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Fandom Superheros and Villains

(do you ever notice that some random users that aren't in the roleplay view the thread sometimes? our constant barrage of posts is bumping this thread up so much it's drawing attention.)
(do you ever notice that some random users that aren't in the roleplay view the thread sometimes? our constant barrage of posts is bumping this thread up so much it's drawing attention.)
(We still have a long way to go compared to The Euphorian High School. That's at over 8,000 pages right now. But if our RP wasn't interrupted from the site shutdown, it probably would've surpassed them.)
"Nice to meet you too." Sae replied. "So... that guy wasn't the one from this world huh."

Void was walking the streets, fully healed from his wounds. He was smoking a cigarette in an alley. "Christ... what a day."
He saw Fell sitting against the wall.
She hugs him. " I'm glad you're okay"
"Me too." He said. "Anyway I should catch you up on everything that's been happening on this end. At least what I know." He shared his memory with her showing everything that happened with Roxie up to the point of him forgiving her and giving her another chance. It also made his feelings for her pretty clear.
"Me too." He said. "Anyway I should catch you up on everything that's been happening on this end. At least what I know." He shared his memory with her showing everything that happened with Roxie up to the point of him forgiving her and giving her another chance. It also made his feelings for her pretty clear.
"Hmm interesting." She said.

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