Superheroes (interest)

Eh, I was in a short lived game where everyone was built on 150 points, but at PL 8 with 2 points of 'free' tradeup (that couldn't be broken up), and max trade of everything togehter capped at 5 - It made it so everyone had something where they were exeptional yet still had weaknesses. Another way I've seen it done was to underpoint people for there power-level, though that means that you don't have any broadly competent characters.
All interesting ideas, which I would be willing to try out if all the players liked them. However, it seems that you all have different ideas of what makes 'interesting' balance issues, so I propose that, until there's some consensus among you about such things, you stick with making your weaknesses the ones currently in the system. Remember, having a lower attack bonus is a pretty boring weakness. Having your most potent power possess a painful side effect (as per the Flaw) is a really cool and interesting weakness. Having a method of shapeshifting that can leave you stuck in an alternate form (a Complication) is a weakness worthy of having a whole issue of your theoretical comic centered around it. The PL and the power points are there to help you get your strengths and weaknesses, and to represent your strengths and weaknesses. They are not there to BE your strengths and weaknesses. Do continue your suggestions and discussions, but remember how little +1 attack bonus matters when you get into the story.
I would actually go with Khantalas idea of no Character Limits - Let everyone make what they want. It is however somewhat harder on the gm. :)
Not really, but it does mean that someone who chooses a lower amount of power will end up not being able to effect scenarios that don't apply to their specialty, while the higher powered characters will be able to cover a very diverse amount of situations with effectiveness. Complete free-form powers work better in a system that defines them much more loosely, like Supercrew, and those are better for short-term games.

Of course, if everyone wants to go freestyle leveling, and I mean everyone, I'll run it. I am up to the challenge of giving everyone stuff to do.
I suppose I'd be alright with no power level limits, but I do think that there ought to some sort of limits or constraints. Something along the lines of for x many points or power levels above PL 10, you need y weaknesses or complications, with the end result that you have the more powerful characters that have utterly massive weaknesses. Think Superman's vulnerabilities to kryptonite or the Green Lantern's weakness to yellow.
Of course, the non-powerful characters have even nastier weaknesses, like bullets and sharp objects, which are far easier to come by than kyrptonite. :P

I'm going to stick with standard PL 10 for now. If someone's really having trouble working within the constraints, I am willing and able to make concessions (trading out PL for extra power points, for example), but a nice standard level of power for me to design badguys around will be nice.

A full-on recruiting thread will be up tonight with the little setting info you need to make a character. I do plan, of course, to have a lot of other stuff (and in fact already do), but your characters should have all the room they need before I start heaping other stuff on.

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