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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Just a little heads up since I think I'm gonna take a few days before I try to write for Pyra. As I said yesterday, I've been losing a lot of steam and after having a not so fun week mentally (and being borderline sick for 3 days only to make that worse by getting sunburned so yippee for me ig lol) I need a few days to just recuperate myself. I'll hopefully be able to get a bit of a mental reset and feel better
Just a little heads up since I think I'm gonna take a few days before I try to write for Pyra. As I said yesterday, I've been losing a lot of steam and after having a not so fun week mentally (and being borderline sick for 3 days only to make that worse by getting sunburned so yippee for me ig lol) I need a few days to just recuperate myself. I'll hopefully be able to get a bit of a mental reset and feel better
No worries! I know you're not necessarily roleplaying with me at the moment, but it still is important that you take care of yourself, right? Relax a little, enjoy your time.
Just a little heads up since I think I'm gonna take a few days before I try to write for Pyra. As I said yesterday, I've been losing a lot of steam and after having a not so fun week mentally (and being borderline sick for 3 days only to make that worse by getting sunburned so yippee for me ig lol) I need a few days to just recuperate myself. I'll hopefully be able to get a bit of a mental reset and feel better
You're absolutely fine! Take all the time you need; it took me forever to get that Pit post out so I'm not anticipating anything really soon.

I really like the idea of the Night Dragon blending in with nebula clouds.
Some Night Dragon thoughts:

-Keeping his eyes shut allows the Night Dragon to see the spirit world alongside the mortal plane. He can see the ebb and flow of magic, the dreams of the Hyrulean people, and so on. It is like sleepwalking except he is cognizant. The Night Dragon is actually near-sighted when his eyes are open, which he finds embarrassing.

-He was originally going to have a mate: Solara the Dawn Dragon, but I couldn't fit her into the story.

-The Night Dragon has both fur and scales, similar to Falkor from The Neverending Story. The Night Dragon's design was partially inspired by Falkor. His front legs are talons while his rear legs
are that of a feline's. He even has pink toe beans!

-I had the thought of the Night Dragon having a tiny solar system floating between his horns, but I couldn't get that to look good, and I decided to keep the design simple. The Fallen Hero Timeline games such as the Oracle games and ALttP tend to have more simplistic character designs anyway.

-It would be kind of ironic if the Night Dragon was responsible for the existence of Moon Pearls, the very thing keeping Lunaris in the form of a Hylian man. A thought I've had in regards to the AU short stories in this thread was Agahnim occasionally putting Stefan into a deep slumber so he can safely remove the Moon Pearl earring and study his blighted true form in hopes of finding a remedy for Stefan's curse.
No worries! I know you're not necessarily roleplaying with me at the moment, but it still is important that you take care of yourself, right? Relax a little, enjoy your time.
You're absolutely fine! Take all the time you need; it took me forever to get that Pit post out so I'm not anticipating anything really soon.
I greatly appreciate your kind words. I just know I'm usually very on top of posting once I am up so I like to make sure people know if I'm gonna take a bit is all. I wouldn't wanna randomly poof for a bit and not communicate it given I find communication in rps important

That said, maybe I'll do some doodles this week then to try and get some kind of wind back in my sail and relax a bit. No clue what they'll be but if anyone wants to toss out ideas (please keep them simple cuz I'm not looking for complicated rn), I may do them, but I make 0 promises
I greatly appreciate your kind words. I just know I'm usually very on top of posting once I am up so I like to make sure people know if I'm gonna take a bit is all. I wouldn't wanna randomly poof for a bit and not communicate it given I find communication in rps important

That said, maybe I'll do some doodles this week then to try and get some kind of wind back in my sail and relax a bit. No clue what they'll be but if anyone wants to toss out ideas (please keep them simple cuz I'm not looking for complicated rn), I may do them, but I make 0 promises
In regards to art, I realized your cute Nopon from the Character Assumption Thread looks like Bebe and that makes me happy.
In regards to art, I realized your cute Nopon from the Character Assumption Thread looks like Bebe and that makes me happy.
Now that you mention it, she does lol! I never even noticed. I designed her before I even joined this RP so that's pretty funny actually

