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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Good..why was pridius dragon there. Thought it was back in its home.. nevermind that's not really important.. " she looked at Tyson. "Im glad he's alive"
(That's great. All she had to do was break Peter's heard to do it. That's gonna come back to bite her BTDubs)
"Probably ' he said.

"Yes your fears. Your dreams and your nightmares. A proper trade means knowing all I can about you. No lying." In his small pocket of the world that she sat in. She couldn't lie even if she wanted to
"When I first came to town I ran into trouble, this skeleton and scientist. They scared me, I was afraid of what they would do to me. I was glad Jace saved me. I just want to return the favor and save him. " She looked at the ground as she thought about it more and more and the words just started coming out, her fears. "I'm afraid of being corrupted, ive heard of villains that can do that. I've always been strong, I use to have temper tantrums when I was a kid and the weather wrecked havoc on my town. Floods, tornadoes , an earthquake or two. Ive gotten control over it but people still expected me to lose control completely. I thought about killing that leader.. "
"When I first came to town I ran into trouble, this skeleton and scientist. They scared me, I was afraid of what they would do to me. I was glad Jace saved me. I just want to return the favor and save him. " She looked at the ground as she thought about it more and more and the words just started coming out, her fears. "I'm afraid of being corrupted, ive heard of villains that can do that. I've always been strong, I use to have temper tantrums when I was a kid and the weather wrecked havoc on my town. Floods, tornadoes , an earthquake or two. Ive gotten control over it but people still expected me to lose control completely. I thought about killing that leader.. "
"I see and what do you dream of. What do you wish for more than anything. Are you sure it is your friends return?" He asked.

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