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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Dark Pit has been accused of a very serious crime and imprisoned. He states he is innocent and absolutely refuses to budge on that, even if a confession to the crime would spare him from execution (via wing amputation). The evidence against him is very damning. What might be your PCs' response to this?
Given Captain Falcon's strong sense of justice and his background as a bounty hunter, his response to Dark Pit's situation would likely be multifaceted and driven by a desire to uncover the truth. Here’s how Captain Falcon might approach the situation:

1. Seeking the Truth: Captain Falcon, known for his determination and dedication, would likely begin by investigating the evidence against Dark Pit himself. He would not simply accept the situation at face value, especially given Dark Pit’s firm insistence on his innocence.

2. Using Connections and Resources: As a respected figure in his own universe, Captain Falcon would utilize his connections—both in racing and bounty hunting circles—to gather more information and perhaps find experts who could re-evaluate the evidence or provide new insights into the case.

3. Direct Confrontation: Captain Falcon is not one to shy away from direct action. He might confront the parties involved, whether they are the accusers or those who hold key information, to challenge their statements or to pressure them into revealing more about the situation.

4. Advocacy and Support: Knowing the gravity of the punishment—wing amputation, which for Dark Pit would be devastating—Captain Falcon might publicly support Dark Pit if he becomes convinced of his innocence. This could involve rallying other characters who believe in Dark Pit's innocence and putting pressure on the authorities to reconsider the evidence.

5. Moral and Emotional Support: On a personal level, Captain Falcon might offer Dark Pit moral support, helping him to cope with the emotional toll of the situation. His own experiences in dealing with high stakes and intense scenarios would make him a valuable ally in helping Dark Pit maintain his resolve.

6. Plan for Worst-Case Scenario: Lastly, knowing the risks involved, Captain Falcon would likely also help Dark Pit prepare for all possible outcomes, including a plan to escape or appeal the decision if all else fails, assuming such actions align with his moral compass in this narrative context.

Captain Falcon's response would be rooted in his core traits of bravery, justice, and action. He would not rest until he had done everything within his power to reveal the truth and support Dark Pit through this challenging ordeal.
Ok! What would your PCs do to save Seph from losing himself after he finds the truth of his origins?
Captain Falcon's approach to helping Sephiroth cope with the devastating truth of his origins would focus on action and support, aiming to prevent Sephiroth from descending into madness and despair. Given his role as a hero and a strong, charismatic leader, Captain Falcon would take several steps to guide Sephiroth toward stability and self-acceptance:

1. Immediate Intervention: Recognizing the critical nature of Sephiroth’s mental state, Captain Falcon would likely intervene immediately to provide support and prevent Sephiroth from making any rash decisions. He would aim to be a stabilizing presence, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on during this tumultuous time.

2. Encouraging Dialogue: Captain Falcon would encourage Sephiroth to talk about his feelings and thoughts regarding the revelations about his origins. By promoting open dialogue, Falcon hopes to help Sephiroth process his emotions in a healthy way, rather than bottling them up or letting them fester.

3. Distraction and Engagement: To prevent Sephiroth from dwelling too much on negative thoughts, Captain Falcon might involve him in various activities, perhaps even inviting him to participate in races or other competitive events. The goal would be to provide a positive outlet for Sephiroth's energy and to distract him from his troubles.

4. Seeking Help from Allies: Understanding the complexity of Sephiroth’s situation, Captain Falcon would likely seek the assistance of other characters who might have a better understanding of Sephiroth’s specific needs. This could include figures like Cloud or other wise mentors who have dealt with heavy personal burdens. (It's a shot in the dark, but a shot is a shot lol)

5. Instilling a New Purpose: Captain Falcon would try to help Sephiroth find a new sense of purpose beyond the lies he was told about his origin. He would encourage Sephiroth to redefine his identity in a way that focuses on his strengths and the choice to use them for better purposes.

6. Monitoring Progress: Captain Falcon would keep a close eye on Sephiroth’s progress, ready to intervene if there are signs of backsliding or if Sephiroth begins to show tendencies towards destructive behavior. Falcon's persistent and caring approach would be geared towards long-term recovery and stability.

7. Building Self-Esteem: Finally, Captain Falcon would work on building Sephiroth’s self-esteem, helping him to see that his value as a person is not tied to the circumstances of his birth or the expectations placed upon him by others.

Through these steps, Captain Falcon would aim to prevent Sephiroth from losing himself to despair, instead guiding him towards a path of recovery and self-discovery. This would demonstrate Falcon's deep commitment to helping others, reflecting his role as a hero not just in physical battles but in personal struggles as well.
Captain Falcon's approach to helping Sephiroth cope with the devastating truth of his origins would focus on action and support, aiming to prevent Sephiroth from descending into madness and despair. Given his role as a hero and a strong, charismatic leader, Captain Falcon would take several steps to guide Sephiroth toward stability and self-acceptance:

1. Immediate Intervention: Recognizing the critical nature of Sephiroth’s mental state, Captain Falcon would likely intervene immediately to provide support and prevent Sephiroth from making any rash decisions. He would aim to be a stabilizing presence, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on during this tumultuous time.

2. Encouraging Dialogue: Captain Falcon would encourage Sephiroth to talk about his feelings and thoughts regarding the revelations about his origins. By promoting open dialogue, Falcon hopes to help Sephiroth process his emotions in a healthy way, rather than bottling them up or letting them fester.

3. Distraction and Engagement: To prevent Sephiroth from dwelling too much on negative thoughts, Captain Falcon might involve him in various activities, perhaps even inviting him to participate in races or other competitive events. The goal would be to provide a positive outlet for Sephiroth's energy and to distract him from his troubles.

