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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I can’t promise it’ll be anything great. Tbh it might just be a short post to move things along since Roxas kinda just existed in the last batch of stuff
I can’t promise it’ll be anything great. Tbh it might just be a short post to move things along since Roxas kinda just existed in the last batch of stuff
Sorry for not giving you much to work with
Sorry for not giving you much to work with
It’s no one’s fault. Sometimes it happens. I’m not really bothered by it. Just putting expectations down so a big, great post isn’t anticipated or something
Feeling extra motivated to get this post done. A friend of mine just made me art to motivate me for a pokemon shiny hunting thing I’m in but it has extra motivated me for everything. Roxas post soon!!
I can’t promise it’ll be anything great. Tbh it might just be a short post to move things along since Roxas kinda just existed in the last batch of stuff
So clearly "being short" was not in the Ploegy agenda and I lied LOL. But anyways, Roxas is done. Enjoy
Oh boy now with Roxas being affected by the military equipment as well.. I have now more content for my next post 😈😈
Joker dropping the Smash Realm's hottest diss track for all to hear! /j
I dunno if I'll actually do this redraw I've been seeing, but this joke made me think of it so this is Joker dropping his diss track with the rest of his group hyping him up
I'm trying to write Part Three of Stefan and Mugorl's story, but my cockatiel is making it very hard! Keeps squawking, running on the keyboard, and climbing onto my hands.
I'm trying to write Part Three of Stefan and Mugorl's story, but my cockatiel is making it very hard! Keeps squawking, running on the keyboard, and climbing onto my hands.
How dare you not your birb attention! Hjjjf jk too cute 🥰
Stefan could not tell whether he was dead or dreaming, an experience he was no stranger to. Tried as he might to move a limb or open his eyes, it was as if his entire body was made of lead. At first, there was only silence, then came the soft crackling of fire and the faint boom of distant thunder. Following this was a searing pain in his right shoulder that grew in intensity over the seconds. There were also voices, deep and rough, faraway and unintelligible at first.

"There, I saw his ear twitch. Told you he's alive."

"Aye, but he's gonna wish he's dead in a moment. Best you get that outta him before he fully wakens."

Stefan felt a heavy hand press on his chest, keeping him in place while something large and sharp began moving in his injured shoulder. He groaned and growled and futily tried to squirm away from the pain, then screamed as he felt something being ripped out of him. Stefan's eyes snapped open. Mugorl hovered above him, a long broken Wolfos claw held in hand, which he had just pulled from the Hylian's injury.

Stefan raised a finger to point at the claw. "Keep hold of that... I need it."

Mugorl's thick brows rose, then he shook his porcine head. "Mad as a Cukeman, that's what you are."

"Likely so," Stefan admitted. Sweat beading his brow, his head lolled to the side. He saw that he was in a cave. There were two bonfires. A second Moblin, one unfamiliar to the teen, was heating a sword blade in one of the flames. "... Where am I?"

"Somewhere safe," Mugorl answered simply.

"It's a secret to everybody," the strange Moblin added.

"I see," Stefan responded, accepting the answers without question. He glanced downward at himself and saw that his chest was completely exposed. His blue vest and white shirt were in bloodied rags around his lanky form. A horrific gash was in his right shoulder. Stefan sighed softly in remorse. "Aw, my mother made me that vest..."

He saw the unknown Moblin stand and walk his way, the heated sword in hand. Stefan immediately knew what the purpose of that sword was, and used his good arm to push himself up into a sitting position, scooting backward so that he rested against the cave wall.

"That won't be necessary," the apprentice sorcerer said. Stefan conjured teal flames in his left hand and pressed it to the wound, grunting painfully as he cauterized it. He then dropped his hand, slumped against the rock, and grinned crookedly at the Moblins.

Without a moment's hesitation, the Moblin grabbed Stefan's left shoulder, pulled him forward, and pressed the heated blade to the boy's back, getting a shout out of him. The Wolfos' claw had pierced through!

Stefan awoke to the soft pitter-patter of rain outside the cave. Turning his head toward the entrance, he saw that night had long passed, the sky was bright grey with rainclouds, and a gentle mist covered the forest floor.

