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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"That isn't even possible...but he did it, he thawed himself out.." Hayden decides to uppercut crusher's jaw with half of Hayden's full strength Yahhah Yahhah
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The figure in between the bushes mumbled again, "One here wish to see to the times of later without bothersome."
"That isn't even possible...but he did it, he thawed himself out.." Hayden decides to uppercut crusher's jaw with half of Hayden's full strength Yahhah Yahhah
The Crusher’s head went back but as expected the juggernaut looked back down. “That as hard as you can hit wimp”! Said the giant. He charged the heroes. Completely deaf to the watchers. Tomcat looked over. “Maybe not the best time to talk to a bush woman” said Tomcat. Picking up a fallen sign and rushing Crusher. Just before he hit the giant Crusher caught it. Tomcat still attached. Tomcat laughed nervously, Crusher nonchalantly threw him away.
"This is getting us nowhere, Tomcat... We need a plan, fast!"
The Crusher’s head went back but as expected the juggernaut looked back down. “That as hard as you can hit wimp”! Said the giant. He charged the heroes. Completely deaf to the watchers. Tomcat looked over. “Maybe not the best time to talk to a bush woman” said Tomcat. Picking up a fallen sign and rushing Crusher. Just before he hit the giant Crusher caught it. Tomcat still attached. Tomcat laughed nervously, Crusher nonchalantly threw him away.
"This is getting us nowhere, Tomcat... We need a plan, fast!"
“I’m open to suggestions. Like I said he didn’t have super powers when I fought him last time. He definitely wasn’t a freakin mini hulk” said Tomcat. He threw a bench at Crusher. It broke into bits when it hit Crusher’s face barely slowing him down. The giant laughed maliciously. “Man heroes’ve gone downhill”.
"Alright, we gotta hit fast, and hard, we could be strong enough to throw him to somewhere where has a disadvantage plus where Innocents could be safe or I could call Joey"
Hayden uses his suit to call Joey Dragunov Dragunov
"Alright, we gotta hit fast, and hard, we could be strong enough to throw him to somewhere where has a disadvantage plus where Innocents could be safe or I could call Joey"
Hayden uses his suit to call Joey Dragunov Dragunov
Crusher beat his fists together and reached into the street pulling out a large chunk of asphalt and hurling it at Hayden. Tomcat did a flip landed on Crusher’s head, and punched him right between the eyes. The giant stumbled but didn’t fall.
Hayden destroyed the asphalt and roundhouses crusher
Crusher beat his fists together and reached into the street pulling out a large chunk of asphalt and hurling it at Hayden. Tomcat did a flip landed on Crusher’s head, and punched him right between the eyes. The giant stumbled but didn’t fall.
Hayden destroyed the asphalt and roundhouses crusher
Crusher laughed sliding a little bit from the impact, but grabbing Hayden’s leg. “You really trying to outmuscle me tiny”? Said the villain. He threw Hayden aside. Tomcat stood aside. And noticed an abandoned truck. An idea struck him. He moved to catch Hayden. “I’ve got an idea to move him. Just keep him off me” said Tomcat.
"Got it," Hayden makes a weapon out of his armor, which is a knuckle duster, he punches Crusher's jaw again
The Crusher’s head went sideways. Then it was righted. “Nice punch Shirley” said Crusher. Giving Hayden the same face punching treatment. At the car Tomcat tried to open the car door to no avail. He looked side to side. Ah this was a rotten thing to do but it was for the greater good. Tomcat punched through the window and opened the door hopping inside of the car.
A convoy of company trucks drive pass the house heading to a large skyscraper building though inside the trucks were legion of Diabolic's criminals with equipment to mass produce drugs and weapons.
"A summoning orb, for those who can't use summoning spells" she stated "the creature summoned changes depending on the alchemical triggers and magic runes one uses" she replied with a smile
Dash gasped and looked at the orb closer " that's actually really cool so anyone can use it then?" He asked with curiosity.
Dash gasped and looked at the orb closer " that's actually really cool so anyone can use it then?" He asked with curiosity.

"Yup, especially those who cant use magic" she smiled applying the alchemical trigger for uranium and a magic rune for air into the orb, causing it to flash a florescent green to a bright blue, then returned to its natural purple hue
"Yup, especially those who cant use magic" she smiled applying the alchemical trigger for uranium and a magic rune for air into the orb, causing it to flash a florescent green to a bright blue, then returned to its natural purple hue
"So like what can it summon and what does it need?" Dash had never tried magic or really been around it so this was all new for him.
"So like what can it summon and what does it need?" Dash had never tried magic or really been around it so this was all new for him.

"Well that's the fun part, you don't know what would emerge from this orb, and it would just need a connection with the user" she replied

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