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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

I was in the midst of organizing my weapons when the order came in over my communicator.

"Agent Romanoff, report to Director Fury's office at once," said Agent Hill. My heart jumped in excitement at the fact that I might be going on a mission. I hurried down to Fury's office and knocked before entering.

"Agent Romanoff, please sit," he said. I eagerly sat in the chair across from him.

"Am I going on a mission?" I asked, trying to contain my excitement.

"No," came his response. My heart dropped. "You're going to be training some new recruits with Agent Barton."
"So when did Shield start holding tryouts?" Darren scoffed at one of the agents overlooking the recruits. He was currently completing his 400th push up for his physical evaluation, though anyone would be able to tell he was athletic just by looking at him.

It had been one in the afternoon when he had gotten the call from his employer, which had contained instructions on his next mission. Interestingly, it involved becoming a temporary SHIELD agent, under the alias Darren Foscato. After a tedious debriefing, and a flight to New York City, he was feeling a bit mischievous.

The agent ignored him and copied something down on his notepad.
"What!?" I couldn't contain my anger. I stood up and slammed my hands onto Fury's desk. "I've been reduced to a babysitter!? Are you out of your damn mind, Fury?!"

He cleared his throat. "Romanoff. Sit." I reluctantly sat, knowing my face was probably close to the shade of my hair. "You are not a babysitter. You will be helping Barton train the new recruits and there will be no argument about it. Is that clear?" I glared at him. He leaned forward. "I said: is that clear?" Fury said, raising his voice. I just about growled at him.

"I better get a goddamn raise, Fury," I stated. He rolled his eye.

"Whatever," he muttered. He handed me a folder. "This is the lists of recruits. They're in the gym. Barton is there now," he said. "You're dismissed."

I stood and left, sticking up my middle finger as I exited his office. Not like Fury would care. I was surprised he could put up with me.

I made my way back to my room and got dressed in my catsuit. Once done, I headed towards the gym.
Darren's eyes scanned over the other recruits, and he snickered. Knowing that he could take any of these buggers on in hand to hand combat - or any kind of combat really - gave him an air of confidence. He took a sip from his water bottle and smiled widely when he spotted a familiar looking redhead. Target acquired, he thought to himself, as he moved to begin an accuracy test. There he was handed a Beretta pistol, and was instructed to shoot at the dummy, a long distance away. Scoffing at the challenge, he flipped the gun in his hand before firing five consistent headshots. He handed the gun back to the agent, who flinched when he noticed Darren's extra - sharp fingertips.
I entered the gym and scanned the throng of recruits, looking for a certain blonde sharpshooter. I finally spotted him, monitoring two recruits locked in hand-to-hand combat. I strode over to him, noticing that over half of the recruits' eyes were now on me. I didn't mind.

The two recruits who were fighting froze as I approached and watched me walk around the rink to Clint. He turned to look at me and his face brightened. "Tasha!"

I grinned and hugged him. I gave him a secret kiss on the neck before pulling away. "Fury told me to come help you," I said sweetly.

Clint just smirked. "I'm guessing you got pissed, right?" I nodded. He chuckled. "I wasn't happy about it either, Tash, but at least we're doing it together."
Bleh. Sometimes, Darren considered his heightened senses as a curse. who wanted to listen to two stuck up SHIELD agents trade sappy confessions of love and trust? Maybe killing her wouldn't be so bad after all if it would keep his ears from bleeding. Did they seriously think no one saw that kiss? He had never been into all that lovey dovey stuff. For all he knew, it didn't exist. He moved on to the hand-to-hand combat part of the evaluation. His claws automatically lengthened in anticipation. "No weapons!' Yet another agent gave him a disapproving look. He growled in annoyance. "Damn SHIELD," he muttered, before taking up his position.
I glanced up at the recruit. "Who's he?" I asked Clint. He flipped through his folder.

"Darren Foscato. Pretty built, good aim. Definitely in the top ten." I nodded slowly, assessing Darren.

He was built like a true athlete, and was fairly tall. He held himself confidently. And he was pretty good-looking. I roamed his body, looking for weak spots and such, taking into notice his claw-like finger nails. /A mutant…?/ I thought.
Darren eyed his opponent calmly, and started on the defensive. He avoided the first attack with ease, and realised that the other didnt have very good balance. He waited for the other man to attack him again, only to dodge and add an extra kick, using his opponent's momentum against him to send him crashing to the ground. Darren was on him in seconds, his fingers held firmly around the other's throat, and he noticed the Two agents watching him. He let go, brushedhimself off, and winked at the readhead, earning a glare from her partner.
I smirked and felt Clint tense up beside me.

