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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Probably" Maddy said. At this moment all eyes were on Adam as he spoke."hello everyone, I would like to say thank you all for coming and being with us through this tough time. ". He started to cry. " I know Eve would have been happy to know you all are here. Eve was the greatest person in my life, I find it hard to think of times when we weren't together. She was a wonderful mother to our daughter and she would do anything for her." He looked over at Maddy before speaking. "Now as much as I would love to talk more about her, I know you all would like to speak so go ahead." After that he allowed other guests to speak about Eve, some where neighbors, friends, and even old classmates of Maddy's. Every story put her in a positive light. Then came the gods as only Minerva and Hades talked about Eve. Janus had returned to the room and was watching. After Hades speech he said. "And now my niece Maddy has something to say." Maddy defiantly didn't look like she wanted to go up to speak but she slowly went up anyway.
"Deep breaths." Joey replied
"Probably" Maddy said. At this moment all eyes were on Adam as he spoke."hello everyone, I would like to say thank you all for coming and being with us through this tough time. ". He started to cry. " I know Eve would have been happy to know you all are here. Eve was the greatest person in my life, I find it hard to think of times when we weren't together. She was a wonderful mother to our daughter and she would do anything for her." He looked over at Maddy before speaking. "Now as much as I would love to talk more about her, I know you all would like to speak so go ahead." After that he allowed other guests to speak about Eve, some where neighbors, friends, and even old classmates of Maddy's. Every story put her in a positive light. Then came the gods as only Minerva and Hades talked about Eve. Janus had returned to the room and was watching. After Hades speech he said. "And now my niece Maddy has something to say." Maddy defiantly didn't look like she wanted to go up to speak but she slowly went up anyway.
"Ah all if these delicious spoonfed lies." Peter said under his breath so no one could hear. Except possibly Joey. "How I'd love expose them for what they are."
"Ah all if these delicious spoonfed lies." Peter said under his breath so no one could hear. Except possibly Joey. "How I'd love expose them for what they are."
"How about you do us all a favor and keep your mouth shut? This is a funeral. Have some respect." Joey said.
"How about you do us all a favor and keep your mouth shut? This is a funeral. Have some respect." Joey said.
Peter didn't respond for a while. It wasn't a funeral it was a joke. Majority of this family was quite happy that they could now just off Maddy.
Jax smirked at Emily's reaction. "The lab right now is pretty barren in the way of test" Jax points over to the boiling vial, walking over to it. "This is a mutagen im working on. It's meant to give one the eyes of a reptile. Allowing them to focus in and out on a object and see further or closer as the wish." Jax runs over to a big closet and pulls out a condenser. Connecting a tube to the boiling vial and letting the vapours move the liquid to another vial.
"Right now im trying to make this so that way it won't kill people if they drink it. As boiling it rids the mixture of deadly chemicals. Just keeping the mutagenic effects."
While Jax social interaction was short lived, he seems absorbed into his work.
"Its still a good lab in my opinion Jax, you been quite busy.." she replied with a smile. She just watched as Ajax went from one place to another showing her what he has been working on.
As Ajax got absorbed into his work Emily kept her distance and just watched him, ever so often she would look away and look at her suroundings. She never thought she would see a lab like this, she only ever read about the possibility and discoveries of forming powers. But now she was seeing it for herself, and it's intresting
"Deep breaths." Joey replied

"Ah all if these delicious spoonfed lies." Peter said under his breath so no one could hear. Except possibly Joey. "How I'd love expose them for what they are."
getting up in front of everyone Maddy frowned. " I can say a lot about my mom, she loved to garden and getting what she wanted. It was just how she was.." Maddy got quiet as she tried to decide what to say next.
Tim stumbled backwards, taken by surprise by the sudden movement that had ensued. Looking down at his empty hands, he clenched them into fists and looked back up at the other man "Trained Mercenary?" he repeated, took a step back when the gun was pointed at him, then another step back when Leo turned it to himself. "Well, what about the man in the labcoat? What was His involvement?" he questioned, unsure what to believe

"Literally same as me. We saw it happen. Legally, we didn't have to endanger our lives to save her."

