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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I really appreciate your work on the maps!

Good timing, though! I just updated the Subspace Emissary map on the first page with one that has the locations labelled. I finally got around to doing that.
Triforce of wisdom? More like triforce of crippling self doubt amirite 😎👉👉

Dhalfjd;gag;fog but hopefully it didn’t feel too out of no where. I figure she’d feel at least a lil guilty since she told the gals that the others would probably be able to hold their own and then Bada bing Dark Pit showed up with all his injuries and proved her very very wrong lmao.
It's fine, though.

Poor girl had doubts about how the group handled Odessa's appearance, then the Triforce Tingle, then whether or not Pittoo could be trusted, and now she has doubts about the scattered fighters' abilities to hold their own. Then there's the horrifying possibility that her group may have to kill Dark Pit, just after Zelda referred to him as her friend! It's good stuff though! It means character development!

She somehow learns the story behind Dark Pit's bumps and can't stop herself from laughing while Pittoo is red-faced and fuming. Just being like, "Hehehehe! Oh, you poor thing! XD"
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just finished and posted the start of Ganondorf's journey unfortunately due to my nature of myself being new to the site it has This message is awaiting moderator approval and is invisible to normal visitors. hanging over it and holding it back so it may take a bit to show up, apologies in advance for any delays it may cause
just finished and posted the start of Ganondorf's journey unfortunately due to my nature of myself being new to the site it has This message is awaiting moderator approval and is invisible to normal visitors. hanging over it and holding it back so it may take a bit to show up, apologies in advance for any delays it may cause
No need to apologize! Rpnation has this thing where posts made by new users may have to be manually approved by the moderators in order to prevent potential spam. Luckily, after making 10 messages you won’t have to go through the process of waiting again. So far you’re at 5 messages already so you’re already halfway there!
No need to apologize! Rpnation has this thing where posts made by new users may have to be manually approved by the moderators in order to prevent potential spam. Luckily, after making 10 messages you won’t have to go through the process of waiting again. So far you’re at 5 messages already so you’re already halfway there!
Thank you while I had dug that up myself it's nice to know it is a legitimate goal to work towards.
Okay okay I kinda fixed my sleep and I can actually not feel like I'm eternally exhausted which means time to work on Sora!

Also random little thought since I've had it for a bit and been developing ideas I might use to make it happen, but I had the idea of Joker trying to contact others (via radio signals how is what I've been plotting on and likely involves yeeting Morgana back home to tell Futaba to make him something for his phone, so like people like Samus or Snake would only really be able to pick up on it). Figured I throw it out there since Zelda's telepathy has been tossed out as a means of doing something similar. Me sharing my scheming? Unheard of
I don't see why it can't happen! Maybe there are things in the Stadium that can be of help too? I don't mind y'all getting creative!
Well if I do something with it for Joker, it'd be completely external. I kinda was thinking he just sends Morgana home with the task of asking Futaba to make something to send directly to his phone (since she's made crazy shit before like a whole program that hacked all broadcasting waves in Japan just so the Phantom Thieves could announce their target to the entire country) and go from there. It's still just a very basic idea, but heyo it's there
Sora post is up as promised! Wooo! He is now 2 for 2 on crash landings. Truly incredible!

Also I hope it's alright I had him speedrun their time on the Citadel so Lunaris and Sora/Pichu could go down the paths we have planned already
Stoked for the Sephiroth and Lunaris duel it would be a perfect time to add his theme song to my post. 😈
Sora post is up as promised! Wooo! He is now 2 for 2 on crash landings. Truly incredible!

Also I hope it's alright I had him speedrun their time on the Citadel so Lunaris and Sora/Pichu could go down the paths we have planned already
Love the post though
Sora post is up as promised! Wooo! He is now 2 for 2 on crash landings. Truly incredible!

Also I hope it's alright I had him speedrun their time on the Citadel so Lunaris and Sora/Pichu could go down the paths we have planned already
Honestly it is still quite fantastic despite it's oververtly fast pace.

Excellent work
Pichu & Pikachu:

Somewhere out there,
if love can see us through,
then we'll be together,
somewhere out there,
out where dreams come true!

Why does Hyrule have such an Evil Wizard problem? Now we know! I was debating whether to have the lore revealed to the Super Bash Sisters or Sora, so I had a wait a bit to make the decision.
Pichu & Pikachu:

Somewhere out there,
if love can see us through,
then we'll be together,
somewhere out there,
out where dreams come true!

Why does Hyrule have such an Evil Wizard problem? Now we know! I was debating whether to have the lore revealed to the Super Bash Sisters or Sora, so I had a wait a bit to make the decision.
American tail an oldie but a good one.
Why does Hyrule have such an Evil Wizard problem? Now we know! I was debating whether to have the lore revealed to the Super Bash Sisters or Sora, so I had a wait a bit to make the decision.
It is probably better off with the girls than Sora lol. Sora would have forgotten it in like 2 minutes and we all know this
It is probably better off with the girls than Sora lol. Sora would have forgotten it in like 2 minutes and we all know this
Lol probably! He seems like the type to not remember information like that until the very moment that said information becomes relevant.

Had things gone differently, Shiri would have told Sora the story. I figured the Night Dragon's loss of his "heart" would have had some meaning to him, even if he couldn't make use of that knowledge right away.
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It would have been fun to have Sora and Pichu stay on the Citadel for longer but I figured it’d be best if they didn’t so there wasn’t a weird disconnect between them and Lunaris given where they are planned to end up. Would have felt weird to me if Lunaris continued forward and encountered Sephiroth but Sora and Pichu didn’t even though they were all on the Citadel
Sora made the fairy cry!

Had Lunaris spotted Sora and Pichu, he likely would have called for his aid in dealing with the meteor. He's a villain, but not a stupid villain. There's always Roxas, though! And Roxas has the benefit of not being a Smash Brother!
Noooooo!!! Sora would feel so bad making her cry good thing he will never know

Time for Roxas to unknowingly be recruited by Lunaris. Goes from working for the Organization to working for an "Evil" wizard
I’ll post when I get back from my vacation fwehee then let’s get ready to rumble. 😈
Noooooo!!! Sora would feel so bad making her cry good thing he will never know

Time for Roxas to unknowingly be recruited by Lunaris. Goes from working for the Organization to working for an "Evil" wizard
He’ll be a one winged angel buster.
Noooooo!!! Sora would feel so bad making her cry good thing he will never know

Time for Roxas to unknowingly be recruited by Lunaris. Goes from working for the Organization to working for an "Evil" wizard
Roxas: You're a Nobody... like me.

Lunaris: ... Wat.

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