"I'm gonna go check out some other recruits," Clint muttered. I watched him walk away and quickly returned my gaze to Darren. I gave him a seductive smile and winked back.

It's not like I was in a solid relationship with Clint. We were best friends, and yes, we had s-x from time to time. But there wasn't anything wrong with flirting with the recruit.
He walked over to her, a coy smile still covering his features as he towered over her. "It's Tasha, right? I'm Darren." His smile widened as he watched the blond agent walk away. "Sorry I upset your boyfriend...guess he knows good competition when he sees it."
"Natasha, actually," I said, holding out my hand. "And Barton isn't my boyfriend. He's just…territorial." I smiled at Darren. He was even better looking up close and taller than I'd thought.

"Tell me about yourself, Darren," I said, intrigued.
Darren took her hand, and instead of shaking it, he leaned down and kissed it, keeping his eyes on her the entire time, before he straightened back up. "Nice to meet you, Natasha," He purred. "And I'd love to tell you about myself - maybe over dinner, if you'll let me?" He asked, raising a brow suggestively.
I couldn't help the smile that covered my face from his action. My eyes never leaving his, I nodded. "I would like that, Darren," I said smoothly. "How about tonight? I know a way to get Chinese carry-out delivered here. Would you like that?"
Darren nodded. "Sounds good," he replied. "I gotta get back to this, now that I actually have an incentive to make the cut," He joked, before jogging off to the others. "See you at eight," He yelled over his shoulder.
I watched him go, smiling to myself. He seemed…different. And I liked it.

Walking away and out of the gym—since I needed to call Tony and get him to fly some Chinese food up.

I pulled out my phone and called Stark. After making a dozen empty promises, he finally agreed and said he'd bring Chinese food and some wine for me. Now, I just needed to avoid Clint and Fury, get ready, and find a quiet place to enjoy my meal with Darren. Which wouldn't be easy.
Darren smirked to himself as he walked down the empty hallway. They had been assigned temporary sleeping quarters, and a roommate, which was right where he was headed.

After unloading his stuff, showering, and changing into jeans and a black leather jacket, he walked back out into the corridor. He figured there was not time like the present to begin exploring - and memorizing - the pathways of the shield helecarrier. He moved silently, a great contrast to his appearance, and wandered into several rooms, none that had interested him so far. He turned to go back, when he heard the sound of footsteps coming his way.
I simply decided to host our dinner in my room. I cleaned up a little bit, then jogged out to the Flight Deck to meet Tony, who was waiting with a big bag of food. His face mask lifted as I approached.

"Hello, Miss Romanoff," Tony cooed. I rolled my eyes and went to grab the food from him, but he lifted it away from me. "Ah-ah-ahh…" he said, leaning his face towards me. "Kiss first."

Inwardly groaning, I pecked him on the lips, grabbed the bag, and went inside. I jogged to my room and got everything set up. All that was left to do was find Darren.

I walked throughout the halls until I saw the familiar tall blonde and walked up behind him.
Darren relaxed as he recognized the scent, and he chuckled deeply. "Not many people can sneak up on me you know," he said before turning around with a smirk.
For some reason, I shivered at his words. I smiled at him and took a few steps towards him. "Our dinner is all ready." I looked up into his eyes, and then trailed down to his lips and jaw.
Darren brushed her hair back from her face before cupping her jaw in his hand and leaning until his face was level. "Well then, I hope it smells as delicious as you do," he drawled, before kissing her on the cheek and letting his hand fall away. "Lead the way?"
Startled slightly, my eyes fluttered when his lips came in contact with my cheek. I nodded slowly and turned, letting my hair fall and hide my blush.
He followed her to her room and leaned in the doorway, eyeing the food. "Oh no," He walked over to it and picked up the chosen utensil. "First date and I get to make a fool of myself with chopsticks," He grinned at her, twirling it in his fingers.
I smirked. "It's a good thing I know how to use them. I can teach you," I said. I picked up my set and twirled them a little bit. "It gets easier once you've used them as a weapon," I muttered, a glint in my eye.
"As a weapon?" He laughed, setting it back down and raising his hands. "Don't go all Jason Bourne on me now, we just met."

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