"Master's gonna kill me," Stefan muttered to himself. He was still very sore, but with sleep and the aid of potions (thankfully his apothecary satchel remained intact) he was able to regain some strength. He gratefully accepted a waterskin from Mugorl and downed the water greedily.

"So, Mugorl was it?" Stefan asked as he passed the skin to the Moblin. "How'd you come to find me?"

"I was hunting those Wolfos," Mugorl explained. "They've been causing my clan problems, and it is good training."

Stefan grinned. "What are the odds! I never thought I'd be so happy to see a Moblin's mug. It was Wolfos that took my father. Ironic that I nearly died to those beasts."

Mugorl looked at the young mage approvingly. "You seek vengeance."

Stefan shook his head. "No, there is a handsome reward for whoever dealt with them. I've little memory of the old chap; I was just learning how to walk and talk when he passed. Mom told me that when I first took ill, he left Kakariko Village to seek out a fairy fountain to heal me. He was found by a patrol, wounds suggesting a Wolfos attack. But he sacrificed himself for me. He cared. What about you?"

Mugorl sat next to Stefan. "Hrm, mine was slain by my uncle. They were both sons of the old chief, and when he passed they fought for leadership over the clan. Murkrog is a fool, as stupid as a Hinox, as big and strong as one too. You don't need smarts if you're that strong. That is why I must train, so that I may defeat him and become chief. I've no strong armor or weapons, or magic. Skill is all I have."

Though Stefan's body was ravaged, his mind was as sharp as ever, and already plans began to formulate within his clever brain. In their short time together, he had grown to respect Mugorl. The Moblin was most definitely a cut above the rest of his kind, and Stefan saw a valuable partner.

"Mugorl, you are a Moblin of great strength and honor," Stefan said, "I think we can work very well together."

Mugorl stared hard at the Hylian. Illness and injury had left Stefan's eyes sunken, bruised and stuck in a squint, but there was a slyness to them that immediately reminded the Moblin of the Keaton foxes. Unbothered by Mugorl's distrust of him, Stefan elaborated.

"That Wolfos claw will be proof enough that they have been dealt with. You saved my life, and so half of the rupees are yours by right. Meet me at the next full moon night, and I will give you your portion of the reward. With your strength and my magic, we can raise more money between us. You will be able to afford better equipment, and I have rupees for my enchantments."

Mugorl was still suspicious. "The next full moon won't be for a month. Why do you expect me to wait that long?"

"Unfortunately, I've the inconvenience of a gaping hole in my shoulder," Stefan answered. "And I'm likely to be grounded for weeks once I return home. Besides, I'll have to devise a way for you to get into town."

Mugorl scoffed. "HAH! Me, in the town of long ears? You ARE mad!"

Stefan was serious. "Of course. Where else are you going to find the best arms and armor? Mayhaps you'll be able to purchase training from the swordsmen there, and access to the Hyrulean Library. Oh, don't wrinkle your snout at me. Knowledge is power, and I'm quite partial to power. I sense you are too, my friend. You just leave it to me. If I don't appear on the next full moon, then the only thing you have lost is your time. What say you?"

Mugorl continued to glare at Stefan, and the mage was certain the Moblin would refuse. Instead, Mugorl spat into the palm of his hand and held it out to him. Stefan spat into his own hand and they sealed their partnership with a firm handshake. Done!

Back in Stefan's room in Hyrule Castle, Shiri hovered nervously by a rain-soaked window. She squeaked in surprise then sighed in relief at the tell-tale popping sound of a teleportation spell behind her.

"Stefan! Oh, I was so worried about-- STEFAN!!"
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Stefan could not tell whether he was dead or dreaming, an experience he was no stranger to. Tried as he might to move a limb or open his eyes, it was as if his entire body was made of lead. At first, there was only silence, then came the soft crackling of fire and the faint boom of distant thunder. Following this was a searing pain in his right shoulder that grew in intensity over the seconds. There were also voices, deep and rough, faraway and unintelligible at first.

"There, I saw his ear twitch. Told you he's alive."

"Aye, but he's gonna wish he's dead in a moment. Best you get that outta him before he fully wakens."

