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Fandom Superheros and Villains

She stares once more.
"Uhhhhh king of clubs."
He held up another card. One by one she kept getting them all right. Finally held up the last card. It was a wild card. Rather than a normal playing card it was a card that had a single word written across it. It said Peter.
He held up another card. One by one she kept getting them all right. Finally held up the last card. It was a wild card. Rather than a normal playing card it was a card that had a single word written across it. It said Peter.
Eris is shocked at the fact that she was getting them all right. When she got to the last card, she paused.
"Why does the card say Peter? Did you do that on purpose to mess with me?"
Eris is shocked at the fact that she was getting them all right. When she got to the last card, she paused.
"Why does the card say Peter? Did you do that on purpose to mess with me?"
"60 for 60." He set the card down. He looked at her. "Tell me about Peter." He said.
"60 for 60." He set the card down. He looked at her. "Tell me about Peter." He said.
"I...I got them right?" She said confused. "Well, Peter's the aforementioned fiancé I'm mad at. He keeps going off on his own and throwing himself at death and it feels like I can't stop him. I've tried, but it doesn't work."
"I...I got them right?" She said confused. "Well, Peter's the aforementioned fiancé I'm mad at. He keeps going off on his own and throwing himself at death and it feels like I can't stop him. I've tried, but it doesn't work."
"Hm... Seems you need to leave him behind."
"Excuse me? Now you're sounding like him. Why would I do something like that?" She asked.
He thought through his next words. "Because it sounds as though he is not responsible enough to be in such a relationship and it's pushing you into darkness. He is not healthy for you."
Eris freezes in silence.
"You freeze there is some truth to what I say. All he's done is push you into the darkness." Eris could remember all the time he did the opposite. He changed her for the better. He saved from the black parasite when they first met. He devoted himself to helping her be better. He had promised he'd always be there for her if she was for him. And he had yet to really break that promise. Tanin was wrong.
"You freeze there is some truth to what I say. All he's done is push you into the darkness." Eris could remember all the time he did the opposite. He changed her for the better. He saved from the black parasite when they first met. He devoted himself to helping her be better. He had promised he'd always be there for her if she was for him. And he had yet to really break that promise. Tanin was wrong.
"No, you're wrong!" Eris shouts. "He brought me out of it.....but now he's the one lost in it. It would be wrong of me to just leave him there."
"No, you're wrong!" Eris shouts. "He brought me out of it.....but now he's the one lost in it. It would be wrong of me to just leave him there."
Tanin smiled. He had gotten the desired affect. "Then go. Pull him out of the dark then you're training can truely begin"

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