m impressed you managed to restrain my odogaron, although you did it with...unconventional means” he said. Clipping the medallions back onto his belt. He replaced the flash pod with a piercing pod, which worked like shotgun ammo. He shot the pod at the heroes, he turned and began to walk away. Not even bothering to see if it connected.
"If you can do anything about it." Dreema responded "My mother can even destroy powers Maddy. I suggest you destroy the fake right here right now. Because remember, you can't die in an alternate universe. You can only return to your original timeline." Daiko merely scratched his ears.
Peter grabbed Maddy. "Maddy leave him alone. He's nkt working with Dreema or S. And he doesn't deserve how your treating him. He lied to you yes. He lied to me too. Get off that highhorse of yours and leave him alone. He's not your Joey but he's still Joey." Peter said.
Maddy growled forcing Peter to let her go. "He could be working with them. He shows up after Joey was captured by shield then S changes Joey into a demon and this joey can just take his place. I'm making S change Joey back to normal." She changed fully into werewolf before running at S.

Oz frowned. "im taking back what I said about her being positive.."
Viserok slowly approached and raised his right hand the monsters bellowed, and howled as they were turned back into medallions, and they flew back into Viserok’s open hand. He looked at the pair and then at the blind heroes. “To be quite honest I’m impressed you managed to restrain my odogaron, although you did it with...unconventional means” he said. Clipping the medallions back onto his belt. He replaced the flash pod with a piercing pod, which worked like shotgun ammo. He shot the pod at the heroes, he turned and began to walk away. Not even bothering to see if it connected.
"I knew they had to belong to someone." Watcher said.

The piercing pod hit Kala, she fell to the ground.
Maddy growled forcing Peter to let her go. "He could be working with them. He shows up after Joey was captured by shield then S changes Joey into a demon and this joey can just take his place. I'm making S change Joey back to normal." She changed fully into werewolf before running at S.

Oz frowned. "im taking back what I said about her being positive.."
Peter sighed and went to Defend Joey.
Maddy growled forcing Peter to let her go. "He could be working with them. He shows up after Joey was captured by shield then S changes Joey into a demon and this joey can just take his place. I'm making S change Joey back to normal." She changed fully into werewolf before running at S.

Oz frowned. "im taking back what I said about her being positive.."
Peter grabbed Maddy. "Maddy leave him alone. He's nkt working with Dreema or S. And he doesn't deserve how your treating him. He lied to you yes. He lied to me too. Get off that highhorse of yours and leave him alone. He's not your Joey but he's still Joey." Peter said.
"Well... good luck." S said as she stroked Maddy's nose, instantly turning her back into her normal self "Try not get injured for the next 72 hours sweetie." Joey seemed shocked "She... She can take away powers? GRAAAAH!" He fell to the floor with claw marks on his back. Daiko yelped as his claws were burning "Raaaah!" Dreema was munching on some popcorn.
"Well... good luck." S said as she stroked Maddy's nose, instantly turning her back into her normal self "Try not get injured for the next 72 hours sweetie." Joey seemed shocked "She... She can take away powers? GRAAAAH!" He fell to the floor with claw marks on his back. Daiko yelped as his claws were burning "Raaaah!" Dreema was munching on some popcorn.
Peter picked up Joey and looked at Maddy "Still think he's working for them?" He asked.
"Well... good luck." S said as she stroked Maddy's nose, instantly turning her back into her normal self "Try not get injured for the next 72 hours sweetie." Joey seemed shocked "She... She can take away powers? GRAAAAH!" He fell to the floor with claw marks on his back. Daiko yelped as his claws were burning "Raaaah!" Dreema was munching on some popcorn.
Peter picked up Joey and looked at Maddy "Still think he's working for them?" He asked.
Turning back Maddy still had her tail. She looked shocked, she had her powers for almost most of her life. Her healing powers being one of the main reasons she survived her parents training, she really did feel weaker with out them. "I guess he's not working with them..." She looked over at Daiko and Joey, not liking to see them hurt, even if she didn't like this joey at the moment. Maddy turned back to S before quickly punching S in the face with enough force to break at least her nose.

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