Four Thousand Club
- Group
The Luminary will not know of the Pillars until he arrives in the Smash Realm and the other Smash Brothers fill him in on what is going on, as the Pillars were a guarded secret until now. We can definitely brainstorm with everyone on which group to stick him in.Sorry I was on a road trip. I'll be back tomorrow, but I have to think a little bit. I think that the Luminary would for sure try to locate the pillars to try and protect them. As for specific goals. I'm not sure yet. I think I would have to get a feel of things to come up with a specific direction I want to take him.
Also, thinking about picking up Dante or Vergil as my second
Dante or Vergil would be great! Lol Dante with

Vergil having to deal with the quirky setting that is the Smash Realm can be fun! Lol too bad we don't have a Kirby.