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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Hey I gotta use the restroom." He said. Once he was out of sight he focused and the navy suit turned into the black suit. He focused more and the symbiote blended into the surroundings. He jumped onto the ceiling and followed Janus
Janus smiled as he got to the room Oz was in. "I'm glad you finally made it" His voice was kind. Oz chuckled and got up and hugged him. "Same here Uncle Shawn. I brought some macaroons." Janus took the box. "Thanks." Oz looked really happy. "So how is everyone doing?" The god shrugged. "The best as we can be but your mom probably is the most happy about this. Your Aunt isn't standing in here way."
"Sorry i havent seen those people. I hope you find them." She smiled and tried walking away.

Tim lowered the paper, stuffing it in his pocket impatiently "this isn't a joke!" He grabbed her shoulder, then showed a picture of a little girl "they Killed her!"
Janus smiled as he got to the room Oz was in. "I'm glad you finally made it" His voice was kind. Oz chuckled and got up and hugged him. "Same here Uncle Shawn. I brought some macaroons." Janus took the box. "Thanks." Oz looked really happy. "So how is everyone doing?" The god shrugged. "The best as we can be but your mom probably is the most happy about this. Your Aunt isn't standing in here way."

Tim lowered the paper, stuffing it in his pocket impatiently "this isn't a joke!" He grabbed her shoulder, then showed a picture of a little girl "they Killed her!"
"Hey back off." Leonidas said. He telepathically called Goyle I may have a meal for you.

Peter listened to their conversation.
"Don't touch me." Roxie said as a skeleton popped out of the ground.
"Hey back off." Leonidas said. He telepathically called Goyle I may have a meal for you.

The gargoyle didn't seem present, whether he was no more, or out of range.
Tim glanced at the skeleton, immediately taking his hand from Roxie. "listen, I just.." He stuttered, then turned when he heard somebody else. "you!" He pushed Roxie aside, pulled out his pistol, and pointed it at Leo "you were there! I saw in the security footage!"
"Hey back off." Leonidas said. He telepathically called Goyle I may have a meal for you.

Peter listened to their conversation.

The gargoyle didn't seem present, whether he was no more, or out of range.
Tim glanced at the skeleton, immediately taking his hand from Roxie. "listen, I just.." He stuttered, then turned when he heard somebody else. "you!" He pushed Roxie aside, pulled out his pistol, and pointed it at Leo "you were there! I saw in the security footage!"
Seeing the pistol Roxie made more skeletons. They all seemed ready to fight
The gargoyle didn't seem present, whether he was no more, or out of range.
Tim glanced at the skeleton, immediately taking his hand from Roxie. "listen, I just.." He stuttered, then turned when he heard somebody else. "you!" He pushed Roxie aside, pulled out his pistol, and pointed it at Leo "you were there! I saw in the security footage!"

Seeing the pistol Roxie made more skeletons. They all seemed ready to fight
Leonidas looked at him. "What footage?" He asked touching Roxie's shoulder and getting her power. He created skeletons.
"Hey back off." Leonidas said. He telepathically called Goyle I may have a meal for you.

Peter listened to their conversation.
Oz nodded. "Yeah i can only imagine my mom right now. So does she still want to kill Mads?" Janus laughed. "Yeah but don't worry, her friends wont let that happen. " He ate a macaroon. "when ever your ready to come watch you know the way." He stood up. Oz smiled. "Okay. I will. It will be nice to see everyone.."
Oz nodded. "Yeah i can only imagine my mom right now. So does she still want to kill Mads?" Janus laughed. "Yeah but don't worry, her friends wont let that happen. " He ate a macaroon. "when ever your ready to come watch you know the way." He stood up. Oz smiled. "Okay. I will. It will be nice to see everyone.."
Peter turned to crawl away.
Oz looked around. "is someone here?" He couldnt see peter but with him being nervous his powers seemed to pick Peter's brainwaves up.
The walls that Samuel helped. Peter build in his minds blocked his presence. By the time Oz could realize he felt something the feeling was gone again. Peter had the black suit turn back into the funeral suit. He walked over to Maddy. "Can I talk to you?" He asked.
Emily smiled gathering her things and throwing away her trash. She dusted off her sun dress and grabed her messanger bag. "sounds good,...lead the way ill follow" she said happily as she followed him out the door of the shop.
Jax didn't walk but about 3 blocks the right before coming upon a small stone building. Jax takes his keys out of his pocket and fiddles with it. Finding the right one, as he unlocks the door he turns back to Emily "Welcome to my lab" the door opens up to expose a 3 room, 1 story building with a 1 room basement. The first room has many books, some old and some new. But most are about encounters with superhumans or theories on them. There are a few books about animals, reptiles and insects. Along with books on genomes. The door to the left leads to his room that houses all of his weapons, posions and suits, the door to which is locked. To the right leads to the applied sciences, full of lab equipment. The only notable thing in there is a slowly boiling vial labled 'Snake eyes'.
"What do you think? First impressions?" Jax smirked looking towards Emily with hopefully eyes.
Seeing the pistol Roxie made more skeletons. They all seemed ready to fight
Leonidas looked at him. "What footage?" He asked touching Roxie's shoulder and getting her power. He created skeletons.