You know, that gives me an idea. Maybe I'll doodle some characters as Nopons for the hell of it. Could be a cute and silly thing to do
Fair enough. Nopons tend to have pretty simplistic designs overall and pretty basic patterns. I tend stick to that when designing Nopon myself since it makes them feel as if they could naturally fit in to the world of Xenoblade. Typically I'll use either egg painting patterns for their designs (like zig-zags on their wings or body) or use more natural animal markings (like a single colored patch of fur on the stomach or something like that). Then again, I've only designed like 5 Nopon so it's not like I'm some expert LOL. They're just silly lil guys. Plus I can use silly names for them, especially ones that repeat words or a vowel or rhyme. Like some dumb examples I can think of from the games are "See-Mee-Mee", "BroBro", "WheeliDeeli" and "WellWell." It really allows for some fun naming schemes. It's unforunate most party member Nopon have very basic names compared to all the silly NPC ones
These are super quick doodles and I used a random picker to give me characters, so here are some not so Nopon looking Nopon LOL

Nopon Ike got all my effort in this. He will beat everyone with Ragnell still
Just feeling like doing this for now, a bit of Annette and Peach posting. None of them are mine, just wanted to share.
I've been watching Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi and I randomly remembered Sheep did crossover art and posted it here awhile ago so I decided to make a lil doodle myself of Marcille-Zelda and Izutsumi-Joker mostly because her color palette reminded me of him and he's partially designed to be cat-like. Enjoy this silly
I'm hoping to get a Layton/Luke post out soon. If no one is waiting for Team Woomy, I'll make a Joy post next, then back to the Sorrowfen group.
I've been watching Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi and I randomly remembered Sheep did crossover art and posted it here awhile ago so I decided to make a lil doodle myself of Marcille-Zelda and Izutsumi-Joker mostly because her color palette reminded me of him and he's partially designed to be cat-like. Enjoy this silly
JOKER KBITY!!! Djdjdjf omg and I love Zelda’s expression, girlie is just so done lmao
JOKER KBITY!!! Djdjdjf omg and I love Zelda’s expression, girlie is just so done lmao
Clearly Zelda has had enough of a grumpy lil kitty boy. What has he done this time to make her so done? Maybe he was being lazy and taking the easy route around things again or he complained about there being no rice left for the 1000th time because he will not eat food made of monsters. Who knows lol. Whatever the reason Zelda ain’t having none of it
I'm hoping that this weekend I'll be able to write up my Pyra post finally. I feel better mentally than I did this past weekend. My muse is still a bit low, but the wheels are starting to turn at least

I did have a random thought, not involving a character we currently have, but I figure it was interesting enough to share
My mind has been real deep in Fire Emblem hell lately and it hit me that Robin would likely be able to connect and understand Lunaris to some degree.

For context, Robin is the child of the Grimleal leader and bears the mark of Grima, the Fell Dragon, making them an ideal vessel to resurrect Grima. In Lucina's timeline, Robin is controlled by Grima and ends up killing Chrom and stopping all chances of victory right there. This is the very thing Lucina aims to prevent and eventually Robin learns of this. Basically the Fell Dragon will do anything to ensure Robin becomes its vessel

Because of this point, I figure Robin would be able to empathize with Lunaris over being "cursed" to some degree. Obviously Robin wasn't sickly but still was born into a cruel fate they did not want to be part of. It also helps that they were freed from immediately being raised a vessel because their mother fled with them so they didn't have the whole evil mage thing go on though possibly could have. Really comes to show how a different string of events really can change things. Robin could understand that much
I'm hoping that this weekend I'll be able to write up my Pyra post finally. I feel better mentally than I did this past weekend. My muse is still a bit low, but the wheels are starting to turn at least

I did have a random thought, not involving a character we currently have, but I figure it was interesting enough to share
My mind has been real deep in Fire Emblem hell lately and it hit me that Robin would likely be able to connect and understand Lunaris to some degree.

