Superheroes (interest)


One Thousand Club
Yeeeeup. Superheroes.

So I want to run and/or play in a superheroes game. I've been wanting to for a very long time. However, that's about all I know. I'm pretty loose on the specifics. I'll list the stuff I know I want to have, and some things I would be open to suggestions on.

Things I want:

-Modern Age supes: This isn't a statement toward the actual time period of the game, but rather the tone. Modern Age has a lot of callbacks to the Silver Age, with heroes who are heroes and villains who are villains. However, unlike the Silver Age, Modern Age heroes are human, and have personalities and character development. Basically, I'm opposed to annoying amounts of darkness and mundanity. If I wanted a game full of angst, I would play Vampire or something.

-Modern/slightly future era: Well, yeah, I don't like trying to remember what was invented when. Besides, who doesn't want to theorize what kind of iPhone apps superheroes might use? :P

Things I'm open to suggestion on:

-The system: There's a LOT of superhero systems. The only one I'm comfortable running is Mutants&Masterminds (I grew up with d20), but if someone else ran, any system would be fine.

-The setting: other than the tech level of the 'norms', I'm pretty flexible on most setting details. What kind of superheroes are used, etc? All mutants? All psychics? Everything but the kitchen sink? Kitchen sinks? It's all good (though I admit, kitchen sinks would be tough). Also don't care if we're teens in an academy or seasoned super veterans or something in between.

-The power level: While I personally like the level of superhuman where it's not unusual for every team member to fly, pulp heroes are okay. As are the powerfullest of the powerful.

So, please post below any or all of the following:

-Are you interested in playing? Running? Drawing a comic based on the game? Watching and making OOC comments like it was MST3K? Other?

-Do you have a preference for some detail about the game (such as the stuff I talked about above, as examples)? Feel free to state a preference for something that I said I already had a preference for. Someone else may decide to run the game.

Yeah, 'sall I got. Let's hear some support for a great genre!
I wouldn't mind watching.

Personally, I recommend having fun instead of a gritty grim dark type superhuman game. WHich could also be fun if you enjoy such. :lol:
I Always had a thing for the Powersuit heroe.

I've yet to see a game system to replicate that but I don't seek them out, and mostly I have issues with the d20 system.

But I hope it works out and I end up watching, I'm a fan of Grim/Dark myself.
I would definitely be interested in playing a superhero game.

As for genre. I really like the ideas behind White Wolf's Aberrant (basically super-powers come from the ability to alter reality) and M&M2 Paragon (basically the same as Aberrant). But I will play almost anything.

As for systems for super-heroes.

I'm very fond of Mutants and Masterminds (second edition) as a system.

Well I generally just like super-heroes. Whether more pulp heroes or spandex clad paragons.
Looking over Aberrant, I have to say, I love the mechanics. It kind of has the emo-ness of oWoD, though, which will be adjusted (somewhat) if I run it.

It does, unfortunately, cut down on the sheer diversity that M&M allows, which is a con.
Abbarent would be nice - I've never acctually had a chance to play it.

If you want to go mnm, could I suggest either the Paragon Campaign setting, or the Gestalt setting - they both have an element of things look one way on the surface, but there are deep truths.
No big - one is an offical MnM setting, the other is a third party setting for both MnM and Heroes, but I was mostly throwing them out as examples of well defined super-hero world that are both permissive, and would help focus players by being resonablly well defined. One thing I've noticed is that you tend to have better campaigns when you're working within a framework - worlds suggest heroes, basicly.

Abbarent is awsome all on it's own.

Because it exist...
I'll be a number 4!

I have experience with MnM, so that'd be my preference, though I'm up for learning anything.
I've been running a supers game in BESM 3rd edition for a while. I might be willing to GM a game if everyone's cool with that system. Sadly, I don't know Mutants and Masterminds, so I'd be sitting out/watching and commenting if that ended up being the system.
Okay, it looks like there are enough people who would play an M&M game, if not a ton. I will be fine running M&M, so here's what's next:

Tell me if there's a specific setting you want to play, or if there are setting elements you want (if you have a spectacular idea for a character who's an alien, say it, so that we don't end up with a setting where you can't be an alien).
Well, what kinds of heroes does everyone want to play? People with subtle, long term powers? Physical powerhouses? Focused gimick heroes, or broadly compete champions who could one day join this worlds equivilent of the Justice League?

Some of these decisions effect the power level the game should be set at, some the point total per level, and some just effect what kinds of characters are approprate.
OK, so no one wants to step into the ring and make a suggestion, so how about a game set slightly after WWII, where the war ended up dragging on for a decade longer after the Nazi's unveiled their ubermensch. The allies fell back for several years before striking back with recovered magics of lost civilizations. For a time the two sides held parity as new forms of warfair came to dominate the battlefield, but the greater, more disiplined, less-pointlessly cruel reasearch efferts of the allies eventully triumphed. It was unfortituly to late to stop the wide decimination of both the superhuman forumlas of the Axis, and the dark rituals of allies from becoming common knowledge.