"Well he was just talking to your uncle." Peter said.
Roxie nodded. "He has a point"
getting up in front of everyone Maddy frowned. " I can say a lot about my mom, she loved to garden and getting what she wanted. It was just how she was.." Maddy got quiet as she tried to decide what to say next.
Joey took off his mask and smiled at her to reassure her. He then moved his hand forward, telling her to keep going as he nodded his head. He did so from behind everyone so as to avoid attention.
Joey took off his mask and smiled at her to reassure her. He then moved his hand forward, telling her to keep going as he nodded his head. He did so from behind everyone so as to avoid attention.
"I know she wanted me to follow her path in life but I am doing what I want and I hope she was finally happy." She said and stopped talking and walked away.
"Its still a good lab in my opinion Jax, you been quite busy.." she replied with a smile. She just watched as Ajax went from one place to another showing her what he has been working on.
As Ajax got absorbed into his work Emily kept her distance and just watched him, ever so often she would look away and look at her suroundings. She never thought she would see a lab like this, she only ever read about the possibility and discoveries of forming powers. But now she was seeing it for herself, and it's intresting
Jax turned back around waiting for the vial to finish boiling. "I've worked in way better, this is my own little setup." After a few seconds the vial is completely empty and the other vial is half full with a greenish yellow liquid. "Its ready to be consumed by whomever.... I think" Jax picks up the vial and stirs it a small amount. looking through it, then sniffing it. It can only be described as lime mixed with battery acid in smell.
"I've always tested these on my self. As no one really wants to consume a beverage like this. One that permanently changes. But ive had to grow the courage. anyways, down the hatch" Jax drinks the liquid, not even flinching. Ajax starts to sway back and forth before sitting on a nearby chair and looking up at Emily "Anything look different?"
His eyes have turned snakelike. 2 knife-like slits, pupils rapidly dilating. It was a very fast transformation.
Jax turned back around waiting for the vial to finish boiling. "I've worked in way better, this is my own little setup." After a few seconds the vial is completely empty and the other vial is half full with a greenish yellow liquid. "Its ready to be consumed by whomever.... I think" Jax picks up the vial and stirs it a small amount. looking through it, then sniffing it. It can only be described as lime mixed with battery acid in smell.
"I've always tested these on my self. As no one really wants to consume a beverage like this. One that permanently changes. But ive had to grow the courage. anyways, down the hatch" Jax drinks the liquid, not even flinching. Ajax starts to sway back and forth before sitting on a nearby chair and looking up at Emily "Anything look different?"
His eyes have turned snakelike. 2 knife-like slits, pupils rapidly dilating. It was a very fast transformation.
"Well I believe it's a great setup for a small personal lab" she replied with a smiled as she closely observed what he was doing.
Her nose wrinkled as a shiver went up her spine from just imagining the taste of what was inside of the vial. She became nervious when he just drank the liquid. She gasped worried and rushed over to him when he swayed and sat on the chair. Before she could ask him if he was alright he looked at her asking about his eyes. " well...your pupils are rapidly dilating and they look like snakes eyes" she softly replied looking him over. This man is ether crazy or extremely brave to try his experiments on himself, was the thought that passed through her head.
"Well I believe it's a great setup for a small personal lab" she replied with a smiled as she closely observed what he was doing.
Her nose wrinkled as a shiver went up her spine from just imagining the taste of what was inside of the vial. She became nervious when he just drank the liquid. She gasped worried and rushed over to him when he swayed and sat on the chair. Before she could ask him if he was alright he looked at her asking about his eyes. " well...your pupils are rapidly dilating and they look like snakes eyes" she softly replied looking him over. This man is ether crazy or extremely brave to try his experiments on himself, was the thought that passed through her head.
Jax thought he was going to throw up. His vision was zooming in and out, overly bright and overly dark. It took him a moment to realize what she said,with his senses so overwhelmed. Jax felt like throwing up.
"Then it was a success. thats always good to have. I was confident it would work but not so much in the side effects." He stood up and stumbled over across the lab and grabbed a small notebook. Writing down the results of the test inside, though his writing was very disfigured. The constant zooming in and out of his vision made him write really small some places and really big in others. But he got all of the results down, barely.
"This is going to take some getting used to, but ill manage... thanks for sticking around" Jax moved around like a drunk, barely getting to his chair before collapsing back onto it. Jax wasn't nervous one bit about his experiments, he was too sure to be nervous. But was he afraid, defiantly. He was more afraid of the known than the unknown. The known was what he truly feared.

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