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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Yeah my personal library. No you can't go in." Jace said.
She made a pouting face. "At least you have somewhere I can stay in? My old house is..." She didn't finished her sentence, not wanting to reveal that her house was currently inside a volcano, on another dimension. "It doesn't matter. Just a bed or something."
She made a pouting face. "At least you have somewhere I can stay in? My old house is..." She didn't finished her sentence, not wanting to reveal that her house was currently inside a volcano, on another dimension. "It doesn't matter. Just a bed or something."
"I keep tabs on all magic users I know where you live." Jace said. He opened the door to guest quarters. ,"Pick a room and make yourself at home."
"I keep tabs on all magic users I know where you live." Jace said. He opened the door to guest quarters. ,"Pick a room and make yourself at home."
"That's creepy." She said. She thanked him, and found herself a room. She holed herself in, and conjured her spellbook. She then indulged herself on reading.
"That's creepy." She said. She thanked him, and found herself a room. She holed herself in, and conjured her spellbook. She then indulged herself on reading.
A woman walked in carrying a tray of food. "Your spell book is ancient." She said. "Not in a good way. It:s very outdated."
(is there an established superhero hotline in this world i need to know)
(no seriously i need to know so i have an idea of how to introduce my new characters)
(aight ok then lemme have some time to think about this then)
A woman walked in carrying a tray of food. "Your spell book is ancient." She said. "Not in a good way. It:s very outdated."
She stared at the woman, and then at her book. A smile then formed on her lips. "Hmmm, could you tell me please, how would I update it?" She asked mischeviously.
Hayden blasted Crusher repeatedly and then tries to constrain him "Tomcat! help me out!"
The Crusher broke free from his restraints without breaking a sweat. Tomcat leapt onto the giant man’s face. “Y’know why don’t we just sit around and talk about our problems yeah?” Said Tomcat. The Crusher grabbed at Tomcat who gave him a sucker punch and jumped away. “A simple no would’ve sufficed”.
Hayden grabs a street lamp and whacks Crusher "Hey I got a game we could play, "It's called lights out!" He whacks Crusher again
The Crusher broke free from his restraints without breaking a sweat. Tomcat leapt onto the giant man’s face. “Y’know why don’t we just sit around and talk about our problems yeah?” Said Tomcat. The Crusher grabbed at Tomcat who gave him a sucker punch and jumped away. “A simple no would’ve sufficed”.
Hayden grabs a street lamp and whacks Crusher "Hey I got a game we could play, "It's called lights out!" He whacks Crusher again
Crusher grabbed the lamp. And squished it in one hand. "There's nothing I can't crush" said the villain hurling it at Hayden. "Did your parents drop you on your head or something" said Tomcat. Punching at Crusher.
( FoolsErin FoolsErin there is a villain battle going on right now, it's likely they'd hear about it. Only if you want that as their intro of course)
"Ouch,I think its time to chill you out!" His suit turns into Frost Mode "Tom! get out of the way, I'm about to make Crusher into a crushiscle!"
Crusher grabbed the lamp. And squished it in one hand. "There's nothing I can't crush" said the villain hurling it at Hayden. "Did your parents drop you on your head or something" said Tomcat. Punching at Crusher.
( FoolsErin FoolsErin there is a villain battle going on right now, it's likely they'd hear about it. Only if you want that as their intro of course)
"Ouch,I think its time to chill you out!" His suit turns into Frost Mode "Tom! get out of the way, I'm about to make Crusher into a crushiscle!"
"Would it kill heroes to not make bad jokes every FIVE MINUTES!" Shouted the Crusher. Punching the ground the asphalt fracked as the wave went towards Hayden. Tomcat used the distraction to bounce off of the massive villain like a launchpad. "Come on Jeremy, quippers gonna quip" said the cat themed hero.
"Agh...Tomcat, It's nearly ready.." He said as he checked the Ice beam meter. "And done, I had a ice pun earlier ready but Problem is, It slipped my mind" Hayden shoots the beam at Crusher
A short distance away, a figure was leaning against a lamppost. A baggy, murky green hoodie hid most of their face, and their singular seeing eye watched with interest.

Lydia twirled the transformation ring in between two of her fingers, careful not to let it slip away. She kept glancing from it to the battle, thinking all the while about her time as Artistt. It all had felt worth it, but...

Then there was the thought that maybe Amanda wouldn't have left her if she'd left the monster unprovoked.

Another figure was curled between two bushes, seemingly unbothered by the explosions. She deeply inhaled her smokey aura, meditating. Opening one of her greenish white eyes, she mumbled, "Can one be let to see in peace?"
"Agh...Tomcat, It's nearly ready.." He said as he checked the Ice beam meter. "And done, I had a ice pun earlier ready but Problem is, It slipped my mind" Hayden shoots the beam at Crusher
The ice hit Crusher and for a few moments he appeared to be immobilized until the ice clock shivered and he bust out with his bare hands. “Ok that’s OP I’m calling hacks” said Tomcat. Jumping and kicking Crusher in the chest. Causing the brute to stagger backwards.

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