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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Yeah my chaos queen days are behind me after all." She said picking up a mask from a box.
He looked around. "A lot has changed since we first met huh?"
"What do you want? I could give you the most valuable spell book I own" she said
"I have no need of such trinkets." He created a chair. "Sit and tell me what you value the most in thus world. Tell me your dreams. Telle your fears."
He looked around. "A lot has changed since we first met huh?"

"I have no need of such trinkets." He created a chair. "Sit and tell me what you value the most in thus world. Tell me your dreams. Telle your fears."

Koda smirks and holds his sword's hilt "just in case"

"Yeah it has..well guess we should start with the guns and bullets " roxie said

Misty sat in the chair. "Look I like knowledge, I'm always learning. My dreams? I like to see the world and that's what I been doing as I search for rare books." She smiled a bit before frowning. "My fears.."
"Yeah it has..well guess we should start with the guns and bullets " roxie said

Misty sat in the chair. "Look I like knowledge, I'm always learning. My dreams? I like to see the world and that's what I been doing as I search for rare books." She smiled a bit before frowning. "My fears.."
"Probably ' he said.

"Yes your fears. Your dreams and your nightmares. A proper trade means knowing all I can about you. No lying." In his small pocket of the world that she sat in. She couldn't lie even if she wanted to

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