For context, Robin is the child of the Grimleal leader and bears the mark of Grima, the Fell Dragon, making them an ideal vessel to resurrect Grima. In Lucina's timeline, Robin is controlled by Grima and ends up killing Chrom and stopping all chances of victory right there. This is the very thing Lucina aims to prevent and eventually Robin learns of this. Basically the Fell Dragon will do anything to ensure Robin becomes its vessel

Because of this point, I figure Robin would be able to empathize with Lunaris over being "cursed" to some degree. Obviously Robin wasn't sickly but still was born into a cruel fate they did not want to be part of. It also helps that they were freed from immediately being raised a vessel because their mother fled with them so they didn't have the whole evil mage thing go on though possibly could have. Really comes to show how a different string of events really can change things. Robin could understand that much
I know very little about Robin, so I found this interesting!

When the Night Dragon's Spark was stolen, he degenerated into a dracolich that the Link of the time had to take down. With his dying breath, the now Blight Dragon cursed the Wizard's bloodline, stating that he "shall dwell in the heart and soul of his sons, and they shall suffer as he has." The Wizard took the Night Dragon's life and power, so the Night Dragon will take his sons! Lunaris possesses the twisted, corrupted soul of the Blight Dragon, which is why he is so sickly. The Moon Pearl earring only softens the curse by keeping its wearer a Hylian.

Every few generations or so, a child of the Aylward bloodline is born in possession of great magical talent, but they're very sickly. None of those afflicted have lived beyond their 30s. Just as every Link and Zelda is a different person, every incarnation of the Blight Dragon is their own unique person. Stefan just happens to be an incredibly strong-willed individual! I've implied in the short stories that Stefan's elders have kept the truth of what he is a secret from him in hopes that he will live a relatively normal life and keep the Blight Dragon's hatred from manifesting and causing ruin.

Clearly that didn't work.
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Robin is definitely a very interesting and fun character. I’ve thought in it more and I honestly think they’d have a unique perspective towards Lunaris that could be fun to explore though given the state of my muse and my dumbass tendencies of mentioning possible characters it’s unfortunate that I’ll have to hold back exploring such. I’m glad I could at least share something a little interesting though it was probably a bit out of left field lol!
On top of his health issues, Lunaris was told his entire life that he is meant to be this great magician who shall serve the King and Queen of Hyrule as advisor and Court Wizard, oh, but he is also incredibly powerful and that makes him really dangerous, so he needs to stay close to the castle where he can be supervised and prevent his powers from going out of control. He was having restrictions put on him while his elders praised his talent and expressed enthusiasm for his future. Obviously that's really confusing, and it's little wonder he became a very frustrated, reckless, and rebellious teenager.

Of course, his elders had good intentions, but the whole thing was a recipe for disaster. Besides the mixed messages, Stefan's feelings were rarely ever considered. What dreams and aspirations did he really have? No one ever asked him or listened if he wanted to talk about it. Stefan felt like a prisoner, and that he was really the pet project of his mentors. Their goal to contain the Blight Dragon ironically led to the seeds of resentment being planted within Stefan.

Ganon showing up under the guise of Agahnim and putting Stefan through hell as his new master was the rotten cherry on top of the crap cake.
Some Zelda posting tonight! I don't know why in particular, but I actually have a soft spot for Zelda's OoT / Melee depiction, but just in general she's been super cute. The first pic I posted is one of my personal favorites too, action poses are always cool as heck.

It's been a while since I've posted a prompt. How about an Animal Crossing-themed one as I'm replaying the OG game.

Your PC is shaking trees in Smashville and a beehive falls out. What do they do? Do they get stung?
It's been a while since I've posted a prompt. How about an Animal Crossing-themed one as I'm replaying the OG game.

Your PC is shaking trees in Smashville and a beehive falls out. What do they do? Do they get stung?

Guess What I Did It GIF by PlayStationDE

Seph just burns them and calls it a day and out of mind. While Paula just leaves the hive well enough alone. Eh, honestly Cyan would feel bad there’s nothing he could do lest he wants to get stung.

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