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Fandom Superheros and Villains

He got closed to the blood. "Think Ben could track his scent?"
"Worth a shot." He opened the door and saw the blood trail stop further down "Seems he was taken inside"
" yeah, I get it. Learning to use familiar weapons in different ways. I'm ready to learn." She smiles.
"Awesome." The targets began to swing side to side "Try getting bullseyes." Jacob said as he tossed a bag of kunai knives to Maddy.
"Worth a shot." He opened the door and saw the blood trail stop further down "Seems he was taken inside"

"Awesome." The targets began to swing side to side "Try getting bullseyes." Jacob said as he tossed a bag of kunai knives to Maddy.
A quick phone call later and XLR8 had arrived before quickly transforming into Wildmutt. He began to track the scent.
(10x10 grid?)

Wisp smiled and placed her ships "B-5"

Wisp's battleship rotated its turret to the coordinates she chose, then charged and fired a dual beam laser shot at the target

(Taken straight from the anime that wisp got her outfit from)
The beam missed causing Chuck to smirk and say "E-6" his battleship fired an ion beam at the Target.
"Worth a shot." He opened the door and saw the blood trail stop further down "Seems he was taken inside"

"Awesome." The targets began to swing side to side "Try getting bullseyes." Jacob said as he tossed a bag of kunai knives to Maddy.
She took the bag and grabbed a knife. She took a breath, before tossing the first knife. She started timing her throws to hit the targets.
She took the bag and grabbed a knife. She took a breath, before tossing the first knife. She started timing her throws to hit the targets.
She hit each of the targets. "Well done." Haruhi said. "So, wanna up the difficulty?"
He flew out. "Uh... Well. I think that maybe this person saved his life. He's getting water and his wounds are being tended." He said.
"I mean, what would you do if you saw a random stranger left for dead on a rooftop?" Joey said
"Yeah, we figured out two possible areas they are at, either the western boardwalk or the eastern one. found any clues yourself?"
"Speak of one of the devils. You find anything to help our search?"
”All I got out of that guy was that it’s waterfront. Probably doesn’t narrow it down too much but seeing as I was threatening the thing with death by barbecue I don’t think they kept anything to themselves. Oh, and Trauma Queens got a project in mind for your friend but that doesn’t help in a search” said John.
She hit each of the targets. "Well done." Haruhi said. "So, wanna up the difficulty?"

"I mean, what would you do if you saw a random stranger left for dead on a rooftop?" Joey said
"Yeah sure...I'm guessing I need to do it blind folded?" Maddy asked
She hit each of the targets. "Well done." Haruhi said. "So, wanna up the difficulty?"

"I mean, what would you do if you saw a random stranger left for dead on a rooftop?" Joey said
"I don't think we count as a good representation of your average citizen." Ghostfreak said turning back. Pete knocked on the door.
"Yeah sure...I'm guessing I need to do it blind folded?" Maddy asked
"Not that advanced." Haruhi said as she flipped a switch and the targets swung faster and more violently
"I don't think we count as a good representation of your average citizen." Ghostfreak said turning back. Pete knocked on the door.
"Yes?" The door opened and Sae was standing there "Joey?" "SAE?" Joey said surprised "Wait... then... oh shit." She said as the sound of glass breaking was heard "FUCK!" Joey screamed
"Not that advanced." Haruhi said as she flipped a switch and the targets swung faster and more violently

"Yes?" The door opened and Sae was standing there "Joey?" "SAE?" Joey said surprised "Wait... then... oh shit." She said as the sound of glass breaking was heard "FUCK!" Joey screamed
"Who's SAE?" Ben asked.
"Not that advanced." Haruhi said as she flipped a switch and the targets swung faster and more violently

"Yes?" The door opened and Sae was standing there "Joey?" "SAE?" Joey said surprised "Wait... then... oh shit." She said as the sound of glass breaking was heard "FUCK!" Joey screamed
She nods watching the targets move, trying to figure out the pattern before throwing the knives
The beam missed causing Chuck to smirk and say "E-6" his battleship fired an ion beam at the Target.

The beam tore through the bow of Wisp's patrol boat after which a grid appeared on the fog wall showing Wisp's grid, and the location of the hit

"Lucky shot, fire!" she ordered

Wisp's destroyer opened several missile tubes and launched corrosive warheads towards the starboard side of Chucks battleship (they would only count as one hit, so don't worry)
"Old friend of mine who I think healed our friend." Joey said

The targets swung wildly but she hit the targets with ease (Am I supposed to confirm the targets were hit? I thought Maddy would be able to hit them due to her training.)
"Oh well then thanks for that." Ben said. "How did he get hurt in the first place anyway."
"Old friend of mine who I think healed our friend." Joey said

The targets swung wildly but she hit the targets with ease (Am I supposed to confirm the targets were hit? I thought Maddy would be able to hit them due to her training.)
(Well I wasn't sure how fast they were going so I just assumed you would confirm.). Maddy smiled. "Okay now what?"
"Oh well then thanks for that." Ben said. "How did he get hurt in the first place anyway."
"My brother and sister is my guess. That helmet came from my aunt's ninja clan." Joey replied
(Well I wasn't sure how fast they were going so I just assumed you would confirm.). Maddy smiled. "Okay now what?"
(Fair enough.) "Well, how about a stealth takedown?" Haruhi asked "You can knock someone out cold right?"
"My brother and sister is my guess. That helmet came from my aunt's ninja clan." Joey replied

(Fair enough.) "Well, how about a stealth takedown?" Haruhi asked "You can knock someone out cold right?"
"Think they know that wasn't you?" He asked walking to Examine Void.
”All I got out of that guy was that it’s waterfront. Probably doesn’t narrow it down too much but seeing as I was threatening the thing with death by barbecue I don’t think they kept anything to themselves. Oh, and Trauma Queens got a project in mind for your friend but that doesn’t help in a search” said John.

"Waterfront....Yea I guess that would work with our boardwalk information. What did you get out of Shipper, Link?"

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213


Flora had been sitting in the chair for a while. Nothing had changed except for how itchy she had become. So super itchy. It was nearly unbearable to sit there. Trauma Queen had left a while ago, leaving her alone in silence. And itchiness.

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