Stefan felt a heavy hand press on his chest, keeping him in place while something large and sharp began moving in his injured shoulder. He groaned and growled and futily tried to squirm away from the pain, then screamed as he felt something being ripped out of him. Stefan's eyes snapped open. Mugorl hovered above him, a long broken Wolfos claw held in hand, which he had just pulled from the Hylian's injury.

Stefan raised a finger to point at the claw. "Keep hold of that... I need it."

Mugorl's thick brows rose, then he shook his porcine head. "Mad as a Cukeman, that's what you are."

"Likely so," Stefan admitted. Sweat beading his brow, his head lolled to the side. He saw that he was in a cave. There were two bonfires. A second Moblin, one unfamiliar to the teen, was heating a sword blade in one of the flames. "... Where am I?"

"Somewhere safe," Mugorl answered simply.

"It's a secret to everybody," the strange Moblin added.

"I see," Stefan responded, accepting the answers without question. He glanced downward at himself and saw that his chest was completely exposed. His blue vest and white shirt were in bloodied rags around his lanky form. A horrific gash was in his right shoulder. Stefan sighed softly in remorse. "Aw, my mother made me that vest..."

He saw the unknown Moblin stand and walk his way, the heated sword in hand. Stefan immediately knew what the purpose of that sword was, and used his good arm to push himself up into a standing position, scooting backward so that he rested against the cave wall.

"That won't be necessary," the apprentice sorcerer said. Stefan conjured teal flames in his left hand and pressed it to the wound, grunting painfully as he cauterized it. He then dropped his hand, slumped against the rock, and grinned crookedly at the Moblins.

Without a moment's hesitation, the Moblin grabbed Stefan's left shoulder, pulled him forward, and pressed the heated blade to the boy's back, getting a shout out of him. The Wolfos' claw had pierced through!

Stefan awoke to the soft pitter-patter of rain outside the cave. Turning his head toward the entrance, he saw that night had long passed, the sky was bright grey with rainclouds, and a gentle mist covered the forest floor.

"Master's gonna kill me," Stefan muttered to himself. He was still very sore, but with sleep and the aid of potions (thankfully his apothecary satchel remained intact) he was able to regain some strength. He gratefully accepted a waterskin from Mugorl and downed the water greedily.

"So, Mugorl was it?" Stefan asked as he passed the skin to the Moblin. "How'd you come to find me?"

"I was hunting those Wolfos," Mugorl explained. "They've been causing my clan problems, and it is good training."

Stefan grinned. "What are the odds! I never thought I'd be so happy to see a Moblin's mug. It was Wolfos that took my father. Ironic that I nearly died to those beasts."

Mugorl looked at the young mage approvingly. "You seek vengeance."

Stefan shook his head. "No, there is a handsome reward for whoever dealt with them. I've little memory of the old chap; I was just learning how to walk and talk when he passed. Mom told me that when I first became ill, he left Kakariko Village to seek out a fairy fountain to heal me. He was found by a patrol, wounds suggesting a Wolfos attack. But he sacrificed himself for me. He cared. What about you?"

Mugorl sat next to Stefan. "Hrm, mine was slain by my uncle. They were both sons of the old chief, and when he passed they fought for leadership over the clan. Murkrog is a fool, as stupid as a Hinox, as big and strong as one too. You don't need smarts if you're that strong. That is why I must train, so that I may defeat him and become chief. I've no strong armor or weapons, or magic. Skill is all I have."

Though Stefan's body was ravaged, his mind was as sharp as ever, and already plans began to formulate within his clever brain. In their short time together, he had grown to respect Mugorl. The Moblin was most definitely a cut above the rest of his kind, and Stefan saw a valuable partner.

"Mugorl, you are a Moblin of great strength and honor," Stefan said, "I think we can work very well together."

Mugorl stared hard at the Hylian. Illness and injury had left Stefan's eyes sunken, bruised and stuck in a squint, but there was a slyness to them that immediately reminded the Moblin of the Keaton foxes. Unbothered by Mugorl's distrust of him, Stefan elaborated.

