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Fandom Superheros and Villains

She picks up her quiver and bow. "Portals will never get old" she said as the portal opens.
Tyson grabs her hand before walking through. "Facts!" On the other side was a beautiful meadow with soft grass under a clear sky. A short distance away was an entrance to a highly populated, but surprisingly peaceful town. "Here we are."
LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

As the group walked across the docks of port royale the town still seemed completely deserted, and the town looked ransacked as well. “Let’s see if we can find some survivors, and maybe check the port authority building to see when the last ship came in” Barbossa stated
Tyson grabs her hand before walking through. "Facts!" On the other side was a beautiful meadow with soft grass under a clear sky. A short distance away was an entrance to a highly populated, but surprisingly peaceful town. "Here we are."
"Wow this place looks so peaceful. " hunter said as she looked around
LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

As the group walked across the docks of port royale the town still seemed completely deserted, and the town looked ransacked as well. “Let’s see if we can find some survivors, and maybe check the port authority building to see when the last ship came in” Barbossa stated

Peter went to the tallest building to look from there
"Helloooooooooooo!?!? Anyone out here!?!?" Eris shouted.
"Yes but let's be smart about this we dont want to cause panic or harm anyone." Alex turned his armor to his civilians clothes. "We have only just started to get the public back on our side"

“Right…” she replied remembering that she is the reason the public is against the league
"Helloooooooooooo!?!? Anyone out here!?!?" Eris shouted.

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

The streets were empty as it seemed like a fog hung over the port town, there was no sounds, no animals, no chimes, not even the sound of water waving against the shore. Until Peter spotted a lone shadow slowly moving through the fog, heading towards the port and the rest of the group
"Wow this place looks so peaceful. " hunter said as she looked around
"Yeah. This used to be one of my go-to places to clear my mind." Tyson said.

"Tyson! Is that you over there!?" A woman's voice is heard from a distance as she gets closer. She was a tall, slender elf with fairy wings that carried her over the grass as she flew towards them. "It is you!"

"Ka'imi! Great to see you! Are you skipping classes again?" Tyson said.

Ka'imi stops in her tracks. "Uhhhhhhhhh......snow day?" She looks over at Hunter and waves. "Hello! I'm Ka'imi. Naturia's top scout. Nice to-" her eyes widen. "You're holding hands!? Does that mean....AWWWWW that's so cute!!!"
"Yeah. This used to be one of my go-to places to clear my mind." Tyson said.

"Tyson! Is that you over there!?" A woman's voice is heard from a distance as she gets closer. She was a tall, slender elf with fairy wings that carried her over the grass as she flew towards them. "It is you!"

"Ka'imi! Great to see you! Are you skipping classes again?" Tyson said.

Ka'imi stops in her tracks. "Uhhhhhhhhh......snow day?" She looks over at Hunter and waves. "Hello! I'm Ka'imi. Naturia's top scout. Nice to-" her eyes widen. "You're holding hands!? Does that mean....AWWWWW that's so cute!!!"
"Wow a fairy. Never met one before." She smiled. "Hello I'm Hunter."
Ka'imi poses. "Well here I am. A real life fairy elf!" She giggles. "Nice to meet you, Hunter. You're the assassin lady, right? Word's been getting around about you two and you're so cool!"
She laughed. "Well thanks. I dont really think I can call myself an assassin anymore. Now I'm just an archer."
"Yeah Tyson said he got his quiver here" she said and followed the fairy
"He sure did. My grandpa gifted it to him after he helped defend our homeland. He's the mayor ruler king emperor guy or whatever. I always slept through political classes." Ka'imi stated. She points at a building while flying away from it. "That's the front office to the university I go to. The campus is pretty massive. We also have theme parks and some other stuff that human cities tend to have. I hope gramps is in his office, but even if he isn't, I can take you to where the quiver was." As she flies around, she points at a blacksmithing place. "Since you're an archer, that's our best blacksmith right there. You can get all sorts of arrows custommade."
"He sure did. My grandpa gifted it to him after he helped defend our homeland. He's the mayor ruler king emperor guy or whatever. I always slept through political classes." Ka'imi stated. She points at a building while flying away from it. "That's the front office to the university I go to. The campus is pretty massive. We also have theme parks and some other stuff that human cities tend to have. I hope gramps is in his office, but even if he isn't, I can take you to where the quiver was." As she flies around, she points at a blacksmithing place. "Since you're an archer, that's our best blacksmith right there. You can get all sorts of arrows custommade."
Hunter laughed hearing how she slept in class. She looked over in the direction of the blacksmith's. "That's one of the reasons we're here"
Hunter laughed hearing how she slept in class. She looked over in the direction of the blacksmith's. "That's one of the reasons we're here"
"For reals?" She asked curiously before redirecting herself. Then to the blacksmith we go!

When they get there, they can see a muscular elf with purple eyes crafting an arrow next to a large, color-changing cauldron and an open spell book. He hears them approaching and speaks with a deep voice. "Welcome in. How can I- Ka'imi!? Shouldn't you be in class?"

Ka'imi rolls her eyes. "Oh. My. Goodness. Why is everyone in my business! I'm taking my friends on a tour."
"For reals?" She asked curiously before redirecting herself. Then to the blacksmith we go!

When they get there, they can see a muscular elf with purple eyes crafting an arrow next to a large, color-changing cauldron and an open spell book. He hears them approaching and speaks with a deep voice. "Welcome in. How can I- Ka'imi!? Shouldn't you be in class?"

Ka'imi rolls her eyes. "Oh. My. Goodness. Why is everyone in my business! I'm taking my friends on a tour."
"Sounds like you need to go to class Ka'imi. Since that's the second time someone has said that to you." Hunter said looking over at the cauldron. "Hmm..cool"
"Sounds like you need to go to class Ka'imi. Since that's the second time someone has said that to you." Hunter said looking over at the cauldron. "Hmm..cool"
"You wouldn't want your gramps to catch you out here, would you?" Tyson added.

Ka'imi paused. "......good point. I'll be back in an hour! Bye!" She flies off.

The blacksmith shakes his head. "Kids these days." He looks at Tyson and Hunter. "Anyways, good to see you, Tyson. And I see you've brought a friend."

"Fiancee, actually. This is Hunter and she's my fiancee." Tyson said.

"Oh! Congratulations!" He said happily. "My apologies. I am Gargos, Naturia's sacred blacksmith. Only the most adept warriors get my weapons." Gargos sees Hunter looking at the cauldron. "Ah, yes. This is what that quiver of yours used to change regular arrows into different types." He puts an icy blue powder on an arrow that he just finished making and dips it in the cauldron. When he pulls it out, it has transformed into a frost arrow.

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