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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"she sure is...and actually lucky you, she is my star diver, she will be the one to be training her on the new filter equipment," he mentioned they reached a hall and a room. "well might you wait right here ill go fetch the girl..." He spoke before disappearing into the room. A few minutes after he returned with the blue-haired girl, however now without a tail but still sporting the glamorous mermaid makeup, and wearing leggings and an oversized Aquarium brand hoodie. Upon seeing Brezze the blue-haired girl smiled recognizing him as the one who had gifted her half his lunch a few hours ago. "hi there, Aquamarie" she said holding out her hand for a handshake "...I do apologize about the makeup....BUT, hey!, so you brought over the new equipment, how exciting!"
Emily followed the lead of Earl when she climbed into the back of the vehicle. she curiously looked around "Buckle?..." she questioned looking over to Earl
Eliana looked slightly up and over to Kaleb, if there was someone out there that knew how she was feeling for certain it was him. He had gone through a lot himself and from what she knew she despised his parents herself. "I know..." she answered "Kaleb?...you will be there right?...if I um...leave my aunts and go to Ambers?" she asked
"Breeze." He said. "Nice to meet you properly." He took her hand shaking it firmly. "Yes it's being rolled in. You're part is fairly simple but the thing won't work without it."
He took the buckled of her seat and strapped her in before buckling himself.
"Yes. I will." He said.
"Breeze." He said. "Nice to meet you properly." He took her hand shaking it firmly. "Yes it's being rolled in. You're part is fairly simple but the thing won't work without it."
He took the buckled of her seat and strapped her in before buckling himself.
"Yes. I will." He said.
"Nice to meet you properly as well" Aqua replied with a smile.
"Ah...you two know eachother?..." the director of the Aquarium asked.
"Well somewhat sir, he was generously and responsible for my lunch this afternoon" she replied.
"Ah I see, well then I won't get in the way go on with the filter set up, I'll be in the office if needed" the man said before walking away.
Aqua waved to the man before turning her attention back to Breeze. "So it's being rolled in?.....figuring the whole system is bigger then expected...oh my part?...what is this part that is critical for it to work?" She asked away both crious and intregged to find out about this filter system that would help out the licing conditions of the aquatic life of the large open sea tank.
Emily sat there watching Earl's every move carefully. Once buckled in she touched the strap across her chest, following it down to her lap. She turned to Earl, "why do all this?..." she relized what buckle ment " I never had a Strap to hold me in any transportation......" she questioned quitely towards Earl.
"okay.....I won't go home" she answered not making eye contact as this decision did scare her
Suddenly from the shadows, an abomination tackled Stella. Eddie continued to clash with the stranger, blocking every attack with his few blades weapons, before firing his revolver at the thing with his free hand.
"Hey!" She shouted getting tackled to the ground. She still had her sword in her hand and tried to stab it.
"Hey!" She shouted getting tackled to the ground. She still had her sword in her hand and tried to stab it.
The thing shrieked in pain as the sword sunk into the rotting flesh and brittle bones, but it barley reacted, trying to rip into Natalie’s arm with its dagger like teeth before Forge swung her sword through the things neck, separating the head from its body. It sat there laughing while it’s body crumpled to the ground, doing nothing but laughing.

Eddie fired his revolver again and agin at his adversary but the man barley reacted to the heavy caliber bullets before he ran his sword through Eddie’s chest “Disappointing, I expected more of a fight.” Eddie looked at the man, red eyes glowing from behind his mask before he stepped away, only for Eddie to fire his rifle at his leg, making him fall to the ground as Eddie pinned him to the ground, forcing the sword deeper into his chest as he pulled a grenade from his satchel, before jumping back as he dropped the grenade on the enemy.
The thing shrieked in pain as the sword sunk into the rotting flesh and brittle bones, but it barley reacted, trying to rip into Natalie’s arm with its dagger like teeth before Forge swung her sword through the things neck, separating the head from its body. It sat there laughing while it’s body crumpled to the ground, doing nothing but laughing.