In our history, World War II almost drove the nations of the world right back into a second depression that might have been even more destuctive then the first, in this world it was much worse. Everywhere is suffering, but not in quite the same character one might think as new wonders improve life in someways just as it falls apart in others

The is a new elite class - the Para-human, and they have begun setting up their own little empires. Within the Americans they have not begun formally secededing yet, though perhaps its only a matter of time. Many states have reach the same level of corruption that would drive William Tweed green with envy. Two men have set about stopping the decline of their great nation. To leader who have set aside their differences, and formed an allience. Dwight D. Eisenhower and Jimmy Carter have come together to form UNANIMOUS, a orginazaion devoted to coordinating patrotic para-humans, and directing their efferts to creating a stronger, more unified United States.

But that doesn't matter to you. You, along with serveral friends, aquantences, and people you don't like but trust have established a safe zone. Maybe UNAMINMOUS has the right idea, but you're to close to New York to give a horses*(& about something like that. The Baron of Liberty is to close, to hunger for territory, for you to feel safe. It's time to stand up for what you belive in, before it all comes crashing down.

How does that sound for a setting?
The difficulty with that one is that I have no plans on running a pre-modern game. Historical culture, slang, and technology are difficult for me to work with, and I would not forgive myself for getting them wrong if I'm the one running them.

Besides, what I actually want from you guys are broad suggestions of aspects you like, or specific, premade settings that you like. Suggest things like the tone of the game. What kind of heroes might be there. Origin preferences. Power level preferences. I can make details in an afternoon.

You are, of course, free to suggest specific setting details, but leave room for other people to work unless you can all agree on something.
I actually wouldn't mind playing a Paragon's game (or an Aberrant game using the MM2 rules)

That said, if you want a more generic universe, I also like a marvel style universe (sorry for the DC fans, just like Marvel better). That is with everything in it. Mutants, Wizards, Aliens, Any origin you can think up.

Otherwise I really have no preferences as to what to play. It depends on the exact setting picked for me.
Yeah, I also vote for a Marvel style game where, if you can think it up, odds are it either already exists, or its not a far leap for it to exist in the setting. And I'm kinda up for the sort of game where there maybe the odd anti-hero or villain that switches sides, but for the most part the heroes are heroes and the villains are villains. I hardly have anything pinned down, but as for origins, I'm currently bouncing back and forth from either a high-tech origin or an ancient magic origin. There's my 2 c.
That sort of Marvel style setting is my favorite too, so we'll probably be doing that. Okay, I'll get started designing a city/world for you guys. Are you all okay with the 'default' power level of 10 with standard point levels? If not, what would you prefer to adjust it to?
There's just one thing I want to suggest on the default PL 10 characters. A house rule which was applied in my first M&M2 game.

One of attack, defense, or save is allowed to be maxed out. The rest, save one is restricted to 2/3 of maximum. And the last is restricted to 1/3 of maximum. (this way you get fascinating weak points in your character (and yes, it's swiped from D&D))

Another house rule that I enjoyed was. For every 2 points of attack / defense you have bought, you can buy 1 level of the feat for a specialized attack / defense.

Just my two cents (even if it's not made in a hard rule, I do tend to make my characters like that)
d1ng0d0g said:
There's just one thing I want to suggest on the default PL 10 characters. A house rule which was applied in my first M&M2 game.
One of attack, defense, or save is allowed to be maxed out. The rest, save one is restricted to 2/3 of maximum. And the last is restricted to 1/3 of maximum. (this way you get fascinating weak points in your character (and yes, it's swiped from D&D))
This ignores the entire point of the trade-off system, of course: if you do not meet your caps (including trade-offs), you are not that PL, but lower. It would be a better house rule to enforce every character to have at least one attack that can meet the caps (including a Perception-range attack that has a number of ranks equal to the PL). Trade-offs cause the weak points of a character: a high-defense character will be weak against area attacks and perception-range effects, while a high Toughness character will be weak against effects that affect other saves.

TherealBrickwall said:
That sort of Marvel style setting is my favorite too, so we'll probably be doing that. Okay, I'll get started designing a city/world for you guys. Are you all okay with the 'default' power level of 10 with standard point levels? If not, what would you prefer to adjust it to?
It might be an interesting idea (if you feel up to the challenge) to forgo chargen limits entirely. I've tried this before, and while the game fell through for other reasons, it does lead to an interesting party, where one character is an effectively PL 9 swordmaster and another character is Doctor Strange (yes, that Doctor Strange). It does require heavy moderation of characters during chargen, however, since an immature player might just decide to dump any and all powers on his character, without concern for a theme.

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