"That Wolfos claw will be proof enough that they have been dealt with. You saved my life, and so half of the rupees are yours by right. Meet me at the next full moon night, and I will give you your portion of the reward. With your strength and my magic, we can raise more money between us. You will be able to afford better equipment, and I have rupees for my enchantments."

Mugorl was still suspicious. "The next full moon won't be for a month. Why do you expect me to wait that long?"

"Unfortunately, I've the inconvenience of a gaping hole in my shoulder," Stefan answered. "And I'm likely to be grounded for weeks once I return home. Besides, I'll have to devise a way for you to get into town."

Mugorl scoffed. "HAH! Me, in the town of long ears? You ARE mad!"

Stefan was serious. "Of course. Where else are you going to find the best arms and armor? Mayhaps you'll be able to purchase training from the swordsmen there, and access to the Hyrulean Library. Oh, don't wrinkle your snout at me. Knowledge is power, and I'm quite partial to power. I sense you are too, my friend. You just leave it to me. If I don't appear on the next full moon, then the only thing you have lost is your time. What say you?"

Mugorl continued to glare at Stefan, and the mage was certain the Moblin would refuse. Instead, Mugorl spat into the palm of his hand and held it out to him. Stefan spat into his own hand and they sealed their partnership with a firm handshake. Done!

Back in Stefan's room in Hyrule Castle, Shiri hovered nervously by a rain-soaked window. She squeaked in surprise then sighed in relief at the tell-tale popping sound of a teleportation spell behind her.

"Stefan! Oh, I was so worried about-- STEFAN!!"
Heh the beginning of Stefan’s life. I love the meeting with Mugorl, another amazing read into Stefan’s life. GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
So I may or may not be designing a child for Ike and Lana for reasons I can't really describe other than not wanting to daunt other people with the canon they've already built for their "parent" PCs and their kids

I thought that Ike and Lana would work together well because their personalities would contrast in a good way, and they would balance each other out. Plus, Ike had dealt with goddesses in the past, and both of them are attributed to light and radiance, not to mention they're both war-hardened and have similar ideals.

I wanted their child to be named Aumi, since the name means "beautiful and radiant". I'm leaning towards the child being a girl.
As for Aumi's design, I was thinking of her having lavender-colored hair like the OG Guardian of Time had before her soul split. I also want her to inherit Ike's blue eyes. I still have yet to decide on their outfit, but I will eventually draw them as a child as well as a young adult.

Personality-wise, I was thinking that in Aumi's childhood, they would show more of a Lana-based personality, being friendly, good-natured, sincere, etc. But as they grow into a young adult, they hit their rebellious years and slowly adopt a personality similar to Ike's, where they become no-nonsense, independent, and fearless. She will still be caring and earnest, but not in the sugary-sweet way Lana is.

They will inherit Ike's Ragnell and Lana's magical abilities, of course, and I was thinking that alongside those things, Aumi would re-unite the Greil Mercenaries and become their unofficial leader.

Idk I'm bad at mashing two people together to create one ndjsdbhrfjsifnehsn
If you have any ideas let me know please
I imagine Pit and Mythra being a pairing that has folks doing a double-take and saying, "Wait, what??" Then, when they think about it a little more, they see that it makes perfect sense and they're happy for the two! XD

"He's absolutely PERFECT for you, Mythra! Congratulations!"
Idk I'm bad at mashing two people together to create one ndjsdbhrfjsifnehsnIf you have any ideas let me know please[/SPOILER]
So am I. that's why i don't join in on the shipping/potential kiddos discussions cause Captain Falcon doesn't really have alot of options in that regard 😅
So am I. that's why i don't join in on the shipping/potential kiddos discussions cause Captain Falcon doesn't really have alot of options in that regard 😅
Lol I was honestly tempted to design a Captain Falcon x Samus kid for funsies, but jokes aside I feel your pain my man 🥲
So I may or may not be designing a child for Ike and Lana for reasons I can't really describe other than not wanting to daunt other people with the canon they've already built for their "parent" PCs and their kids
Aww, just know that I’m totally game for throwing in more fan kids with any of my characters! “Canon” is nothing but a mild suggestion compared to the joys of making character designs 😤 (And I’m excited to see any future Aumi art because she sounds absolutely adorable!)

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