4. Seeking Help from Allies: Understanding the complexity of Sephiroth’s situation, Captain Falcon would likely seek the assistance of other characters who might have a better understanding of Sephiroth’s specific needs. This could include figures like Cloud or other wise mentors who have dealt with heavy personal burdens. (It's a shot in the dark, but a shot is a shot lol)

5. Instilling a New Purpose: Captain Falcon would try to help Sephiroth find a new sense of purpose beyond the lies he was told about his origin. He would encourage Sephiroth to redefine his identity in a way that focuses on his strengths and the choice to use them for better purposes.

6. Monitoring Progress: Captain Falcon would keep a close eye on Sephiroth’s progress, ready to intervene if there are signs of backsliding or if Sephiroth begins to show tendencies towards destructive behavior. Falcon's persistent and caring approach would be geared towards long-term recovery and stability.

7. Building Self-Esteem: Finally, Captain Falcon would work on building Sephiroth’s self-esteem, helping him to see that his value as a person is not tied to the circumstances of his birth or the expectations placed upon him by others.

Through these steps, Captain Falcon would aim to prevent Sephiroth from losing himself to despair, instead guiding him towards a path of recovery and self-discovery. This would demonstrate Falcon's deep commitment to helping others, reflecting his role as a hero not just in physical battles but in personal struggles as well.
Such an amazing response. I’m not crying you are Falcon is exactly what Seph, Genesis, and Angeal needed before all the shit they gone through. I see Falcon being the one that can save them from the darkness.

Personally I feel Falcon and Angeal would got on fine before Angeal turned to a dark path. 😭
Now I’m just seeing Falcon looming ominously over Hojo then doing what should have been done making him pay for his unethical science experiments starting with Seph his own son. Would Hojo care or repent? Haha…
Very random, silly idea time with yours truly because I saw this meme. Now I have the thought of there being an area in the rp that is just a recreation of the level that meme is pulled from in Mario Sunshine. Just a group going up to a seemingly normal Pianta to ask for something and he just replies "I'm a chuckster" and yeets them all. After the second one I'm sure they'd be wary to speak to another one LOL
I wonder how Lyn and Ike react to Seph’s descent into madness because of Shinra
Ike and Lyn are very strange lords in the sense that both of them have quite little enthusiasm for the elite despite both of them being surrounded by and/or being "elites" themselves. They would probably feel bad for Sephiroth. However that would be no excuse for his maniacal ways in their eyes.

Though I can see them both respecting Sephiroth for being part of the Long Sword Club™ 😆
Ike and Lyn are very strange lords in the sense that both of them have quite little enthusiasm for the elite despite both of them being surrounded by and/or being "elites" themselves. They would probably feel bad for Sephiroth. However that would be no excuse for his maniacal ways.

Though I can see them both respecting Sephiroth for being part of the Long Sword Club™ 😆
They’re not wrong lol i feel bad though I don’t condone the things he did
So when are we going to see Shulk, Samus, and Isabelle build something amazing like a mecha or a big-ass gun?
Fhsjfjdjjxfjf that’s actually the rp’s secret ending where the three of them build a giant megazord-ass robot to go fight Lunaris themselves (Samus’s ship is of course the head)/j
How about a prompt?

Dark Pit has been accused of a very serious crime and imprisoned. He states he is innocent and absolutely refuses to budge on that, even if a confession to the crime would spare him from execution (via wing amputation). The evidence against him is very damning. What might be your PCs' response to this?
I'm of the opinion that Pit would be very adamant that Dark Pit is innocent. They may not always get along, and often times they have faced each other on the battlefield as enemies, but he refuses to believe Dark Pit would ever be capable of the crime he was accused of committing. Unfortunately, detective work and debating are not things he is skilled in, so he isn't able to convince others of his twin's innocence. Instead, I think Pit would plead for the court to punish him in Dark Pit's place.

I can see Toon Link immediately springing into action and seek proof of Dark Pit's guilt or innocence. The evidence against Dark Pit is hard to deny, but there must be something that was overlooked, something that can completely change the case! He works with the other Links to discover the truth behind the crime. With all of them working together, it likely doesn't take long for them to crack the case and discover the truth!

Pikachu may not understand the entire situation, but she is eager to help in anyway that she can! Her sense of smell can be useful at least! And those black feathers that were found at the crime scene do not have Dark Pit's scent on them...
lol Sephiroth so confused about his feelings forCia she’s not like any villain.. anyone teases him about her yeah he threatens to cut their tongue off
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Lol he just had his butt kicked by the SSB but he’s still happy!

He totally invited them to the wedding after said butt-kicking too!
She looks so gorgeous mind Seph’s wandering eyes he gets teased
Cia: "What are you looking at, big boy?"
Sephiroth: "...Erm...the...lace on your dress. The embroidery, it's uhm, very exquisite..."
Cia: "Suuuure you were..."
lol Sephiroth so confused about his feelings forCia she’s not like any villain.. anyone teases him about her yeah he threatens to cut their tongue off
👀 Dang talk about aggresively defensive
Will I have to draw Lunaris as the Ugly-Ass Groom now? XD
fehrfwkerfifnjseidnjsdbeirfn PLEASE DO
Cia: "What are you looking at, big boy?"
Sephiroth: "...Erm...the...lace on your dress. The embroidery, it's uhm, very exquisite..."
Cia: "Suuuure you were..."

👀 Dang talk about aggresively defensive

fehrfwkerfifnjseidnjsdbeirfn PLEASE DO
XD defensive would be his middle name Hjjkgd next to being well him cold and violent
Lol he just had his butt kicked by the SSB but he’s still happy!

He totally invited them to the wedding after said butt-kicking too!
Somehow Joker was the only SSB not invited. He got some beef with him probably has a whole list since Joker is the real protag here /j

Joker just steals an invite and shows up anyways

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