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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

And Seph made quite the spectacle 😈

Season 3 Laughing GIF by The Simpsons
Thanks! Now onto my OC!

Which I am struggling with. I’m debating a Super Mario Princess who uses a hammer! And I don’t know which other Ultimate character which would suit me.

Any recommendations?
Thanks! Now onto my OC!

Which I am struggling with. I’m debating a Super Mario Princess who uses a hammer! And I don’t know which other Ultimate character which would suit me.

Any recommendations?
I think you ought to hold off for the moment. you haven't exactly acclimated yet. You're still trying to get a grasp on Mewtwo currently, so i would just take the time to just do some reasearch and go from there before you lean in on an OC
If you'd like, it might be for the best as each groups post rate varies. So if you're waiting on posts for one group, you always have another to fall back on while you wait.
Alright, how about adding Leon to pillars of destruction? Do I also need to choose a specific group? Like if I want him to be with the group with Isabelle or if he instead is with Min Min?
Golly looks like I already have to write for Lana and Ike! I'll hop to it soon!
Alright, how about adding Leon to pillars of destruction? Do I also need to choose a specific group? Like if I want him to be with the group with Isabelle or if he instead is with Min Min?
To answer your question, yes, you need to pick a specific group to go to.
In Isabelle's group, a lot of chaos is currently going down because of Sephiroth, but in Min Min's group, things are relatively peaceful and stuff is just starting to move along, so it depends on how well you can manage to adapt to what's going on.
The Pillars of Creation and Destruction are not factions, but the items of power that Lunaris is seeking. Your characters will not know of their existence; the characters that are aware of them did so through RP events.
Golly looks like I already have to write for Lana and Ike! I'll hop to it soon!

To answer your question, yes, you need to pick a specific group to go to.
In Isabelle's group, a lot of chaos is currently going down because of Sephiroth, but in Min Min's group, things are relatively peaceful and stuff is just starting to move along, so it depends on how well you can manage to adapt to what's going on.
Glorious chaos might I add 😈
Wait I think I would want to add Leon to the group with Isabelle, I might have fun with the chaos actually! I’ll add Zeraora to the group with min min, instead!

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