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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Peter returned the hug. "Yeah.'
"The best thing we can do for her is put a stop to all of these things that have been attacking. If we can safely get a sample of one of those crystals or from any of the creatures that come from those ships, perhaps we can trace it back to a possible source." Eris said.
"The best thing we can do for her is put a stop to all of these things that have been attacking. If we can safely get a sample of one of those crystals or from any of the creatures that come from those ships, perhaps we can trace it back to a possible source." Eris said.
Peter nodded. "I wish I had checked to make sure. What she's dead it'll be my fau-" He was blaming himself again. (Interrupt him)
Peter nodded. "I wish I had checked to make sure. What she's dead it'll be my fau-" He was blaming himself again. (Interrupt him)
"If you finish that sentence the way I think you're going to, I'm stealing everything I can out of this ship and hopping off." Eris said. "Don't you dare go blaming yourself again."
She hesitates as her voice softens again. ".....I'm weak. Too weak to be a hero like you and everyone else."
"Eris." He said. "Look at me." He took her hand. "You literally brought me back to life. You helped save the FEAST building when that that weirdo came after you. You brought me back from the brink more times than I can count." He hugged her. "Even if you aren't a well known superhero. You don't have to be. That's not the point. Besides. You're still my hero. You always will be."
"Eris." He said. "Look at me." He took her hand. "You literally brought me back to life. You helped save the FEAST building when that that weirdo came after you. You brought me back from the brink more times than I can count." He hugged her. "Even if you aren't a well known superhero. You don't have to be. That's not the point. Besides. You're still my hero. You always will be."
She places her head in her hands and cries.
"Thank you. It's just...I just...feel useless sometimes. Especially when it comes to situations like this. Last week, after my anger management therapy session ended, I came across a guy who really confused me. Among other things, he told me that I'm a failure as a hero because my best skills are villainous and because I lost my confidence at being a bad girl and a thief in general, I'm a bad villain too."
She places her head in her hands and cries.
"Thank you. It's just...I just...feel useless sometimes. Especially when it comes to situations like this. Last week, after my anger management therapy session ended, I came across a guy who really confused me. Among other things, he told me that I'm a failure as a hero because my best skills are villainous and because I lost my confidence at being a bad girl and a thief in general, I'm a bad villain too."
"Are you kidding? Eris your can make a dome where reality is yours to control. You can save. You can fight. You can repair. Your powers can do so much. YOU can do so much. My powers are good at one thing and that's punching bad guys. You can do so much more."
"Are you kidding? Eris your can make a dome where reality is yours to control. You can save. You can fight. You can repair. Your powers can do so much. YOU can do so much. My powers are good at one thing and that's punching bad guys. You can do so much more."
"My powers are only as strong as my mind is and only as versatile as my creativity can be." She said. "Yes there's plenty that I can do theoretically, but there are several limitations to what I'm capable of. The times where I lost you, if I were stronger I could've prevented it from happening. If I were better at protection, I could've saved Joey from Darkseid. If I had better defense, I could've held this epidemic we're dealing with inside my greenhouse before it got out of control. I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes it just feels like I'm not doing good enough to help you all."
"My powers are only as strong as my mind is and only as versatile as my creativity can be." She said. "Yes there's plenty that I can do theoretically, but there are several limitations to what I'm capable of. The times where I lost you, if I were stronger I could've prevented it from happening. If I were better at protection, I could've saved Joey from Darkseid. If I had better defense, I could've held this epidemic we're dealing with inside my greenhouse before it got out of control. I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes it just feels like I'm not doing good enough to help you all."
"Eris. If there's one thing I learned in eight years of this...." Peter said. "It's that we're always in over our heads... Unless your Thor but that guys like got of thunder. And also lightning. Actually mostly lighting. His name's kind of a red herring." Peter said. "Tangent aside. We'll never feel strong enough. So all we can do is our best"
"Eris. If there's one thing I learned in eight years of this...." Peter said. "It's that we're always in over our heads... Unless your Thor but that guys like got of thunder. And also lightning. Actually mostly lighting. His name's kind of a red herring." Peter said. "Tangent aside. We'll never feel strong enough. So all we can do is our best"
Eris nods and wipes her tears.
"I guess you're right."
"Give me... A... Moment." He struggled to keep his eyes open. He wasn't healing as fast as he should. He wasn't healing at all. (His Nanites are burnt out)
Isanne didn't know what to do. She looked worried. "I wish I knew how they worked...I'm only good for freezing things"

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