Eddie fired his revolver again and agin at his adversary but the man barley reacted to the heavy caliber bullets before he ran his sword through Eddie’s chest “Disappointing, I expected more of a fight.” Eddie looked at the man, red eyes glowing from behind his mask before he stepped away, only for Eddie to fire his rifle at his leg, making him fall to the ground as Eddie pinned him to the ground, forcing the sword deeper into his chest as he pulled a grenade from his satchel, before jumping back as he dropped the grenade on the enemy.
"Now that was creepy." Stella said standing back up. She talked into the mic. "I found them."
Psyon chuckles. "All's fair in love and war, is it not? You're in MY realm. So why just use the tricks up my sleeve when I can play with the whole deck!?" Decks of cards appear, attached at the long ends, attempting to wrap around everyone.
"Well you arnt the only one wih tricks." Hunter said grabbing a electricity arrow. She didnt use her bow to shoot it. Instead she stabbed it at the cards that came near her.
Killian followed as well while Thor stayed to watch over his sister
"Stay safe Thor!" Allyson called out as she walked to the ship. Alex looked at her. "So what now?" She smiled. "I get back to trying to fix what FNIX put the HL through. The people need to know we are here to protect them"
"Nice to meet you properly as well" Aqua replied with a smile.
"Ah...you two know eachother?..." the director of the Aquarium asked.
"Well somewhat sir, he was generously and responsible for my lunch this afternoon" she replied.
"Ah I see, well then I won't get in the way go on with the filter set up, I'll be in the office if needed" the man said before walking away.
Aqua waved to the man before turning her attention back to Breeze. "So it's being rolled in?.....figuring the whole system is bigger then expected...oh my part?...what is this part that is critical for it to work?" She asked away both crious and intregged to find out about this filter system that would help out the licing conditions of the aquatic life of the large open sea tank.
Emily sat there watching Earl's every move carefully. Once buckled in she touched the strap across her chest, following it down to her lap. She turned to Earl, "why do all this?..." she relized what buckle ment " I never had a Strap to hold me in any transportation......" she questioned quitely towards Earl.
"okay.....I won't go home" she answered not making eye contact as this decision did scare her
"The actual filter intake has to go into the water and installed on the tank floor." He said.
"Because cars are a lot more dangerous when its just muggle tech."
He got up and paid. "Lets go."
"Well you arnt the only one wih tricks." Hunter said grabbing a electricity arrow. She didnt use her bow to shoot it. Instead she stabbed it at the cards that came near her.
The cards shake violently before falling to the ground.

"Hmmm...not bad. I'm gonna have fun with you." Psyon said. Her eyes light up and suddenly it's just her and Hunter in the arena. "Tell me, have you ever seen the ones you love most die a thousand deaths?"
The cards shake violently before falling to the ground.

"Hmmm...not bad. I'm gonna have fun with you." Psyon said. Her eyes light up and suddenly it's just her and Hunter in the arena. "Tell me, have you ever seen the ones you love most die a thousand deaths?"
"I've had people I care about die before. I'm not going to be afraid of you. You might control this dream world but that's all it is a dream." She went to punch her.
"Now that was creepy." Stella said standing back up. She talked into the mic. "I found them."
Eddie got to his feet, pulling a piece of sharapnel from his leg before answering “I took out the leader, better get out before more of those things show up.”
"I might know a few people. Have you tried calling a friend or family to come pick you up?" Kala asked as she went over to one of the shelves picking up a small pink bottle, wiping away some dust.
Angel shrugged, not quite trusting this woman and her promised contacts, choosing instead to fib slightly. "I think my data is running out or something, my calls arnt going through, and my phone is close to dying... I should probably save it, not knowing how long that may take"

((sorry, I know its been a hot minute))
"Stay safe Thor!" Allyson called out as she walked to the ship. Alex looked at her. "So what now?" She smiled. "I get back to trying to fix what FNIX put the HL through. The people need to know we are here to protect them"

“You’ll also have to explain the situation with the moon and my planet” he replied “no doubt people can see the massive laser cannon emerged from the moon with their telescopes” he added

Killian looked at her “I can try to help if I can…”
Angel shrugged, not quite trusting this woman and her promised contacts, choosing instead to fib slightly. "I think my data is running out or something, my calls arnt going through, and my phone is close to dying... I should probably save it, not knowing how long that may take"

((sorry, I know its been a hot minute))
"Do you want a phone to contact them?" She asked. "I'm sure they are worried about you are a long way from home" (its cool)

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