I am the Deathkitten! Fear me!
"HEY!" he shouted, flailing as he tried to catch his balance, "That's my EAR you're pulling on!" Ohhhhhhh, she totally was a bitch... damn it. "Listen, lady, you can't babysit me in the jail. Scare some of them with your skull all you want, there's always another asshole waiting to take their place. I assure you." He huffed and stopped trying to fight against her grip on his ear. She was strong. If he had super-strength or some useful ability, he'd be unstoppable... heh. Ironic. "Ah yes... let me spill my life to some stranger do-gooder. My favorite," he grumbled, "Let's just say having a very limited range of sensation sucks. Family sucks. Life sucks. I'd like it to stop. Good enough reason for you? I'd just like to get taken out of this stupid cycle. So far, the only thing that even remotely works on me is psychic crap... I mean crud. And even then, I'll just wake up later. It doesn't kill me.""So I jump at the chance when some Superhero is coming after me, and most don't think I'm such a puppy. Lies and slander have gone a long way. So they want me dead. We have a mutual desire. I just try out new methods, much to their inevitable frustration."