Tim looked at the skeletons warily and took a few careful steps back, but kept his gun trained on Leo "it was two weeks ago, three miles from here!" With his free hand, he tossed the picture of the little girl, which floated to the ground "My little sister was killed by two people and a creature!"
Tim looked at the skeletons warily and took a few careful steps back, but kept his gun trained on Leo "it was two weeks ago, three miles from here!" With his free hand, he tossed the picture of the little girl, which floated to the ground "My little sister was killed by two people and a creature!"
"Hey I killed the cat I didn't have anything to do with her death." He said. In a flash of motion he knocked the man's hand away and grabbed the gun. He pointed it at him. "Trained mecenary." He said pointing to himself.
The walls that Samuel helped. Peter build in his minds blocked his presence. By the time Oz could realize he felt something the feeling was gone again. Peter had the black suit turn back into the funeral suit. He walked over to Maddy. "Can I talk to you?" He asked.
"what about?" Maddy asked
Leonidas looked at him. "What footage?" He asked touching Roxie's shoulder and getting her power. He created skeletons.

Tim looked at the skeletons warily and took a few careful steps back, but kept his gun trained on Leo "it was two weeks ago, three miles from here!" With his free hand, he tossed the picture of the little girl, which floated to the ground "My little sister was killed by two people and a creature!"
"if he says he didnt do it i believe it" She said
Jax didn't walk but about 3 blocks the right before coming upon a small stone building. Jax takes his keys out of his pocket and fiddles with it. Finding the right one, as he unlocks the door he turns back to Emily "Welcome to my lab" the door opens up to expose a 3 room, 1 story building with a 1 room basement. The first room has many books, some old and some new. But most are about encounters with superhumans or theories on them. There are a few books about animals, reptiles and insects. Along with books on genomes. The door to the left leads to his room that houses all of his weapons, posions and suits, the door to which is locked. To the right leads to the applied sciences, full of lab equipment. The only notable thing in there is a slowly boiling vial labled 'Snake eyes'.
"What do you think? First impressions?" Jax smirked looking towards Emily with hopefully eyes.
Emily quietly followed Ajax as they walked down the street. She smiled rocking back and forward on her heels as she waited for Jax to open the door. Smiling she walks inside, her Blue eyes wide with curiosity as she followed Jax throughout the building. "wow.....just wow" she said before looking over to Ajax with a huge smile "this is amazing, I never been to a lab!" she chuckled calming herself down, though she was truly amazed. She only saw labs like this in comics. "you have quite a lab here....its cool" she said with a smile
"I think we should save this conversation for later." Joey replied.
"Probably" Maddy said. At this moment all eyes were on Adam as he spoke."hello everyone, I would like to say thank you all for coming and being with us through this tough time. ". He started to cry. " I know Eve would have been happy to know you all are here. Eve was the greatest person in my life, I find it hard to think of times when we weren't together. She was a wonderful mother to our daughter and she would do anything for her." He looked over at Maddy before speaking. "Now as much as I would love to talk more about her, I know you all would like to speak so go ahead." After that he allowed other guests to speak about Eve, some where neighbors, friends, and even old classmates of Maddy's. Every story put her in a positive light. Then came the gods as only Minerva and Hades talked about Eve. Janus had returned to the room and was watching. After Hades speech he said. "And now my niece Maddy has something to say." Maddy defiantly didn't look like she wanted to go up to speak but she slowly went up anyway.
Emily quietly followed Ajax as they walked down the street. She smiled rocking back and forward on her heels as she waited for Jax to open the door. Smiling she walks inside, her Blue eyes wide with curiosity as she followed Jax throughout the building. "wow.....just wow" she said before looking over to Ajax with a huge smile "this is amazing, I never been to a lab!" she chuckled calming herself down, though she was truly amazed. She only saw labs like this in comics. "you have quite a lab here....its cool" she said with a smile
Jax smirked at Emily's reaction. "The lab right now is pretty barren in the way of test" Jax points over to the boiling vial, walking over to it. "This is a mutagen im working on. It's meant to give one the eyes of a reptile. Allowing them to focus in and out on a object and see further or closer as the wish." Jax runs over to a big closet and pulls out a condenser. Connecting a tube to the boiling vial and letting the vapours move the liquid to another vial.
"Right now im trying to make this so that way it won't kill people if they drink it. As boiling it rids the mixture of deadly chemicals. Just keeping the mutagenic effects."
While Jax social interaction was short lived, he seems absorbed into his work.
"Hey I killed the cat I didn't have anything to do with her death." He said. In a flash of motion he knocked the man's hand away and grabbed the gun. He pointed it at him. "Trained mecenary." He said pointing to himself.
"if he says he didnt do it i believe it" She said

Tim stumbled backwards, taken by surprise by the sudden movement that had ensued. Looking down at his empty hands, he clenched them into fists and looked back up at the other man "Trained Mercenary?" he repeated, took a step back when the gun was pointed at him, then another step back when Leo turned it to himself. "Well, what about the man in the labcoat? What was His involvement?" he questioned, unsure what to believe
"I know " she sighed. She turned to Peter. "My cousin, mom killed him" she said in a whisper. At this moment it looked like Adam was getting ready to speak.

Tim stumbled backwards, taken by surprise by the sudden movement that had ensued. Looking down at his empty hands, he clenched them into fists and looked back up at the other man "Trained Mercenary?" he repeated, took a step back when the gun was pointed at him, then another step back when Leo turned it to himself. "Well, what about the man in the labcoat? What was His involvement?" he questioned, unsure what to believe
"Literally same as me. We saw it happen. Legally, we didn't have to endanger our lives to save her."

"Well he was just talking to your uncle." Peter said.

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