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Fandom Superheros and Villains

She saw him
His body was burning then healing them burning again. He was writhing.
"Jackson!" She shouted and went over to him. She took his hand and started covering him with ice, she was already using alot of energy remaking her ice layers. She only could do this for a little bit longer.
"Jackson!" She shouted and went over to him. She took his hand and started covering him with ice, she was already using alot of energy remaking her ice layers. She only could do this for a little bit longer.
He wasn't making it easy. But once it was cold enough he looked at her. His eyes widened. He grabbed her and used Sans ability to teleport them to a forest.
Eris walks into the lab talking to herself while she's on her phone.
"Day 34 without stealing...I've started bargain hunting because apparently some people consider reasonably cheap prices steals. Close enough."
"There's nothing to buy here." Peter said.
"My therapist says I'm improving, so there. Even though she was talking about my temper and not my thievery, but you get the point." She says and then sticks her tongue out at him.
"Do I?" He asked teasingly. He laughed some before looking down. He was still worried about weather or not Aunt May was okay.

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